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Special Interest Group on Security Psychology and Trust (IPSJ-SPT)  (Searched in: 2013)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2013-07-18 to:2013-07-18'

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Search Results: Conference Papers
 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 21 - 40 of 40 [Previous]  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
EMM, ISEC, SITE, ICSS, IPSJ-CSEC, IPSJ-SPT [detail] 2013-07-18
Hokkaido   On a Data-Hiding Technique Based on Complete Complementary Codes
Ryusuke Mayuzumi (Univ. of Electro-Comm.), Tetsuya Kojima (Tokyo National College of Tech.) ISEC2013-31 SITE2013-26 ICSS2013-36 EMM2013-33
Information hiding schemes using direct sequence spread spectrum techniques have been developed. It has been considered ... [more] ISEC2013-31 SITE2013-26 ICSS2013-36 EMM2013-33
EMM, ISEC, SITE, ICSS, IPSJ-CSEC, IPSJ-SPT [detail] 2013-07-18
Hokkaido   Study on Speech Watermarking Based on Modifications to LSFs for Tampering Detection
Shengbei Wang, Masashi Unoki (JAIST) ISEC2013-32 SITE2013-27 ICSS2013-37 EMM2013-34
Digital watermarking for speech signals can effectively protect speech signals from malicious tampering. This paper prop... [more] ISEC2013-32 SITE2013-27 ICSS2013-37 EMM2013-34
EMM, ISEC, SITE, ICSS, IPSJ-CSEC, IPSJ-SPT [detail] 2013-07-18
Hokkaido   An Approach to Amplitude Scaling Partial Encryption for Compressed Audio
Twe Ta Oo, Takao Onoye (Osaka Univ.), Kilho Shin (Univ. of Hyogo) ISEC2013-33 SITE2013-28 ICSS2013-38 EMM2013-35
 [more] ISEC2013-33 SITE2013-28 ICSS2013-38 EMM2013-35
EMM, ISEC, SITE, ICSS, IPSJ-CSEC, IPSJ-SPT [detail] 2013-07-18
Hokkaido   [Invited Talk] Research on Information and Physical Security Technologies for Embedded Systems
Tsutomu Matsumoto (Yokohama National Univ.) ISEC2013-34 SITE2013-29 ICSS2013-39 EMM2013-36
I describe a personal view on the information and physical security technologies for embedded systems available in sever... [more] ISEC2013-34 SITE2013-29 ICSS2013-39 EMM2013-36
EMM, ISEC, SITE, ICSS, IPSJ-CSEC, IPSJ-SPT [detail] 2013-07-19
Hokkaido   A Note on a Construction of Gateway Threshold Password-based Authenticated Key Exchange
Yukou Kobayashi, Naoto Yanai, Takashi Nishide, Eiji Okamoto (Univ. of Tsukuba) ISEC2013-35 SITE2013-30 ICSS2013-40 EMM2013-37
Password-based authenticated key exchange (PAKE) allowing users to utilize passwords as secret information is suitable f... [more] ISEC2013-35 SITE2013-30 ICSS2013-40 EMM2013-37
EMM, ISEC, SITE, ICSS, IPSJ-CSEC, IPSJ-SPT [detail] 2013-07-19
Hokkaido   Cryptanalysis and Improvement of a Provably Secure RFID Ownership Transfer Protocol
