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Technical Committee on VLSI Design Technologies (VLD)  (Searched in: 2011)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2012-03-06 to:2012-03-06'

[Go to Official VLD Homepage (Japanese)] 
Search Results: Conference Papers
 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 21 - 25 of 25 [Previous]  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
VLD 2012-03-07
Oita B-con Plaza Power Efficient Design of Arithmetic Circuits Based on Embedded Memory Blocks in FPGA
Xinmu Yu (Waseda Univ.), Kiyoharu Hamaguchi (Osaka Univ.), Shinji Kimura (Waseda Univ.) VLD2011-140
 [more] VLD2011-140
VLD 2012-03-07
Oita B-con Plaza Performance of the Evaluation of a Variable-Latency-Circuit on FPGA
Yuuta Ukon, Kenta Ando, Atsushi Takahashi (Osaka Univ) VLD2011-141
The performance of integrated circuits, which are the base of ICT nowaday,
is always requested to be improved.
In de f... [more]
VLD 2012-03-07
Oita B-con Plaza Power-Switch Drive-circuit generation for Ground-Bounce reduction using the Genetic-Programming
Makoto Miyauchi, Masaru Kudo, Yuya Ohta, Kimiyoshi Usami (Shibaura Institute of Tech.) VLD2011-142
Ground Bounce noise is a serious problem Power Gating technology. In this research, as compared with the Daisy Chain whi... [more] VLD2011-142
VLD 2012-03-07
Oita B-con Plaza A Design of Low-Power Color Interporation Circuits Based on Color Difference
Kouta Omobayashi, Tsuyoshi Iwagaki, Hideyuki Ichihara, Tomoo Inoue (Hiroshima City Univ.) VLD2011-143
Color interpolation, reproducing the original colors from restricted color information of a given image, is an im- porta... [more] VLD2011-143
VLD 2012-03-07
Oita B-con Plaza Leakage Energy Reduction of Sub-Threshold Circuits by Body Bias Control for Power Switch
Ryo Mitsuhashi, Masaru Kudo, Yuya Ohta, Kimiyoshi Usami (Shibaura Institute of Tech.) VLD2011-144
Power Gating (PG) is one of the technologies for reducing leakage energy. The effectiveness of leakage energy reduction ... [more] VLD2011-144
 Results 21 - 25 of 25 [Previous]  /   
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