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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
ET, IPSJ-CLE 2023-06-17
Tokyo Tokyo Metropolitan University
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Learning System of Soccer Kicking According to Situation and Player's Physical Ability
Yuki Ohtsuka, Tomoko Kojiri (Kansai Univ.) ET2023-7
In soccer, players firstly learn basic movements such as kicking, then learn the way to change movements such as the dir... [more] ET2023-7
HIP 2013-03-13
Okinawa okinawa-sangyoushien center Haptic rendering by augmentation of virtual force on force response of a base object -- application to puncture by using a rubber sheet --
Yuichi Kurita, Hiroyuki Ohtsuka (Hiroshima Univ.), Kazuyuki Nagata (AIST), Toshio Tsuji (Hiroshima Univ.) HIP2012-74
In this paper, we describe the haptic rendering method of a penetration task with a needle.
We employed a new haptic re... [more]
NLP 2006-07-03
Ishikawa Kanazawa Univ. Exact Model Structure Simplification via Immersion to Polynomial Systems
Toshiyuki Ohtsuka (Osaka Univ.)
Although a state-space representation of a nonlinear system can consist of a various kind of functions, its model struct... [more] NLP2006-27
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