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 Results 1 - 20 of 111  /  [Next]  
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
EMM, BioX, ISEC, SITE, ICSS, HWS, IPSJ-CSEC, IPSJ-SPT [detail] 2024-07-22
Hokkaido Sapporo Convention Center Study on Potential of Speech-pathological Features for Deepfake Speech Detection
Anuwat Chaiwongyen (JAIST), Suradej Duangpummet, Jessada Karnjana (NSTDA), Waree Kongprawechnon (SIIT), Masashi Unoki (JAIST) ISEC2024-33 SITE2024-30 BioX2024-43 HWS2024-33 ICSS2024-37 EMM2024-39
This paper proposes a method to detect deepfakes using speech-pathological features commonly used to assess unnaturalnes... [more] ISEC2024-33 SITE2024-30 BioX2024-43 HWS2024-33 ICSS2024-37 EMM2024-39
EA 2024-05-22
Online Online An anomalous sound detection for industrial machines using acoustical features related to timbral-based metrics
Yasuji Ota, Ryoya Ogura, Masashi Unoki (JAIST) EA2024-6
In this paper, we proposed a method for detecting anomaly sound of industrial equipment based on timbre-related features... [more] EA2024-6
EMM 2023-03-03
Nagasaki Fukue culture hall
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Study on Analysis of Amplitude and Frequency Perturbation in the Voice for Fake Audio Detection
Kai Li, Yao Wang, Minh Le Nguyen, Masato Akagi, Masashi Unoki (JAIST) EMM2022-88
Fake audio detection (FAD) aims to detect fake speech generated by advanced voice conversion and text-to-speech technolo... [more] EMM2022-88
SP, IPSJ-SLP, EA, SIP [detail] 2023-03-01
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Increasing speech intelligibility for evacuation guidance by mimicking professional announcers' voice -- Discussion on speech intelligibility and its physical correlates --
KimDung Tran, Masato Akagi, Masashi Unoki (JAIST) EA2022-119 SIP2022-163 SP2022-83
 [more] EA2022-119 SIP2022-163 SP2022-83
EMM 2023-01-26
Miyagi Tohoku Univ.
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Audio zero-watermarking method based on auditory spectral representation
Atsuki Ichikawa, Masashi Unoki (JAIST) EMM2022-65
Audio zero-watermark technique creates a detection key from watermark and binary pattern generated from features of the ... [more] EMM2022-65
EMM 2023-01-26
Miyagi Tohoku Univ.
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Improving Frame Synchronization in Blind Speech Watermarking Method based on Spread-Spectrum using Linear Prediction Residue
Takuto Isoyama (JAIST), Tetsuya Kojima (NIT, Tokyo College), Masashi Unoki (JAIST) EMM2022-66
We previously proposed a blindly-detectable direct-spread spectrum (DSS) method using linear prediction (LP) residue. Th... [more] EMM2022-66
EA, EMM, ASJ-H 2022-11-21
Online Online [Poster Presentation] Study on method for blindly estimating parameters of extended model of room impulse response
Lijun Wang, Masashi Unoki (JAIST) EA2022-43 EMM2022-43
Room impulse response (RIR) represents the characteristics of room acoustics. Blindly estimating RIR without measurement... [more] EA2022-43 EMM2022-43
EA, EMM, ASJ-H 2022-11-22
Online Online [Fellow Memorial Lecture] Security and Privacy Preservation for Speech Signal -- Approach from speech information hiding technology --
Masashi Unoki (JAIST) EA2022-60 EMM2022-60
Non-authentic but skillfully fabricated artificial replicas of authentic media in the real world are known as “media clo... [more] EA2022-60 EMM2022-60
SIP 2022-08-26
Okinawa Nobumoto Ohama Memorial Hall (Ishigaki Island)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Investigation of Spectro-Temporal Modulation analysis for predicting auditory saliency
Soichiro Tanaka, Ryotaro Horiguchi, Shunsuke Kidani, Masashi Unoki (JAIST) SIP2022-67
 [more] SIP2022-67
