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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
Tokyo The University of Tokyo [Poster Presentation] Experimental Performance Evaluation of Qubit Placement Techniques in Quantum Circuit Mapping
Toshinari Itoko, Takashi Imamichi (IBM)
Current quantum computers have some restrictions such as noise, size, and qubit connectivity. In this paper, we focus on... [more]
IBISML 2015-03-06
Kyoto Kyoto University Quality control in human-machine hybrid crowdsourcing
Toshihiro Watanabe (UTokyo), Toshinari Itoko, Shin Saito, Masatomo Kobayashi, Hironobu Takagi (IBM), Hisashi Kashima (Kyoto Univ.) IBISML2014-91
The power of crowdsourcing has dramatically shortened the required time to create accessible content for disabled people... [more] IBISML2014-91
WIT 2012-03-10
Ibaraki   Toward the Improvement of Digital Book Accessibility -- Making Text-only DAISY books efficiently --
Toshinari Itoko, Daisuke Sato, Sonoko Hatakeyama (IBM Japan) WIT2011-90
As digital books become more popular, providing accessible digital books to people with reading disabilities is imperati... [more] WIT2011-90
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