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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 20 of 20  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
WBS, ISEC, IT, RCC 2025-03-05
Osaka Nakanoshima Center, Osaka University (Osaka) [Invited Talk] Security analysis for modern cryptography based on mathematical approach
Noboru Kunihiro (Univ. of Tsukuba)
EMM, BioX, ISEC, SITE, ICSS, HWS, IPSJ-CSEC, IPSJ-SPT [detail] 2024-07-22
Hokkaido Sapporo Convention Center (Hokkaido) Improving Ryan and Heninger's Attack on MEGA
Naoki Shimoe, Noboru Kunihiro (Univ. of Tsukuba) ISEC2024-11 SITE2024-8 BioX2024-21 HWS2024-11 ICSS2024-15 EMM2024-17
Backendal et al. (IEEE S&P 2023), Ryan and Heninger (PKC2023), and Albrecht et al. (Eurocrypt2023) showed that RSA priva... [more] ISEC2024-11 SITE2024-8 BioX2024-21 HWS2024-11 ICSS2024-15 EMM2024-17
Okinawa OIST (Okinawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Poster Presentation] Improvement of Quantum Read-only Memory and its Application to Resource Evaluation for Factoring Small Integers on NISQ Devices
Kiyonari Katsura, Noboru Kunihiro (Tsukuba Univ.)
The discovery of Shor's algorithm for integer factorization has revealed the potential vulnerability of current cryptogr... [more]
EMM, BioX, ISEC, SITE, ICSS, HWS, IPSJ-CSEC, IPSJ-SPT [detail] 2023-07-24
Hokkaido Hokkaido Jichiro Kaikan (Hokkaido) Implementation of Shor's algorithm for the discrete logarithm problem and experiments using the quantum computer simulator
Kaito Kishi, Junpei Yamaguchi, Tetsuya Izu (Fujitsu Research), Noboru Kunihiro (Univ. of Tsukuba) ISEC2023-32 SITE2023-26 BioX2023-35 HWS2023-32 ICSS2023-29 EMM2023-32
Classical polynomial-time algorithms for solving the discrete logarithm problem (DLP) over a prime field have not been f... [more] ISEC2023-32 SITE2023-26 BioX2023-35 HWS2023-32 ICSS2023-29 EMM2023-32
Kyoto Katsura Campus, Kyoto University (Kyoto) Efficient Fault-Tolerant Approximate Quantum Fourier Transform by Precomputed Quantum States
Kento Oonishi (MELCO), Noboru Kunihiro (UTsukuba)
This paper proposes efficient approximate quantum Fourier transformunder fault-tolerant setting. Quantum Fourier transfo... [more]
RCC, ISEC, IT, WBS 2023-03-14
Yamaguchi (Yamaguchi, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Full key recovery of RSA secret key from noisy binary GCD operation sequences
Kenta Tani, Noboru Kunihiro (Univ. of Tsukuba) IT2022-74 ISEC2022-53 WBS2022-71 RCC2022-71
In CHES2019, Aldaya et al. reported a vulnerability of the binary GCD algorithm used in RSA key generation in OpenSSL.Fu... [more] IT2022-74 ISEC2022-53 WBS2022-71 RCC2022-71
Kanagawa Keio Univ. (Kanagawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Success probability of quantum phase estimation algorithms using approximate quantum Fourier transforms
Kiyonari Katsura, Noboru Kunihiro (Tsukuba Univ.)
It is known that the RSA can be solved in realistic time by Shor's algorithm with the large-scale quantum computer. In o... [more]
Kanagawa Keio Univ. (Kanagawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Shor's Algorithm Using Efficient Approximate Quantum Fourier Transform
Kento Oonishi (MELCO), Noboru Kunihiro (UTsukuba)
Shor's algorithm solves the integer factoring and the discrete logarithm problems in polynomial time. Therefore, the eva... [more]
Tokyo Gakushuin University (Tokyo) Proposal of Efficient Quantum Modular Addition Circuit and its Implementation
Kento Oonishi (UTokyo/ Keio Univ.), Tomoki Tanaka (MUFG/ MUFG Bank/ Keio Univ.), Shumpei Uno (MHIR/ Keio Univ.), Naoki Yamamoto (Keio Univ.), Noboru Kunihiro (Tsukuba Univ.)
