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知的環境とセンサネットワーク研究会(ASN) [schedule] [select]
専門委員長 東條 弘 (NTT)
副委員長 関屋 大雄 (千葉大), 岡田 啓 (名大), 吉原 貴仁 (KDDI研)
幹事 塩川 茂樹 (神奈川工科大), 清水 芳孝 (NTT)
幹事補佐 五十嵐 悠一 (日立), 内藤 克浩 (愛知工大), 服部 聖彦 (NICT), 藤田 裕志 (富士通研), 米澤 拓郎 (慶大)

日時 2015年12月 4日(金) 09:20 - 18:10
2015年12月 5日(土) 09:00 - 17:15
議題 Singapore-Japan Joint Workshop on Ambient Intelligence and Sensor Networks 
会場名 Seminar room 2.3, Level 2, School of Information Systems, Singapore Management University (SMU) 
住所 80 Stamford Road Singapore 178902
交通案内 Seminar room 2.3 is in the same building as LiveLabs on the other side of the floor (right opposite the LiveLabs entrance actually). LiveLabs is located at Level 2, School of Information Systems, SMU.

12月4日(金) 午前  エクスカーション
09:20 - 11:30
  - 申し込み者のみ

集合時間: 9:20
集合場所: Fusionpolis建物内のMac's Cafe&Bar
(1) 09:30-11:30 I2R見学
  11:30-13:30 移動・昼食 ( 120分 )
12月4日(金) 午後  セッション1
座長: Yoshitaka Shimizu (NTT)
13:30 - 14:20
(2) 13:30-13:40 オープニング, 岡田 啓(名大)
(3) 13:40-14:00 Construction of a Wireless Ad-Hoc Network using an Autonomous Mobile Robot Susumu MatsuiYuki YamazoeOIT
(4) 14:00-14:20 Memory-efficient Routing Protocol in 920MHz wireless networks and its application Daisuke TakitaRyo OtsukaAkira OtsukaYasushi SogabeMitsubishi Electric
  14:20-14:35 休憩 ( 15分 )
12月4日(金) 午後  セッション2
座長: Shigemi Ishida (Kyushu Univ.)
14:35 - 15:55
(5) 14:35-14:55 The Power Flow Coloring: Giving a Unique ID to a Power Flow from a Specific Power Source to a Specific Power Load Saher JavaidYuhei KuroseTakekazu KatoTakashi MatsuyamaKyoto University
(6) 14:55-15:15 A cooperative distributed protocol for coordinated energy management in prosumer communities Rodrigo VerschaeTakekazu KatoHiroaki KawashimaTakashi MatsuyamaKyoto University
(7) 15:15-15:35 Efficient Similarity Search exploiting Distributed Computing Ryuya MitsuhashiHideyuki KawashimaOsamu TatebeUniv. Tsukuba
(8) 15:35-15:55 Toward the Redesign of Resilient Distributed Data Harunobu DaikokuHideyuki KawashimaOsamu TatebeUniv. of Tsukuba
  15:55-16:10 休憩 ( 15分 )
12月4日(金) 午後  招待セッション1
座長: Shigeki Shiokawa (Kanagawa Inst. of Tech.)
16:10 - 18:10
(9) 16:10-16:40 [招待講演]IDA Labs #buildSG Charlene WongIDA
(10) 16:40-17:10 [招待講演]Data Analytics for Singapore Taxi Service LU YuI2R
(11) 17:10-17:40 [招待講演]Toward Better Living using Autonomous Vehicles Marcelo H. Ang Jr.NUS
(12) 17:40-18:10 [招待講演]Pushing the Limits of Indoor Localization in Today's Wi-Fi Networks Jie XiongSMU
  18:15-19:45 レセプション with ポスター・技術展示 ( 90分 )
12月5日(土) 午前  セッション3
座長: Kiyohiko Hattori (NICT)
09:00 - 10:20
(13) 09:00-09:20 ダイナミックタイムワーピングを用いたRSSI系列比較に基づく物体クラスタリング手法 野尻龍馬川喜田佑介市川晴久電通大
(14) 09:20-09:40 Proposal of instant sensor localization system using WiFi APs Kousaku IzumiShigemi IshidaKyushu Univ.)・Shigeaki TagashiraKansai Univ.)・Akira FukudaKyushu Univ.
