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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
SDM, ICD, ITE-IST [detail] 2019-08-09
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ., Graduate School /Faculty of Information Science and [Invited Talk] A 28nm 600MHz Automotive Flash Microcontroller with Virtualization-Assisted Processor for Next-Generation Automotive Architecture supporting ISO26262 ASIL-D
Naoto Okumura, Sugako Otani, Norimasa Otsuki, Yasufumi Suzuki, Shohei Maeda, Tomonori Yanagita, Takao Koike, Masao Ito, Minoru Uemura, Yasuhisa Shimazaki, Toshihiro Hattori, Noriaki Sakamoto, Hiroyuki Kondo (Renesas Electronics Corp.) SDM2019-47 ICD2019-12
Along with the rapid progress of automotive Electrical/Electronic(E/E) architecture, further integration of multiple ele... [more] SDM2019-47 ICD2019-12
Hokkaido Hokkaido University, Clark Memorial Student Center A Wideband 4-port MIMO Antenna Using Leaf-Shaped Bowtie Radiating Elements
Shohei Maeda, Manabu Yamamoto, Toshio Nojima (Hokkaido Univ.) AP2014-124
 [more] AP2014-124
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