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 Results 1 - 10 of 10  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
HCS 2024-03-02
Shizuoka Tokoha University(Shizuoka-Kusanagi Campus) Why Do People Comment? -- A Focus on Individual Characteristics of Commenters on Yahoo! News and YouTube. --
Junichi Igawa (Tohoku Gakuin Univ.), Daisuke Nakanishi (Hiroshima Shudo Univ.) HCS2023-88
In this study, we conducted a web-based survey of 250 commenters and non-commenters on Yahoo! News and YouTube users, re... [more] HCS2023-88
R 2022-05-28
Online Online A Note on Ordering Policies Taking Account of Free Warranty Period
Naoto Kaio (Hiroshima Shudo Univ.) R2022-5
In this paper, we discuss the extended ordering model taking account of free warranty period. We adopt the expected cos... [more] R2022-5
HIP, HCS, HI-SIGCOASTER [detail] 2020-05-15
Online Online Is it the only central trait in impression formation? -- A replication study of "Forming impression of personality" (Asch, 1946) --
Daisuke Nakanishi, Haruna Midooka (Hiroshima Shudo Univ.) HCS2020-13 HIP2020-13
(To be available after the conference date) [more] HCS2020-13 HIP2020-13
R 2013-05-17
Hiroshima   [Fellow Memorial Lecture] A Note on Preventive Maintenance Policies for Cumulative Damage Models
Naoto Kaio (Hiroshima Shudo Univ.) R2013-15
In this paper, we discuss the preventive maintenance policies for the system that fails when the cumulated amount of dam... [more] R2013-15
R 2010-07-30
Yamagata   Deadlock Detection Scheduling for Distributed Processes in the Presence of System Failure
Akikazu Izumi, Tadashi Dohi (Hiroshima Univ.), Naoto Kaio (Shudo Univ) R2010-22
 [more] R2010-22
AI 2008-09-16
Kyoto Kyoto Univ. Clock Tower An experimental study of the good with network externalities -- a mechanism with refundable reservation tikets --
Tatsuhiro Shichijo (Osaka Prefecture Univ.), Kenju Akai (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science), Takao Kusakawa (Hiroshima Shudo University), Tatsuyoshi Saijo (Osaka Univ)
When the number of consumers possessing goods with network externalities is small, it is hard to sell these goods. Thus,... [more]
HIP 2006-12-07
- 2006-12-08
Miyagi   Temporal development of the three phenomenal characteristics of Kanizsa square
Takayuki Takiura (Hiroshima Shudo Univ.)
Brightness enhancement of Kanizsa square in the range of the viewing time shorter than 1000 ms was reported to be indepe... [more]
R 2006-05-26
Tokushima University of Tokushima Optimal Checkpoint Placement with Equality Constraints: Exact and Approximate Solutions
Tatsuya Ozaki, Tadashi Dohi (Hiroshima Univ.), Naoto Kaio (Hiroshima Shudo Univ.)
 [more] R2006-12
R 2005-07-15
Hokkaido Kushiroshi Syougai-gakusyu-center Exact Computation Algorithms for Sequential Checkpoint Placement
Tatsuya Ozaki, Tadashi Dohi (Hiroshima Univ.), Naoto Kaio (Hiroshima Shudo Univ.)
This paper concerns sequential checkpoint placement problems for two different models under the steady-state system avai... [more] R2005-28
R 2005-05-27
Hyogo Kobe Gakuin Univ. Transient Analysis of Software Availability Models with Rejuvenation
Hiroaki Suzuki, Tadashi Dohi (Hiroshima Univ.), Naoto Kaio (Hiroshima Shudo Univ.)
In this article, we perform a transient analysis of software availability models with rejuvenation. That is, we derive t... [more] R2005-10
 Results 1 - 10 of 10  /   
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