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Technical Committee on Photonic Network (PN) [schedule] [select]
Chair Naoaki Yamanaka
Vice Chair Yoshiaki Nakano, Masayuki Murata, Satoru Okamoto
Secretary Hajime Nakamura, Naoya Wada
Assistant Saeko Ohshiba, Eiji Oki

Technical Committee on Electromagnetic Theory (EMT) [schedule] [select]
Chair Tsuneki Yamasaki
Vice Chair Toyohiko Ishihara
Secretary Masahiko Nishimoto, Akira Komiyama
Assistant Shinichiro Ohnuki

Technical Committee on Optoelectronics (OPE) [schedule] [select]
Chair Masayuki Nishimura
Vice Chair Fumio Koyama
Secretary Kouki Sato, Yasuyuki Inoue

Technical Committee on Lasers and Quantum Electronics (LQE) [schedule] [select]
Chair Toshiaki Suhara
Vice Chair Shinji Tsuji
Secretary Atsushi Sugitatsu, Kouji Nakahara
Assistant Tatsuo Hatta

Conference Date Mon, Jan 29, 2007 09:20 - 17:55
Tue, Jan 30, 2007 09:00 - 17:25
Topics Photonic integrated circuits and devices, swtiching, PLC, fiber devices, waveguide analysis, and others 
Conference Place Oaka Univ. Convention Center, Room#3(2nd Floor) 
Address 1-1, Yamadaoka Suita-shi, Osaka, 565-0891 Japan
Transportation Guide Osaka Monorail, Handai-byouin-mae station
All rights are reserved and no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Notwithstanding, instructors are permitted to photocopy isolated articles for noncommercial classroom use without fee. (License No.: 10GA0019/12GB0052/13GB0056/17GB0034/18GB0034)

