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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
MSS, CAS, IPSJ-AL [detail] 2016-11-24
Hyogo Kobe Institute of Computing [Invited Talk] On Recording and Analyzing for Science Communication Focused on ``Interaction among Various People'' -- Conversations on Radiactivity in Iwaki-city --
Shin Aida (Toyohashi-Tech) CAS2016-66 MSS2016-46
By Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, Japanese people were exposed in “an unknown risk,” which meant the risk of radiat... [more] CAS2016-66 MSS2016-46
HCS 2016-08-19
Kyoto   An Observation by Video Refection on the Lecture and Demonstration of Introduction to Radiation for Elementary School Students -- For Fourth-Year Students in Iwaki-Municipal Onahama Second Elementary School --
Shin Aida (Toyohashi-Tech), Haruka Minowa (Jikei Univ.), Risa Kanno HCS2016-37
In Iwaki-Municipal Onahama Elementary School, lecturer Haruka Minowa lectured on a introduction to radiation for fourth-... [more] HCS2016-37
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