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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
LQE, PN, OPE, OFT, EMT 2006-01-31
Hyogo Kobe Univ. High-speed optical switching of InAlGaAs/InAlAs multi-mode interference photonic switch with partial index-modulation region(MIPS-P)
Tomohiro Ishikawa, Shingo Kumai, Atsuki Okazaki, Katsuyuki Utaka (Waseda Univ.), Hidetaka Amanai, Kaori Kurihara, Kenji Shimoyama (Mitsubishi Chemical Corp.)
Optical packet switching is expected in advanced photonic networks, and optical switches used in these systems are requi... [more] PN2005-63 OFT2005-50 OPE2005-111 LQE2005-126
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