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Technical Committee on Complex Communication Sciences (CCS)  (Searched in: 2016)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2016-11-04 to:2016-11-04'

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Search Results: Conference Papers
 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 1 - 16 of 16  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
CCS 2016-11-04
Kyoto Kyoto Sangyo Univ. (Musubiwaza Bldg.) A Hardware-Efficient Gene Network Model based on Asynchronous Bifurcation Processor
Takuya Yoshimoto, Hiroyuki Torikai (Kyoto Sangyo Univ.) CCS2016-29
 [more] CCS2016-29
CCS 2016-11-04
Kyoto Kyoto Sangyo Univ. (Musubiwaza Bldg.) Suppression of Pathological Synchronization in Cortical Networks
Isao Tokuda, Hisashi Kada (Ritsumeikan Univ.), Jun-nosuke Teramae (Osaka Univ.) CCS2016-30
In cortical networks, it has been known that neurons generate self-sustained low-frequency firings even in the absence o... [more] CCS2016-30
CCS 2016-11-04
Kyoto Kyoto Sangyo Univ. (Musubiwaza Bldg.) A Study on Dynamics of Energy Transfer with Power Packet -- Discrete Dynamics and Continuous Dynamics --
Shinya Nawata, Masateru Tanimoto, Masayuki Matsushima (Kyoto Univ.), Atsuto Maki (KTH), Takashi Hikihara (Kyoto Univ.) CCS2016-31
Power packet is a unit of electric power transferred by a pulse with an information tag. This report investigates the dy... [more] CCS2016-31
CCS 2016-11-04
Kyoto Kyoto Sangyo Univ. (Musubiwaza Bldg.) Unsupervised Learning with Spike-Timing Dependent Delay Learning Model
Takashi Matsubara (Kobe Univ.) CCS2016-32
Precious timing of neuronal spikes is considered to play an important role in signal transmission and processing in cent... [more] CCS2016-32
CCS 2016-11-04
Kyoto Kyoto Sangyo Univ. (Musubiwaza Bldg.) A Hopf Cochlea Model based on Asynchronous Bifurcation Processor
Kentaro Takeda, Hiroyuki Torikai (Kyoto Sangyo Univ.) CCS2016-33
 [more] CCS2016-33
CCS 2016-11-04
Kyoto Kyoto Sangyo Univ. (Musubiwaza Bldg.) Analysis of two-tone suppression in the active cochlea model
Masanori Ouchi, Hiroya Nakao (Titech) CCS2016-34
(To be available after the conference date) [more] CCS2016-34
CCS 2016-11-04
Kyoto Kyoto Sangyo Univ. (Musubiwaza Bldg.) A Study on Computational Cost Reduction Using Differential Evolution for Signal Demodulation Method Based on Pseudo-Captured Image in Image-Sensor-Based Visible Light Communication
Shintaro Arai (Okayama Univ. of Sci.), Haruna Matsushita (Kagawa Univ.), Yuki Ohira, Tomohiro Yendo (Nagaoka Univ. of Tech.) CCS2016-35
This paper focuses on an image-sensor-based visible light communication system using LED (transmitter) and an image sens... [more] CCS2016-35
CCS 2016-11-04
Kyoto Kyoto Sangyo Univ. (Musubiwaza Bldg.) Dependence of the clustering results of human mobility networks on personal attributes
Naoya Fujiwara (UTokyo) CCS2016-36
It is crucial to identify regional units, namely life spheres, in which residents transport actively using an informatio... [more] CCS2016-36
CCS 2016-11-04
Kyoto Kyoto Sangyo Univ. (Musubiwaza Bldg.) A Hardware Neuron Model based on Piece-Wise Constant Vector Field
Chiaki Matsuda, Hiroyuki Torikai (Kyoto Sangyo Univ.) CCS2016-37
 [more] CCS2016-37
CCS 2016-11-04
Kyoto Kyoto Sangyo Univ. (Musubiwaza Bldg.) A mathematical model of the phase response change associated with desynchronization in the cell population of plant circadian system
Kosaku Masuda, Ryuta Kitaoka, Kazuya Ukai, Hirokazu Fukuda (Osaka Pref. Univ.) CCS2016-38
Circadian clock is a non-linear oscillator system in nature. Circadian clock autonomously oscillates in constant conditi... [more] CCS2016-38
CCS 2016-11-04
Kyoto Kyoto Sangyo Univ. (Musubiwaza Bldg.) Partial phase order parameter for complex networks of noisy phase oscillators
Yasuhiro Tsubo (Ritsumeikan Univ.) CCS2016-43
 [more] CCS2016-43
CCS 2016-11-04
Kyoto Kyoto Sangyo Univ. (Musubiwaza Bldg.) Throughput and Delay Analyses for Tree-Topology Wireless Network
Nobuyoshi Komuro, Yin Wan (Chiba Univ.), Kosuke Sanada (Mie Univ.), Hiroo Sekiya (Chiba Univ.) CCS2016-40
 [more] CCS2016-40
CCS 2016-11-05
Kyoto Kyoto Sangyo Univ. (Musubiwaza Bldg.) Basic conditioning learning in a multi-compartment neuron model based on asynchronous bifurcation processor
Taiki Naka, Hiroyuki Torikai (Kyoto Sangyo Univ.) CCS2016-41
 [more] CCS2016-41
CCS 2016-11-05
Kyoto Kyoto Sangyo Univ. (Musubiwaza Bldg.) Optimal information transmission in Hodgkin-Huxley neurons under metabolic cost constraints
Ryota Kobayashi (NII), Lubomir Kostal (CAS) CCS2016-42
We consider a neuron as an information channel and investigate the effect of metabolic cost on the optimal information t... [more] CCS2016-42
CCS 2016-11-05
Kyoto Kyoto Sangyo Univ. (Musubiwaza Bldg.) Reduction of degrees of freedom in Torus states of fish schools
Masaaki Sakagami (Kyoto Univ.), Kei Terayama (Tokyo Univ.) CCS2016-39
 [more] CCS2016-39
CCS 2016-11-05
Kyoto Kyoto Sangyo Univ. (Musubiwaza Bldg.) Optimization of Device-to-Device Communication by Coherent Ising Machine
Kohei Hayashi (TUS), Hiroyuki Yasuda (UTokyo), Thong Huynh, Kaori Kuroda (TUS), Kazuyuki Aihara (UTokyo), Mikio Hasegawa (TUS) CCS2016-44
The Coherent Ising Machine is the Ising model using a network of lasers with binary oscillation conditions. By mapping t... [more] CCS2016-44
 Results 1 - 16 of 16  /   
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