Mon, Jan 29 AM 
09:20 - 14:40
  09:20-09:30 Opening Address ( 10 min. )
(1) 09:30-09:55 Generation of Polarization-Entangled Photon Pair using Waveguide TypeII Quasi-Phase Matched Nonlinear Optic Device PN2006-47 OPE2006-129 LQE2006-118 Hiroaki Okabe, Masatoshi Fujimura, Toshiaki Suhara (Osaka Univ.)
(2) 09:55-10:20 Chaotic dynamics in the optical feedback instabilities of 650nm band red light semiconductor lasers and its control for noise reduction PN2006-48 OPE2006-130 LQE2006-119 Katsuya Takegami, Naoki Tsutsumi, Wakao Sasaki (Doshisha Univ.)
(3) 10:20-10:45 Wideband wavelength-tunable actively mode-locked fiber ring laser using a bismuth-oxide-based erbium-doped fiber amplifier and a bismuth-oxide-based highly nonlinear fiber PN2006-49 OPE2006-131 LQE2006-120 Kensuke Ohta, Saori Yamada, Hiroshi Ikeda, Joji Maeda, Yutaka Fukuchi (Tokyo Univ. of Science)
(4) 10:45-11:10 Three-dimensional fabrication of photoresist using holographic two-photon microfabrication PN2006-50 OPE2006-132 LQE2006-121 Hidetomo Takahashi, Maki Nishitani, Yoshio Hayasaki (Tokushima Univ.)
(5) 11:10-11:35 Resonant modes in high-Q multistep heterostructure nanocavities PN2006-51 OPE2006-133 LQE2006-122 Yasushi Takahashi, Yoshinori Tanaka, Takashi Asano, Susumu Noda (Kyoto Univ.)
(6) 11:35-12:00 Characteristics of all-optical ultra-fast retiming switches using cascaded second-order nonlinear effect in periodically poled lithium niobate waveguides PN2006-52 OPE2006-134 LQE2006-123 Toru Kawashima, Manabu Umeyama, Takahiro Tanaka, Yutaka Fukuchi (Tokyo Univ. of Science)
  12:00-13:00 Lunch Break ( 60 min. )
(7) 13:00-13:25 [Invited Talk]
All-optical switching of 320 Gb/s packets by MMI-BLD optical label memory PN2006-53 OPE2006-135 LQE2006-124
Mitsuru Takenaka (Univ. Tokyo/OITDA), Koji Takeda, Yasuki Kanema (Univ. Tokyo), Maura Raburn (Infinera), Toshiharu Miyahara (Mitsubishi electric), Hisato Uetsuka (Hitachi cable), Yoshiaki Nakano (Univ. Tokyo/JST-SORST)
(8) 13:25-13:50 [Invited Talk]
1.3-μm GaInNAs-TQW-RWG Lasers PN2006-54 OPE2006-136 LQE2006-125
Kouji Nakahara, Koichiro Adachi, Junichi Kasai, Takeshi Kitatani, Masahiro Aoki (Hitachi Ltd., CRL)
(9) 13:50-14:15 Waveguide photodiode for 40Gbps optical comunication PN2006-55 OPE2006-137 LQE2006-126 Masaharu Nakaji, Eitaro Ishimura, Chikara Watatani, Toshitaka Aoyagi, Takahide Ishikawa (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.)
(10) 14:15-14:40 Slow light intensity modulator PN2006-56 OPE2006-138 LQE2006-127 Keisuke Kuroki, Go Hirano, Fumio Koyama (Tokyo Tech)
  14:40-14:50 Break ( 10 min. )
Mon, Jan 29 PM 
14:50 - 17:55
(11) 14:50-15:15 Low grazing scattering from periodic Neumann surface with finite extent PN2006-57 OPE2006-139 LQE2006-128 Junichi Nakayama, Kazuhiro Hattori, Yasuhiko Tamura (Kyoto Inst. of Tech.)
(12) 15:15-15:40 Excitation of surface plasmons on metal grating and its application for refractive index measurement PN2006-58 OPE2006-140 LQE2006-129 Taikei Suyama, Yoichi Okuno (Kumamoto Univ.), Toyonori Matsuda (Kumamoto National College of Tech.), Rui Hu, Sailing He (Zhejiang Univ.)
(13) 15:40-16:05 Numerical Study on Bi-soliton Generation in Stretched Pulse Fiber Ring Laser PN2006-59 OPE2006-141 LQE2006-130 Xuesong Mao, Akihiro Maruta (Osaka Univ.)
(14) 16:05-16:30 Performance analysis of all optical analog-to-digital converter using polarization rotation PN2006-60 OPE2006-142 LQE2006-131 Yoshitomo Shiramizu, Nobuo Goto (Toyohashi Univ. of Tech.)
  16:30-16:40 Break ( 10 min. )
(15) 16:40-17:05 Effective medium parameters for distributions of clusters of conducting helices PN2006-61 OPE2006-143 LQE2006-132 Masamitsu Asai (Kinki Univ.), Jiro Yamakita (Okayama Pref. Univ.)
(16) 17:05-17:30 Optimization design of planar-circuit bandpass filters with arbitrarily-shaped elements taking account of phase property PN2006-62 OPE2006-144 LQE2006-133 Akinori Kido, Hiroyuki Deguchi, Mikio Tsuji (Doshisha Univ.), Masataka Ohira (ATR)
(17) 17:30-17:55 Study on the radar detection of water stream in a coal mine PN2006-63 OPE2006-145 LQE2006-134 Zongqian Ren (Xian Univ. of Science and Technology), Yiwei He (Osaka Electro-Communication Univ.)
Tue, Jan 30 AM 
09:00 - 14:40
(18) 09:00-09:25 Design and evaluation of low-dispersion-slope optical fibers for the wavelength division multiplexing PN2006-64 OPE2006-146 LQE2006-135 Hiroto Nakagawa, Jun-ichi Sakai (Ritsumeikan Univ.)
(19) 09:25-09:50 Group-velocity dispersion in a Bragg fiber PN2006-65 OPE2006-147 LQE2006-136 Kazuki Kuramitsu, Jun-ichi Sakai (Ritsumeikan Univ.)
(20) 09:50-10:15 Fabrication and Evaluation of Band Selection Interleaver on Silicon Waveguide PN2006-66 OPE2006-148 LQE2006-137 Junya Matsui, Soichiro Honda, Zhigang Wu, Katsuyuki Utaka, Tomohiko Edura, Masahide Tokuda, Ken Tsutsui, Yasuo Wada (Waseda Univ.)
(21) 10:15-10:40 Optical waveguide design based on wavefront matching method PN2006-67 OPE2006-149 LQE2006-138 Yohei Sakamaki, Takashi Saida, Toshikazu Hashimoto, Hiroshi Takahashi (NTT)
(22) 10:40-11:05 Polarization filtering effect in photonic crystal slab with liquid crystal PN2006-68 OPE2006-150 LQE2006-139 Naoko Inoue, Toshihiko Baba (Yokohama National Univ.)
(23) 11:05-11:30 Analysis of Optical Signal Regenerating Directional Coupler Loaded with SOA and Long-Period Grating PN2006-69 OPE2006-151 LQE2006-140 Takanori Ochiai, Yasuhiro Kawakami, Katsuyuki Utaka (Waseda Univ.)
(24) 11:30-11:55 Development of Parallel Type Phase-Shift Encoder Module PN2006-70 OPE2006-152 LQE2006-141 Shuko Kobayashi, Kensuke Sasaki, Takashi Ushikubo (OKI)
  11:55-13:00 Lunch Break ( 65 min. )
(25) 13:00-13:25 Improvement of DPSK signal transmission performance by the use of a phase-preserving amplitude regenerator PN2006-71 OPE2006-153 LQE2006-142 Kenichi Sanuki, Masayuki Matsumoto, Tetsuji Kamio (Osaka Univ.)
(26) 13:25-13:50 Object localization in turbid media with interfering diffuse photon density waves PN2006-72 OPE2006-154 LQE2006-143 Miyo Hattori, Jun Taniguchi, Hiroshi Murata, Yasuyuki Okamura (Osaka Univ.)
(27) 13:50-14:15 Adaptive laser processing system with a three-dimensional focus correction for the biological information-media PN2006-73 OPE2006-155 LQE2006-144 Akihiro Takita, Yoshio Hayasaki (Univ. Tokushima)
(28) 14:15-14:40 Motion control of microspheres by radiation beam from tapered hemispherically lensed optical fibers PN2006-74 OPE2006-156 LQE2006-145 Shinsuke Hashimoto, Naoki Kagawa (Fukuyama Univ)
  14:40-14:50 Break ( 10 min. )
Tue, Jan 30 PM 
14:50 - 17:25
(29) 14:50-15:15 [Invited Talk]
40/10Gbps bit-rate transparent switching and contention resolving wavelength conversion in an optical burst router prototype PN2006-75 OPE2006-157 LQE2006-146
Abdullah Al Amin (Univ. Tokyo/OITDA), Katsuhiro Shimizu (Univ. Tokyo), Mitsuru Takenaka (Univ. Tokyo/OITDA), Takuo Tanemura (Univ. Tokyo), Ryo Inohara (KDDI R&D Labs), Kohsuke Nishimura, Yukio Horiuchi, Masashi Usami, Yutaka Takita (KDDI R&D Labs/OITDA), Yutaka Kai, Yasuhiko Aoki, Hiroshi Onaka (Fujitsu/OITDA), Yasunori Miyazaki, Toshiharu Miyahara, Tatsuo Hatta (Misubishi Electric/OITDA)
(30) 15:15-15:40 Efficient Composition and Decomposition of WDM-based Optical Packet Multiplexed Packets PN2006-76 OPE2006-158 LQE2006-147 Masataka Ohta (TIT)
(31) 15:40-16:05 A comparative study of switch architectures for small-buffered optical packet switched networks PN2006-77 OPE2006-159 LQE2006-148 Onur Alparslan, Shin'ichi Arakawa, Masayuki Murata (Osaka Univ.)
(32) 16:05-16:30 Improvement of Band-Loss in Low-Delay Burst Transmission Scheme Confirming Availability at Transit Nodes PN2006-78 OPE2006-160 LQE2006-149 Hironori Yoshidome, Nobuo Goto (Toyohashi Univ. of Tech.)
(33) 16:30-16:55 Performance evaluation of wavelength allocation method in WDM double ring PN2006-79 OPE2006-161 LQE2006-150 Norikazu Tagaki, Eiji Takaoka, Jun-ichi Sakai (Ritsumeikan Univ.)
(34) 16:55-17:20 Fabrication and Characterization of a MSM photo diode for SFQ circuit PN2006-80 OPE2006-162 LQE2006-151 Satoshi Shinada, Hirotaka Terai, Naoya Wada, Zhen Wang, Tetsuya Miyazaki (NICT)
  17:20-17:25 Closing Address ( 5 min. )

