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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
Osaka Osaka Univ. Engr. Sci. Sigma Hall (Toyonaka) Computational Power and Correlation in Quantum Computational Tensor Network
Keisuke Fujii (Osaka Univ.), Tomoyuki Morimae (Univ. Paris-Est)
COMP, IPSJ-AL 2010-05-19
Ishikawa Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Binary Image Processing with Limited Storage
Tetsuo Asano (JAIST), Sergey Bereg (Univ. of Texas at Dallas, USA), Lilian Buzer (Univ. Paris-Est/LABINFO-IGM), David Kirkpatrick (Univ. of British Columbia) COMP2010-12
Removing noises in a given binary image is one of common
operations. A generalization of the operation is to erase
an... [more]
PRMU, IE 2008-03-10
Ishikawa   Plane-Sweep Algorithm: Various Tools for Computer Vision
Vincent Nozick (Keio Univ.), Francois de Sorbier (Univ. Paris-Est.), Hideo Saito (Keio Univ.) IE2007-275 PRMU2007-259
Recent research on computer vision has made significant progress in 3d reconstruction and free-viewpoint video however m... [more] IE2007-275 PRMU2007-259
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