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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
Okinawa OKINAWA ZANPAMISAKI ROYAL HOTEL A study on allocation methods of ACT-SBY VMs for HW failure
Naoto Hidaka, Toshiyuki Moriya (NTT) NS2016-182
In carrier network, NFV (Network Function Virtualization) is being studied. In NFV, various network functions realized w... [more] NS2016-182
Okinawa Okinawa Convention Center A study on service data transfer between ASs without service interruption
Naoto Hidaka, Minoru Sakuma, Yoshiharu Koshiro (NTT Corp.) NS2010-176
To make Next Generation Network (NGN) prevail, many value-added services are needed. Many of these services will be impl... [more] NS2010-176
IN 2007-06-22
Hokkaido Future University-Hakodate A modeling method for ISP-level Internet topologies based on network-cost optimization
Naoto Hidaka, Shin'ichi Arakawa, Masayuki Murata (Osaka Univ.) IN2007-21
Measurement studies on the Internet topology show that connectivities of nodes exhibit power-law attribute. Many modelin... [more] IN2007-21
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