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Technical Committee on Signal Processing (SIP)  (Searched in: 2012)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2012-07-02 to:2012-07-02'

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Search Results: Conference Papers
 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 1 - 20 of 29  /  [Next]  
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
VLD, CAS, MSS, SIP 2012-07-02
Kyoto Kyoto Research Park A Robust Algebraic Phase Unwrapping Based on Spline Approximation
Daichi Kitahara, Isao Yamada (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) CAS2012-1 VLD2012-11 SIP2012-33 MSS2012-1
The phase unwrapping is a problem to find, at any specified point, the value of the continuous phase function
which co... [more]
CAS2012-1 VLD2012-11 SIP2012-33 MSS2012-1
VLD, CAS, MSS, SIP 2012-07-02
Kyoto Kyoto Research Park Sparsification of time windows for EEG signal classification during motor imagery
Hiroshi Higashi, Toshihisa Tanaka (TUAT) CAS2012-2 VLD2012-12 SIP2012-34 MSS2012-2
In an EEG based Brain computer interface (BCI), a time-windowed signal
having a fixed finite duration is classified
in... [more]
CAS2012-2 VLD2012-12 SIP2012-34 MSS2012-2
VLD, CAS, MSS, SIP 2012-07-02
Kyoto Kyoto Research Park Wavelet-based Content-Aware Image Coding with Rate-Dependent Seam Carving
Yuichi Tanaka (Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Tech.), Taichi Yoshida (Keio Univ.), Madoka Hasegawa, Shigeo Kato (Utsunomiya Univ.), Masaaki Ikehara (Keio Univ.) CAS2012-3 VLD2012-13 SIP2012-35 MSS2012-3
 [more] CAS2012-3 VLD2012-13 SIP2012-35 MSS2012-3
VLD, CAS, MSS, SIP 2012-07-02
Kyoto Kyoto Research Park A Study on Two-layer Coding for HDR Images with Multiple Tone-mapping Effects
Takao Jinno (Toyohashi Tech Univ.), Hiroya Watanabe, Masahiro Okuda (The Univ. of Kitakyushu) CAS2012-4 VLD2012-14 SIP2012-36 MSS2012-4
If conventional two-layer coding methods use the high contrast tone-mapped image as the first layer,
the coding e... [more]
CAS2012-4 VLD2012-14 SIP2012-36 MSS2012-4
VLD, CAS, MSS, SIP 2012-07-02
Kyoto Kyoto Research Park Image Colorization Based on The Mixed L0/L1 Norm Minimization
Kazunori Uruma (TUS), Katsumi Konishi (Kogakuin Univ.), Tomohiro Takahashi, Toshihiro Furukawa (TUS) CAS2012-5 VLD2012-15 SIP2012-37 MSS2012-5
 [more] CAS2012-5 VLD2012-15 SIP2012-37 MSS2012-5
VLD, CAS, MSS, SIP 2012-07-02
Kyoto Kyoto Research Park A method for tracking kernel principal subspace
Toshihisa Tanaka (TUAT) CAS2012-6 VLD2012-16 SIP2012-38 MSS2012-6
In the kernel principal component analysis (KPCA), since all the
nonlinear functions associated with observed samples a... [more]
CAS2012-6 VLD2012-16 SIP2012-38 MSS2012-6
VLD, CAS, MSS, SIP 2012-07-02
Kyoto Kyoto Research Park Verification of embedded software in Assembly code by SMT prover
Atsushi Takeshita, Junpei Kobashi, Satoshi Yamane (Kanazawa Univ.) CAS2012-7 VLD2012-17 SIP2012-39 MSS2012-7
We propose the technique of Bounded Model Checking(BMC) for embedded assembly program. We use SMT solver for BMC. We als... [more] CAS2012-7 VLD2012-17 SIP2012-39 MSS2012-7
VLD, CAS, MSS, SIP 2012-07-02
Kyoto Kyoto Research Park On a Wideband Fast Fourier Transform Using A Piecewise Linear Approximation -- Applied to a Radio Telescope Spectrometer --
Hiroki Nakahara, Hiroyuki Nakanishi (Kaoghima Univ.), Tsutomu Sasao (KIT) CAS2012-8 VLD2012-18 SIP2012-40 MSS2012-8
In radio telescope, the spectrometer analyzes the radio frequency~(RF)
received from celestial objects at the frequenc... [more]
CAS2012-8 VLD2012-18 SIP2012-40 MSS2012-8
VLD, CAS, MSS, SIP 2012-07-02
Kyoto Kyoto Research Park An asynchronous tree arbiter with ability of concealing metastable operation duration time
Masafumi Kondo (Kawasaki Univ. of Medical Welfare), Kuniaki Ohyama, Yusuke Koyoshi, Tomoyuki Yokogawa, Yoichiro Sato (Okayama Prefectural Univ) CAS2012-9 VLD2012-19 SIP2012-41 MSS2012-9
In recent years, an exclusive access to a shared bus and memory for multiple processor cores occurs in many computer sys... [more] CAS2012-9 VLD2012-19 SIP2012-41 MSS2012-9
VLD, CAS, MSS, SIP 2012-07-02
Kyoto Kyoto Research Park An Evaluation of Heuristic Fault Simulation Algorithms for Transient Faults in Sequential Circuits
Taiga Takata, Masayoshi Yoshimura, Yusuke Matsunaga (Kyushu Univ.) CAS2012-10 VLD2012-20 SIP2012-42 MSS2012-10
 [more] CAS2012-10 VLD2012-20 SIP2012-42 MSS2012-10
VLD, CAS, MSS, SIP 2012-07-02
Kyoto Kyoto Research Park A Quantitative Approach of Soft Error Rate Estimation by Monte-Carlo Simulation
Ken Yano, Takanori Hayashida, Toshinori Sato (Fukuokadai) CAS2012-11 VLD2012-21 SIP2012-43 MSS2012-11
In this paper a quantitative approach of SER(Soft Error Rate) of soft error rate estimation is proposed by Monte Carlo s... [more] CAS2012-11 VLD2012-21 SIP2012-43 MSS2012-11
VLD, CAS, MSS, SIP 2012-07-02
Kyoto Kyoto Research Park On efficiently computing of indirect implications
Yusuke Matsunaga (Kyushu Univ.) CAS2012-12 VLD2012-22 SIP2012-44 MSS2012-12
 [more] CAS2012-12 VLD2012-22 SIP2012-44 MSS2012-12
VLD, CAS, MSS, SIP 2012-07-02
Kyoto Kyoto Research Park [Invited Talk] Model-based Development: An enabler of the birth of SKYACTIV Technology
Yasuhiro Harada (Mazda) CAS2012-13 VLD2012-23 SIP2012-45 MSS2012-13
Model-based Development: An enabler of the birth of SKYACTIV Technology.
