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Technical Committee on Neurocomputing (NC)  (Searched in: 2023)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2023-06-29 to:2023-06-29'

[Go to Official NC Homepage (Japanese)] 
Search Results: Conference Papers
 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 21 - 24 of 24 [Previous]  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
NC, IBISML, IPSJ-BIO, IPSJ-MPS [detail] 2023-07-01
Okinawa OIST Conference Center
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Input interactions in hippocampal dentate gyrus granule cell dendrites
Tadanobu Kamijo (Ryukyudai), Naoki Nakajima (Kyushujohodai), Takeshi Aihara (Tamagawa Univ.) NC2023-21 IBISML2023-21
 [more] NC2023-21 IBISML2023-21
NC, IBISML, IPSJ-BIO, IPSJ-MPS [detail] 2023-07-01
Okinawa OIST Conference Center
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Analysis of nonequilibrium neural spiking activity using a state-space kinetic Ising model
Ken Ishihara (Hokkaido Univ.), Hideaki Shimazaki (Kyoto Univ.) NC2023-22 IBISML2023-22
 [more] NC2023-22 IBISML2023-22
NC, IBISML, IPSJ-BIO, IPSJ-MPS [detail] 2023-07-01
Okinawa OIST Conference Center
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem Using Oscillator Interaction
Tomoaki Kinugasa (Tohoku Univ), Futo Ono, Kazuhiro Sakamoto (TMPU) NC2023-23 IBISML2023-23
In this study, a single Kuramoto oscillator is considered as a city, and the traveling salesman problem is tackled using... [more] NC2023-23 IBISML2023-23
NC, IBISML, IPSJ-BIO, IPSJ-MPS [detail] 2023-07-01
Okinawa OIST Conference Center
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
A Study on generating First-Person Video in moving daily space using variational auto encoders
Xu Chenfei (Osaka Univ.), Okadome Yuya (TUS), Ishiguro Hiroshi (Osaka Univ.), Nakamura Yutaka (RIKEN) NC2023-24 IBISML2023-24
Current researches on robot navigation mainly emphasize on responsive behaviors, but it usually presents insufficient inte... [more] NC2023-24 IBISML2023-24
 Results 21 - 24 of 24 [Previous]  /   
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