In this paper, we propose more efficient quantum addition and modular addition circuits and estimate the number of quant... [more]
ISEC, SITE, ICSS, EMM, HWS, BioX, IPSJ-CSEC, IPSJ-SPT [detail] 2019-07-23
Kochi Kochi University of Technology (Kochi) New Quantum Algorithms for Modular Inverse and Their Application on the Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem
Ryo Kurama (Univ. of Tokyo), Noboru Kunihiro (Tsukuba Univ.) ISEC2019-24 SITE2019-18 BioX2019-16 HWS2019-19 ICSS2019-22 EMM2019-27
 [more] ISEC2019-24 SITE2019-18 BioX2019-16 HWS2019-19 ICSS2019-22 EMM2019-27
ISEC 2019-05-17
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) [Invited Talk] Attacking Noisy Secret CRT-RSA Exponents in Binary Method (from ICISC 2018)
Kento Oonishi, Noboru Kunihiro (UTokyo) ISEC2019-2
In this presentation, we give a security evaluation on the RSA encryption scheme with the Chinese remainder theorem (CRT... [more] ISEC2019-2
IT, ISEC, WBS 2019-03-08
Tokyo University of Electro-Communications (Tokyo) Key Reocvery Atttack on Ring-LWE Scheme Using Side-Channel Information in Number Theoretic Transform
Kento Oonishi, Noboru Kunihiro (Tokyo Univ.) IT2018-112 ISEC2018-118 WBS2018-113
Recently, the researches of post-quantum cryptography are conducted because of the realization of quantum computers in t... [more] IT2018-112 ISEC2018-118 WBS2018-113
Tokyo The University of Tokyo (Tokyo) A Survey on Physical Experiments for Integer Factoring based on Shor's Algorithm
Noboru Kunihiro (UTokyo)
HWS, ISEC, SITE, ICSS, EMM, IPSJ-CSEC, IPSJ-SPT [detail] 2018-07-25
Hokkaido Sapporo Convention Center (Hokkaido) Extended Partial Key Exposure Attacks on RSA
Kaichi Suzuki, Atsushi Takayasu, Noboru Kunihiro (Univ. of Tokyo) ISEC2018-29 SITE2018-21 HWS2018-26 ICSS2018-32 EMM2018-28
Thus far, emph{partial key exposure attacks} on RSA, i.e., attackers are given the most significant bits (MSBs) emph{or}... [more] ISEC2018-29 SITE2018-21 HWS2018-26 ICSS2018-32 EMM2018-28
HWS, ISEC, SITE, ICSS, EMM, IPSJ-CSEC, IPSJ-SPT [detail] 2018-07-26
Hokkaido Sapporo Convention Center (Hokkaido) The Precise Security Analysis of Block Ciphers Enhanced by FX-Construction against a Quantum Algorithm
Syo Yasui, Noboru Kunihiro (UTokyo) ISEC2018-47 SITE2018-39 HWS2018-44 ICSS2018-50 EMM2018-46
 [more] ISEC2018-47 SITE2018-39 HWS2018-44 ICSS2018-50 EMM2018-46
LOIS, ISEC, SITE 2017-11-10
Kyoto   (Kyoto) Lattice Attacks on Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman key exchange
Sota Onozawa (The Univ. of Tokyo), Atsushi Takayasu (The Univ. of Tokyo/AIST), Noboru Kunihiro (The Univ. of Tokyo) ISEC2017-69 SITE2017-51 LOIS2017-46
Boneh and Venkatesan (Crypto’96) introduced the hidden number problem (HNP) to study the security of Diffie-Hellman key... [more] ISEC2017-69 SITE2017-51 LOIS2017-46
SITE, EMM, ISEC, ICSS, IPSJ-CSEC, IPSJ-SPT [detail] 2017-07-14
Tokyo (Tokyo) Recovering CRT-RSA Secret Keys Using the Information of the Operations Based on 2^m-ary Method.
Kento Oonishi, Noboru Kunihiro (Univ. of Tokyo) ISEC2017-22 SITE2017-14 ICSS2017-21 EMM2017-25
In side channel attacks, the secret keys are obtained from physical data in the implementation of the cryptosystem. For ... [more] ISEC2017-22 SITE2017-14 ICSS2017-21 EMM2017-25
ISEC, WBS, IT 2017-03-09
Tokyo TOKAI University (Tokyo) Security Analysis of Ordinary Isogeny Diffie--Hellman
Satoshi Furukawa, Atsushi Takayasu, Noboru Kunihiro (The Univ. of Tokyo) IT2016-104 ISEC2016-94 WBS2016-80
In this paper, we analyze the security of Ordinary Isogeny Diffie--Hellman (OIDH) key exchange proposed by Stolbunov (Ad... [more] IT2016-104 ISEC2016-94 WBS2016-80
COMP, ISEC 2016-12-22
Hiroshima Hiroshima University (Hiroshima) [Invited Talk] Adversary-dependent Lossy Trapdoor Function from Hardness of Factoring Semi-smooth RSA Subgroup
Takashi Yamakawa (UT), Shota Yamada, Goichiro Hanaoka (AIST), Noboru Kunihiro (UT) ISEC2016-83 COMP2016-44
 [more] ISEC2016-83 COMP2016-44
EMM, ISEC, SITE, ICSS, IPSJ-CSEC, IPSJ-SPT [detail] 2016-07-15
Yamaguchi (Yamaguchi) Worst Case Short Lattice Point Enumeration on Block Reduced Bases
Atsushi Takayasu, Noboru Kunihiro (Univ. Tokyo) ISEC2016-33 SITE2016-27 ICSS2016-33 EMM2016-41
(To be available after the conference date) [more] ISEC2016-33 SITE2016-27 ICSS2016-33 EMM2016-41
 Results 1 - 20 of 20  /   
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