SIP 2022-08-26
Okinawa Nobumoto Ohama Memorial Hall (Ishigaki Island)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Study on Bone-conducted Speech Enhancement Using Vector-quantized Variational Autoencoder and Gammachirp Filterbank Cepstral Coefficients
Quoc-Huy Nguyen, Masashi Unoki (JAIST) SIP2022-71
Bone-conducted (BC) speech potentially avoids the undesired effects on recorded speech due to background noise or reverb... [more] SIP2022-71
EMM 2022-01-27
Online Online Auditory Representation of Speech Signals Using a Matching Pursuit Algorithm and Sparse Coding
Dung Kim Tran, Masashi Unoki (JAIST) EMM2021-87
Speech signals are the natural carrier of information such as linguistic, speaker individuality, and emotions, etc. Ther... [more] EMM2021-87
EMM 2022-01-27
Online Online Speech Watermarking Approach for Securing Speaker Anonymization using McAdams Coefficients
Candy Olivia Mawalim, Masashi Unoki (JAIST) EMM2021-88
Speaker anonymization aims to suppress speaker individuality to protect privacy in speech while preserving the other asp... [more] EMM2021-88
EMM, EA, ASJ-H 2021-11-15
Online Online [Poster Presentation] Investigation of the speech process related to awareness of clumsiness while speaking in normal speakers
Naohisa Furuta (JAIST), Tatsuya Kitamura (Konan Univ.), Ryoko Hayashi (Kobe Univ.), Yukiko Nota (NINJAL), Masashi Unoki (JAIST)
 [more] EA2021-28 EMM2021-55
EMM, EA, ASJ-H 2021-11-15
Online Online [Poster Presentation] Study on frame synchronization in spread-spectrum based speech information hiding method by using linear prediction residue
Takuto Isoyama, Masashi Unoki (JAIST) EA2021-40 EMM2021-67
Our previous study proposed a blindly-detectable direct-spread spectrum (DSS) method using linear prediction (LP) residu... [more] EA2021-40 EMM2021-67
EMM 2021-01-28
Online Online Audio Information Hiding in Sub-signals by deploying Singular Spectrum Analysis and Psychoacoustic Model
Kasorn Galajit (JAIST), Jessada Karnjana (NECTEC), Masashi Unoki (JAIST) EMM2020-61
 [more] EMM2020-61
EMM 2021-01-28
Online Online X-vector anonymization using regression modeling with statistical and singular value
Candy Olivia Mawalim, Kasorn Galajit (JAIST), Jessada Karnjana (NECTEC), Masashi Unoki (JAIST) EMM2020-62
 [more] EMM2020-62
EMM 2021-01-28
Online Online Study on spread-spectrum based speech information-hiding method by using linear prediction residual
Masashi Unoki, La Pyae Win (JAIST) EMM2020-63
 [more] EMM2020-63
EA, ASJ-H, EMM 2020-11-20
Online Online [Poster Presentation] Sound detection for laughter by using features based on auditory attributes
Soichiro Tanaka (JAIST), Shota Morita (Fukuyama Univ), Masashi Unoki (JAIST) EA2020-24 EMM2020-39
This paper proposes a laughter detection method based on auditory attributes to detect special laughter such as a fake l... [more] EA2020-24 EMM2020-39
SP, EA, SIP 2020-03-03
Okinawa Okinawa Industry Support Center
(Cancelled but technical report was issued)
[Poster Presentation] Study on method for calculating loudness of stationary sound using auditory filterbank
Takuto Isoyama, Shunsuke Kidani, Masashi Unoki (JAIST) EA2019-148 SIP2019-150 SP2019-97
A time-domain loudness model is necessary to calculate sound quality metrics such as roughness and fluctuation strength.... [more] EA2019-148 SIP2019-150 SP2019-97
EMM 2020-01-27
Miyagi Tohoku Univ. Cochlear delay based audio information hiding with segment selection optimization
Candy Olivia Mawalim, Masashi Unoki (JAIST) EMM2019-96
The non-blind cochlear delay (CD) based audio information hiding (AIH) has been proposed to deal with the inaudibility a... [more] EMM2019-96
 Results 1 - 20 of 111  /  [Next]  
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