Daisuke Moriyama (NICT) ISEC2013-36 SITE2013-31 ICSS2013-41 EMM2013-38
Radio Frequency IDenti cations (RFID) are useful low-cost devices for identi cation or authentication systems through wi... [more] ISEC2013-36 SITE2013-31 ICSS2013-41 EMM2013-38
EMM, ISEC, SITE, ICSS, IPSJ-CSEC, IPSJ-SPT [detail] 2013-07-19
Hokkaido   A Knapsack Cryptosystem Using Super-Decreasing Sequence
Shinsuke Hamasho, Yasuyuki Murakami (Osaka Electro-Comm. Univ.) ISEC2013-37 SITE2013-32 ICSS2013-42 EMM2013-39
Merkle-Hellman proposed a knapsack public-key cryptosystem(MH scheme). However, MH scheme was broken by Shamir’s attack ... [more] ISEC2013-37 SITE2013-32 ICSS2013-42 EMM2013-39
EMM, ISEC, SITE, ICSS, IPSJ-CSEC, IPSJ-SPT [detail] 2013-07-19
Hokkaido   An Attack Against ID-Based Non-Interactive Key Sharing Scheme Using RSA Problem
Yasuyuki Murakami, Shinsuke Hamasho (Osaka Electro-Comm. Univ.) ISEC2013-38 SITE2013-33 ICSS2013-43 EMM2013-40
 [more] ISEC2013-38 SITE2013-33 ICSS2013-43 EMM2013-40
EMM, ISEC, SITE, ICSS, IPSJ-CSEC, IPSJ-SPT [detail] 2013-07-19
Hokkaido   Cryptanalysis of Rainbow Signature -- Enrico, you should have hacked further --
Masahito Gotaishi, Shigeo Tsujii (Chuo Univ.) ISEC2013-39 SITE2013-34 ICSS2013-44 EMM2013-41
Thomae et al. have proposed cryptanalysis of Rainbow, a multivariate public key signature system.
The methodology of so... [more]
ISEC2013-39 SITE2013-34 ICSS2013-44 EMM2013-41
EMM, ISEC, SITE, ICSS, IPSJ-CSEC, IPSJ-SPT [detail] 2013-07-19
Hokkaido   Cryptosystems for Social Organizations Managed by Receiving Administrator -- TSK-MPKC for Hierarchical Organizations and ECC for Flat type Organizations --
Shigeo Tsujii, Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Kohtaro Tadaki, Masahito Gotaishi, Ryo Fujita (Chuo Univ.) ISEC2013-40 SITE2013-35 ICSS2013-45 EMM2013-42
 [more] ISEC2013-40 SITE2013-35 ICSS2013-45 EMM2013-42
EMM, ISEC, SITE, ICSS, IPSJ-CSEC, IPSJ-SPT [detail] 2013-07-19
Hokkaido   On Identification Methods for Visible-Light Paper Artifact-Metric Systems
Ryosuke Suzuki, Tsutomu Matsumoto (Yokohama National Univ.) ISEC2013-41 SITE2013-36 ICSS2013-46 EMM2013-43
A visible-light paper artifact-metric system authenticates a piece of paper using its individual pattern of entangled fi... [more] ISEC2013-41 SITE2013-36 ICSS2013-46 EMM2013-43
EMM, ISEC, SITE, ICSS, IPSJ-CSEC, IPSJ-SPT [detail] 2013-07-19
Hokkaido   A proposal of key binding technology using lattice masking
Yuka Sugimura, Masaya Yasuda, Shigefumi Yamada, Narishige Abe, Takashi Shinzaki (Fujitsu Lab.) ISEC2013-42 SITE2013-37 ICSS2013-47 EMM2013-44
Recently, the biometric template protection technology has been actively researched in biometrics.
