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Technical Committee on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge-Based Processing (AI) [schedule] [select]
Chair Akihiko Ohsuga (Univ. of Electro-Comm.)
Vice Chair Satoshi Kurihara (Osaka Univ.), Shigeo Matsubara (Kyoto Univ.)
Secretary Takahiro Kawamura (Toshiba), Koichi Moriyama (Osaka Univ.)
Assistant Yasuyuki Tahara (Univ. of Electro-Comm.)

Conference Date Thu, May 26, 2011 10:30 - 17:15
Conference Place Tokyo Marunouchi Campus, Kwansei Gakuin University 
Address Sapia Tower 10F, 7-12 Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Transportation Guide
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Thu, May 26 AM 
10:30 - 12:00
(1) 10:30-11:00 Several Remarks on the Acquisition of Web-Information
-- Co-existence of Bit and Linguistic Information, and Corporal Intelligence --
Kimiaki Tokumaru (System Engineer)
(2) 11:00-11:30 Design and Implementation of a Programing Language to support Web Browser Extension for Web Exploring and Mashup AI2011-2 Kunitate Katagiri, Mitsugu Suzuki (Shimane Univ.)
(3) 11:30-12:00 Subcategory of Information in Web Search Queries AI2011-3 Hidekazu Nakawatase, Keizo Oyama (NII)
  12:00-13:00 Lunch ( 60 min. )
Thu, May 26 PM 
13:00 - 15:00
(4) 13:00-14:30 [Invited Talk]
Introduction to Financial Text Mining AI2011-4
Kiyoshi Izumi (Univ. of Tokyo), Tohgoroh Matsui (Chubu Univ.)
(5) 14:30-15:00 A Preliminary Study on Metadata Estimation Using Similar Images for Clustering Image Search Results AI2011-5 Masaharu Hirota, Naoki Fukuta, Shohei Yokoyama, Hiroshi Ishikawa (Shizuoka Univ.)
  15:00-15:15 Break ( 15 min. )
Thu, May 26 PM 
15:15 - 17:15
(6) 15:15-16:15 [Invited Talk]
Gathering and Utilizing Global Human Activity Information AI2011-6
Sozo Inoue (Kyushu Inst. Tech)
(7) 16:15-16:45 Information recommendation based on a user's context estimated by sensors on a mobile device AI2011-7 Kenta Cho, Yuzo Okamoto (Toshiba)
(8) 16:45-17:15 A Proposal for Building Semantic Network by Mining Human Activity from Web AI2011-8 Nguyen The Minh, Masahiro Itou, Takahiro Kawamura, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga (UEC, Tokyo)

Contact Address and Latest Schedule Information
AI Technical Committee on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge-Based Processing (AI)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address Akihiko Ohsuga (The University of Electro-Communications)

Last modified: 2011-05-12 19:07:27

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