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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 20 of 24  /  [Next]  
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
MI 2023-03-06
Okinawa OKINAWA SEINENKAIKAN (Okinawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Prediction of missing tooth shape from dental 3D scan data for automated dental treatment planning
Ryota Nakatani (NAIST), Yuto Masaki (NAIST/PSP), Yoshito Otake (NAIST), Tomoko Ikawa, Yuko Shigeta, Takuya Kihara, Shuji Shigemoto, Takumi Ogawa (Tsurumi Univ.), Mazen Soufi, Yoshinobu Sato (NAIST) MI2022-83
Although dental CAD/CAM systems have contributed to dental treatment, it is difficult for current systems to design toot... [more] MI2022-83
KBSE 2022-03-09
Online Online (Zoom) (Online) On a test system for programming test for beginners
Yoshinori Tanabe (Tsurumi Univ.), Masami Hagiya (Univ. of Tokyo) KBSE2021-42
The authors have proposed an automatic scoring method in programming examinations for beginners using a programming lang... [more] KBSE2021-42
WIT, IPSJ-AAC 2022-03-08
Online Online (Online) A Survey of Current Services of Braille Libraries
Nanami Matsuda (Tsurumi Univ.), Akihiro Motoki (Tsurumi Univ./Tohoku Univ.) WIT2021-43
Braille libraries offer information to the people with visually impaired. But it was differences between current service... [more] WIT2021-43
MI 2022-01-27
Online Online (Online) Study of Automatic Diagnosis of Early Oral Cancers Based on Fluorescence Images by 5-ALA and Deep Learning -- Automatic Generation of Fluorescence Images Using GAN and Classification of Stages by CNN --
Taro Fujimoto (Waseda Univ.), Eiji Fukuzawa (Waseda Univ./Yazaki), Seiko Tatehara, Kazuhito Satomura (Tsurumi Univ.), Jun Ohya (Waseda Univ.) MI2021-76
A screening system for early-stage oral cancers should be established because detecting them is difficult even for speci... [more] MI2021-76
KBSE 2021-03-05
Online Online (Online) Model-Based Testing Environment Equipped with a Network Simulator
Kosuke Fukuda (Univ. of Tokyo), Yoshinori Tanabe (Tsurumi Univ.), Masami Hagiya (Univ. of Tokyo) KBSE2020-36
The application of IoT devices is expanding. Model-based testing is one of the testing methods which fit well for IoT de... [more] KBSE2020-36
KBSE 2021-03-06
Online Online (Online) Examining programming languages that enable automatic scoring
Yoshinori Tanabe (Tsurumi Univ.), Masami Hagiya (Univ. of Tokyo) KBSE2020-42
Automatic scoring is a desirable feature when conducting
programming examinations that many people take.
By preparing ... [more]
WIT, IPSJ-AAC 2020-03-15
Ibaraki Tsukuba University of Technology (Ibaraki)
(Cancelled but technical report was issued)
A Survey of Loan Services to Groups by Public Libraries for the People with Disabilities -- A Case in Kochi Prefecture --
Miki Inoue (Tsurumi Univ.), Akihiro Motoki (Tsurumi Univ./Tohoku Univ.) WIT2019-61
Recent enactment of the Act for Eliminating Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities and the Act for Improvement... [more] WIT2019-61
WIT, IPSJ-AAC 2020-03-15
Ibaraki Tsukuba University of Technology (Ibaraki)
(Cancelled but technical report was issued)
A Survey of Current Outreach Activities of Braille Libraries for the People with Visually Impaired
Nanami Matsuda (Tsurumi Univ.), Akihiro Motoki (Tsurumi Univ./Tohoku Univ.) WIT2019-62
Recent enactment of the Act for Eliminating Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities and the Act for Improvement... [more] WIT2019-62
ET 2020-03-07
Kagawa National Institute of Technology, Kagawa Collage (Kagawa)
(Cancelled but technical report was issued)
A Study on the Factors of Learning Motivation of Sighted Braille Learners
Yuko Hoshino (Tsurumi Univ.), Akihiro Motoki (Tsurumi Univ./Tohoku Univ.) ET2019-85
In order to clarify the factors contributing to the motivation of the sighted for braille learning, a survey was conduct... [more] ET2019-85
KBSE 2020-01-25
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) Speedup of Model-Based Testing for IoT Software Using Virtual Time and State Distribution of Devices
Kotaro Tanabe (Tokyo Univ.), Yoshinori Tanabe (Tsurumi Univ.), Masami Hagiya (Tokyo Univ.) KBSE2019-44
Modbat is a model-based test tool that performs modeling using an extended finite state automaton(EFSM). In this study, ... [more] KBSE2019-44
ET 2019-05-18
Toyama University of Toyama (Toyama) A Study of the Effect of Writing Braille Using Slate and Stylus for Sighted Braille Learners
Yuko Hoshino (Tsurumi Univ.), Akihiro Motoki (Tsurumi Univ./Tohoku Univ.) ET2019-6
In this study, we evaluated the learning effect of writing braille using slate and stylus for sighted braille learners. ... [more] ET2019-6
WIT, IPSJ-AAC 2019-03-08
Ibaraki Tsukuba University of Technology (Ibaraki) A survey for developing the network of multimedia DAISY producers toward users' needs.