In this technology, ... [more]
ISEC2013-42 SITE2013-37 ICSS2013-47 EMM2013-44
EMM, ISEC, SITE, ICSS, IPSJ-CSEC, IPSJ-SPT [detail] 2013-07-19
Hokkaido   TLS with Pre-shared Key Extended by Identity-based Encryption
Yumi Sakemi, Tetsuya Izu, Masahiko Takenaka (Fujitsu Labs.), Akira Kanaoka (Toho Univ.) ISEC2013-43 SITE2013-38 ICSS2013-48 EMM2013-45
TLS-PSK is a protocol to support mutual authentication based on pre-shared keys (PSKs). Since TLS-PSK does not need any ... [more] ISEC2013-43 SITE2013-38 ICSS2013-48 EMM2013-45
EMM, ISEC, SITE, ICSS, IPSJ-CSEC, IPSJ-SPT [detail] 2013-07-19
Hokkaido   Application of Efficient Forms of Elliptic Curves to Ate-like Pairings
Takanori Yasuda (ISIT), Tsuyoshi Takagi (Kyushu Univ.), Kouichi Sakurai (ISIT) ISEC2013-44 SITE2013-39 ICSS2013-49 EMM2013-46
 [more] ISEC2013-44 SITE2013-39 ICSS2013-49 EMM2013-46
EMM, ISEC, SITE, ICSS, IPSJ-CSEC, IPSJ-SPT [detail] 2013-07-19
Hokkaido   On Side-Channel Information Using Signal Toggles in AES Circuit
Arisa Matsubara, Yunfeng Kuai, Yang Li, Toshiki Nakasone, Kazuo Ohta, Kazuo Sakiyama (UEC) ISEC2013-45 SITE2013-40 ICSS2013-50 EMM2013-47
 [more] ISEC2013-45 SITE2013-40 ICSS2013-50 EMM2013-47
EMM, ISEC, SITE, ICSS, IPSJ-CSEC, IPSJ-SPT [detail] 2013-07-19
Hokkaido   Recovering RSA Secret Keys from Observed Analog Data (I)
Noboru Kunihiro, Atsushi Takayasu (Univ. of Tokyo) ISEC2013-46 SITE2013-41 ICSS2013-51 EMM2013-48
 [more] ISEC2013-46 SITE2013-41 ICSS2013-51 EMM2013-48
EMM, ISEC, SITE, ICSS, IPSJ-CSEC, IPSJ-SPT [detail] 2013-07-19
Hokkaido   Time Zone Analysis on IIJ Network Trac for Malicious Botnet Activities
Khamphao Sisaat (Tokai Univ.), Hiroaki Kikuchi (Meiiji Univ.), Surin Kittitornkun, Chaxiong Yukonhiatou (KMITL), Masato Terada (Hitachi), Hiroshi Ishii (Tokai Univ.) ISEC2013-47 SITE2013-42 ICSS2013-52 EMM2013-49
 [more] ISEC2013-47 SITE2013-42 ICSS2013-52 EMM2013-49
EMM, ISEC, SITE, ICSS, IPSJ-CSEC, IPSJ-SPT [detail] 2013-07-19
Hokkaido   Network Observation and Analysis Report on nicter -- Malware infection to embedded systems --
Junji Nakazato (NICT), Jumpei Shimamura (clwit), Masashi Eto, Daisuke Inoue, Koji Nakao (NICT) ISEC2013-48 SITE2013-43 ICSS2013-53 EMM2013-50
 [more] ISEC2013-48 SITE2013-43 ICSS2013-53 EMM2013-50
EMM, ISEC, SITE, ICSS, IPSJ-CSEC, IPSJ-SPT [detail] 2013-07-19
Hokkaido   Generalization of Noises in Differential Privacy
Akihiro Yamanaka, Ryo Kikuchi, Dai Ikarashi (NTT) ISEC2013-49 SITE2013-44 ICSS2013-54 EMM2013-51
In this note we verify a sufficient condition of noises for satisfying Differential Privacy and introduce some new noise... [more] ISEC2013-49 SITE2013-44 ICSS2013-54 EMM2013-51
EMM, ISEC, SITE, ICSS, IPSJ-CSEC, IPSJ-SPT [detail] 2013-07-19
Hokkaido   Attacks on Authenticated Encryption Based on E-MACs
Hayato Kobayashi, Hiraku Morita, Tetsu Iwata (Nagoya Univ.) ISEC2013-50 SITE2013-45 ICSS2013-55 EMM2013-52
 [more] ISEC2013-50 SITE2013-45 ICSS2013-55 EMM2013-52
 Results 21 - 40 of 40 [Previous]  /   
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