(15) 09:40-10:00 Proposal of coarse localization method for anchor-free sensor localization using WiFi APs Naoyuki HashimotoKousaku IzumiShigemi IshidaKyushu Univ.)・Shigeaki TagashiraKansai Univ.)・Akira FukudaKyushu Univ.
(16) 10:00-10:20 マルチサブキャリア通信におけるサブキャリアの高調波を用いた周波数ダイバーシチの検討 井上健次川喜田佑介電通大)・三次 仁慶大)・市川晴久電通大
  10:20-10:35 休憩 ( 15分 )
12月5日(土) 午前  セッション4
座長: Kazuya Monden (Hitachi Asia)
10:35 - 11:55
(17) 10:35-10:55 A Small-sized Coupler for High-efficiency Power Receiving via Sheet Medium Communication Toshinori KagawaTakashi MatsudaBing ZhangRyu MiuraNICT
(18) 10:55-11:15 Movable and Deployable ICT Resource Unit (MDRU) and Feasibility study in the Philippines Yoshitaka ShimizuYasuo SuzukiHiroshi TohjoNTT
(19) 11:15-11:35 EverCuate: Asyncronous Tsunami Evacuation Training Whoever, Wherever, Whenever Tadashi OkoshiKeio
(20) 11:35-11:55 Live Open Data Stream for Smart Cities Takuro YonezawaKeio Univ.
  11:55-13:20 昼食 ( 85分 )
12月5日(土) 午後  招待セッション2
座長: Takuro Yonezawa (Keio Univ.)
13:20 - 13:50
(21) 13:20-13:50 [招待講演]Science Communication in Singapore Masakazu TakasuteamLab
  13:50-14:05 休憩 ( 15分 )
12月5日(土) 午後  セッション5
座長: Yuusuke Kawakita (UEC)
14:05 - 15:40
(22) 14:05-14:30 [依頼講演]Automated Production Scheduling Software utilizing the Sensor Network in Sunlight-based Plant Factories Naoki KanataniKKE
(23) 14:30-14:55 [依頼講演]Speech and Acoustic Analytics for Public Safety Masahiro TaniNLS
(24) 14:55-15:20 [依頼講演]NTT DATA's R&D Activities in APAC Region Satoru UeharaNTT DATA
(25) 15:20-15:40 Hitachi Asia R&D activity for Social Innovation Business in ASEAN 門田和也日立アジア
  15:40-15:55 休憩 ( 15分 )
12月5日(土) 午後  セッション6
座長: Hideyuki Kawashima (Univ. Tsukuba)
15:55 - 17:15
(26) 15:55-16:15 IoT/M2M technology for remote monitoring of industrial products and their needs and requirements Yukihiro TakataniHitachi Systems
(27) 16:15-16:35 Proposal of simple and accurate vehicle counting system using road-side microphone array Kohei MimuraSong LiuShigemi IshidaKyushu Univ.)・Shigeaki TagashiraKansai Univ.)・Akira FukudaKyushu Univ.
(28) 16:35-16:55 Introduction of adaptive mesh network construction by using autonomous mobile robots Kiyohiko HattoriToshinori KagawaNICT
(29) 16:55-17:15 Multi layered security for industrial control systems. Tomo KakutaTadashi TsuzukiHitachi Systems
12月5日(土) 午前  技術展示
10:35 - 15:35
(30) 10:35-15:35 [技術展示]Just Put on! Sheet Medium Communication for Data and Power Transmissions Bing ZhangTakashi MatsudaToshinori KagawaRyu MiuraNICT
(31) 10:35-15:35 [技術展示]Movable and Deployable ICT Resource Unit (MDRU) technologies Yoshitaka ShimizuYasuo SuzukiHiroshi TohjoNTT

ASN 知的環境とセンサネットワーク研究会(ASN)   [今後の予定はこちら]
問合先 ASN研究会幹事:asn-c 

Last modified: 2015-11-30 10:00:56

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