Miki Inoue, Akihiro Motoki (Tsurumi Univ.) WIT2018-65
Public libraries have recently been required to promote services for users with print disability. They have failed to pr... [more] WIT2018-65
KBSE 2019-01-26
Tokyo NII (Tokyo) Towards IoT software testing with model-based testing tool Modbat
Kotaro Tanabe (Univ. Tokyo), Yoshinori Tanabe (Tsurumi Univ.), Masami Hagiya (Univ. Tokyo) KBSE2018-44
Modbat is a tool for model-based testing, and it uses extended finite state machines for modeling.
In previous research... [more]
KBSE 2019-01-26
Tokyo NII (Tokyo) Automatic book classification using neural networks
Haruki Sugiyama, Yoshinori Tanabe (Tsurumi Univ.) KBSE2018-53
There are many studies applying machine learning to classify books by the Nippon Decimal Classification (NDC), a system ... [more] KBSE2018-53
MI 2019-01-23
Okinawa (Okinawa) Musculoskeletal Segmentation of Metal Artifact-Reduced Maxillofacial CT Images
Yuka Moritani, Fatemeh Abdolali, Mitsuki Sakamoto, Yoshito Otake (NAIST), Yuko Shigeta, Tomoko Ikawa, Akira Mishima, Takumi Ogawa (Tsurumi Univ.), Yoshinobu Sato (NAIST) MI2018-93
 [more] MI2018-93
WIT 2018-08-09
Nagano (Nagano) A Survey about Rapidity of Information Sending/Receiving Methods for the People with Hearing Disabilities on the Public Transportation
Natsuki Iyohara, Akihiro Motoki (Tsurumi Univ.) WIT2018-12
 [more] WIT2018-12
WIT 2018-06-09
Kanagawa (Kanagawa) A Survey of Published Information on Barrier-Free Campus Maps of National Universities in Japan
Rin Masubuchi, Yui Segawa, Yuko Hoshino, Akihiro Motoki (Tsurumi Univ.) WIT2018-6
It was told that a barrier-free campus map should be supplied as one of the reasonable accommodation for the people with... [more] WIT2018-6
WIT, IPSJ-AAC 2018-03-09
Ibaraki Tsukuba University of Technology (Ibaraki) A Survey of the Published Information of the Library Materials for the People with Disabilities on the Web Pages of the Public Libraries.
Kousuke Araki, Akihiro Motoki (Tsurumi Univ.) WIT2017-72
"The guideline for eliminating disability discrimination on libraries" was furnished by Japan Library Association in 201... [more] WIT2017-72
WIT 2017-08-28
Akita Faculty of Engineering Science, Akita Univ. (Akita) An Experiment on the Displaying Method to assist the Intuitive Understanding about Braille Mirror-Image Relation based on Order Effect
Yuko Hoshino, Akihiro Motoki (Tsurumi Univ.) WIT2017-15
Hoshino and Motoki(2017) conducted the experiment for the determination of the displaying method to assist the intuitive... [more] WIT2017-15
WIT 2017-08-28
Akita Faculty of Engineering Science, Akita Univ. (Akita) Clarification of the Braille Learners' Mistakes by Error Analysis
Akihiro Motoki, Yuko Hoshino (Tsurumi Univ.) WIT2017-16
In this study, we conduct the error analysis of the tests for clarifying of the braille learners' mistakes. The learner... [more] WIT2017-16
 Results 1 - 20 of 24  /  [Next]  
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