To develop SKYACTIV, which will be install... [more]
CAS2012-13 VLD2012-23 SIP2012-45 MSS2012-13
VLD, CAS, MSS, SIP 2012-07-03
Kyoto Kyoto Research Park An Evacuation Behavior Simulation Introduced by Mutual Concessions of Agents
Sanae Ogihara, Kentaro Tani, Yoshinobu Maeda (Niigata Univ.) CAS2012-14 VLD2012-24 SIP2012-46 MSS2012-14
It is difficult to behave the smooth evacuation, when the mobs, or the crowds, are panicked in occurring some disaster. ... [more] CAS2012-14 VLD2012-24 SIP2012-46 MSS2012-14
VLD, CAS, MSS, SIP 2012-07-03
Kyoto Kyoto Research Park Fast Simulation of Multiconductor Transmission Lines Using Nodal Block Relaxation (NBR) Method
Takahiro Takasaki, Tadatoshi Sekine, Hideki Asai (Shizuoka Univ.) CAS2012-15 VLD2012-25 SIP2012-47 MSS2012-15
This paper describes a nodal block relaxation (NBR) method in which the block relaxation method is applied to the nodal ... [more] CAS2012-15 VLD2012-25 SIP2012-47 MSS2012-15
VLD, CAS, MSS, SIP 2012-07-03
Kyoto Kyoto Research Park On Minimum Feedback Vertex Sets in Graphs
Asahi Takaoka, Satoshi Tayu, Shuichi Ueno (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) CAS2012-16 VLD2012-26 SIP2012-48 MSS2012-16
For the minimum feedback vertex set problem, we show a linear time algorithm for bipartite permutation graphs, the NP-ha... [more] CAS2012-16 VLD2012-26 SIP2012-48 MSS2012-16
VLD, CAS, MSS, SIP 2012-07-03
Kyoto Kyoto Research Park Lexicographic ranking and unranking of derangements in cycle notation
Kenji Mikawa (Niigata Univ.), Ken Tanaka (Kanagawa Univ.) CAS2012-17 VLD2012-27 SIP2012-49 MSS2012-17
 [more] CAS2012-17 VLD2012-27 SIP2012-49 MSS2012-17
VLD, CAS, MSS, SIP 2012-07-03
Kyoto Kyoto Research Park On effects of difference in available information on waiting time for battery charging for electric vehicles
Kazuyuki Miyakita, Keisuke Nakano (Niigata Univ.) CAS2012-18 VLD2012-28 SIP2012-50 MSS2012-18
Recently, Electric Vehicle (EV) is considered as an important technology; however, there are some problems for spreading... [more] CAS2012-18 VLD2012-28 SIP2012-50 MSS2012-18
VLD, CAS, MSS, SIP 2012-07-03
Kyoto Kyoto Research Park Redundancy of the center of mass trajectory of a gymnastic skill on the high bar
Taiga Yamasaki, Kiyoshi Gotoh, Xin Xin (Okayama Pref. Univ.) CAS2012-19 VLD2012-29 SIP2012-51 MSS2012-19
 [more] CAS2012-19 VLD2012-29 SIP2012-51 MSS2012-19
VLD, CAS, MSS, SIP 2012-07-03
Kyoto Kyoto Research Park Finding All Solutions of Piecewise-Linear Circuits Using SCIP
Kiyotaka Yamamura, Takayuki Ishii (Chuo Univ.) CAS2012-20 VLD2012-30 SIP2012-52 MSS2012-20
Finding all DC solutions of nonlinear circuits is an important problem in circuit simulation. Various algorithms have b... [more] CAS2012-20 VLD2012-30 SIP2012-52 MSS2012-20
 Results 1 - 20 of 29  /  [Next]  
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