Contact Address and Latest Schedule Information
PN Technical Committee on Photonic Network (PN)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address Hajime Nakamura (KDDI Labs.)
TEL +81-49-278-7817,FAX +81-49-278-7813
Naoya Wada (NICT)
TEL +81-42-327-6371,FAX +81-42-327-7035
EMT Technical Committee on Electromagnetic Theory (EMT)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address Masahiko Nishimoto (Kumamoto University)
TEL: +81-96-342-3852, FAX: +81-96-342-3630
E--mail: siee-u 
OPE Technical Committee on Optoelectronics (OPE)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address Kouki Sato(Furukawa Electric, FITEL Photonics Lab.)
6, Yawata Kaigandori, Ichihara, Chiba, 290-8555 Japan
TEL +81-436-42-1721 FAX +81-436-42-9340

Yasuyuki Inoue(NTT Photonics Laboratories)
3-1,Morinosato Wakamiya,Atsugi,Kanagawa243-0198 Japan
TEL+81-46-240-4022 FAX+81-46-240-4529
LQE Technical Committee on Lasers and Quantum Electronics (LQE)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address Atsushi Sugitatsu (Mitsubishi Electric)
TEL +81-72-780-2653, FAX +81-72-780-3774
E--mail: SugiAMibiElectc
Kouji Nakahara (Hitachi)
TEL +81-42-323-1111, FAX +81-42-327-7786
E--mail: ugu 
Announcement Homepage of LQE is

Last modified: 2007-01-23 00:51:24

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