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Technical Committee on Theoretical Foundations of Computing (COMP)  (Searched in: 2014)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2015-03-09 to:2015-03-09'

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Search Results: Conference Papers
 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 1 - 10 of 10  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
COMP 2015-03-09
Kyoto Ritsumeikan University On a Gathering Problem for Large size Fat Robots in a Grid
Yoshinobu Ito, Yoshiaki Katayama (NIT), Koichi Wada (Hosei) COMP2014-42
 [more] COMP2014-42
COMP 2015-03-09
Kyoto Ritsumeikan University A Note on Irreversible 2-Conversion Sets in Subcubic Graphs
Asahi Takaoka, Shuichi Ueno (Tokyo Tech) COMP2014-43
Irreversible $k$-conversion set is introduced in connection with the mathematical modeling of the spread of diseases or ... [more] COMP2014-43
COMP 2015-03-09
Kyoto Ritsumeikan University Node Overlap Removal with Basis Nodes
Noboru Abe, Hiroaki Oh, Kouhei Inoue (Osaka Electro-Communication Univ.) COMP2014-44
Graphs are used to represent various types of structures. When the nodes of a graph are drawn by non-zero sized graphica... [more] COMP2014-44
COMP 2015-03-09
Kyoto Ritsumeikan University ZDD Construction for Maximal Independent Set Enumeration on Hypergraph
Teruji Sugaya (OUJ), Takahisa Toda (UEC), Shin-ichi Minato (HU) COMP2014-45
In this paper, we present an efficient algorithm to enumerate maximal independent sets in hypergraph.
In the presented... [more]
COMP 2015-03-09
Kyoto Ritsumeikan University [Invited Talk] Algorithms in natural computing : a parallel Exhaustive search and an optimization technique using biological behaviors
Akihiro Fujiwara (Kyutech) COMP2014-46
Natural computing is a computation paradigm inspired by features and laws of nature. There are a number of research fiel... [more] COMP2014-46
COMP 2015-03-09
Kyoto Ritsumeikan University Maximum Supply Rate and Minimum Supply Increase Rate of Supply and Demand Networks
Hironori Yoshihara, Takao Nishizeki (KGU) COMP2014-47
Assume that a graph $G$ has $l$ sources, each assigned a non-negative integer
called a supply, that all the vertices ot... [more]
COMP 2015-03-09
Kyoto Ritsumeikan University Efficient Algorithms for Parametric Supply-Demand Tree Networks
Naoki Takahashi, Takao Nishizeki (Kwansei Gakuin Univ) COMP2014-48
 [more] COMP2014-48
COMP 2015-03-09
Kyoto Ritsumeikan University NP-hardness of Finding Minimum Test Set for Detecting Stuck-at and/or Bridging Faults in a Reversible Circuit
Hibiki Takakura, Toshinori Yamada (Saitama Univ.) COMP2014-49
Reversible circuits are quite attractive because of the possibility of nearly energy-free computation and application to... [more] COMP2014-49
COMP 2015-03-09
Kyoto Ritsumeikan University On a 2-approximation Self-stabilizing Algorithm for the Maximum Leaf Spanning Tree
Keisuke Okamoto, Yoshiaki Katayama (NIT) COMP2014-50
The maximum leaf spanning tree (MLST) is a spanning tree that has the largest possible number of leaves among all spanni... [more] COMP2014-50
COMP 2015-03-09
Kyoto Ritsumeikan University Tangle and ideal
Koichi Yamazaki (Gunma Univ.) COMP2014-51
In this article, we revisit "tangle" defined on a symmetric submodular function of a set $X$ from the viewpoint of idea... [more] COMP2014-51
 Results 1 - 10 of 10  /   
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