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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
IA, ICSS 2024-06-17
Okayama Okayama University (Okayama, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Domain block list using Xor Filter to achieve memory efficiency in P4
Kentaro Haruna, Daisuke Kotani, Yasuo Okabe (Kyoto Univ.) IA2024-5 ICSS2024-5
DNS blocklist is used to prevent access to malicious content by matching queries with domains known to be malicious. To ... [more] IA2024-5 ICSS2024-5
Hiroshima Satellite Campus Hiroshima (Hiroshima) A Cooperation Method for Countermeasure against DDoS Attacks in CDNs Interconnected by CDNI
Kazuki Takashima, Daisuke Kotani, Yasuo Okabe (Kyoto Univ.) IA2023-55
Currently, CDNs are one of major targets of DDoS attacks.
CDNs in CDNI, which aims to interconnect various CDNs for con... [more]
IA 2023-11-22
Aomori Aomori Prefecture Tourist Center ASPM (Aomori) (Aomori, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
A Study on Observation of Cascading Changes of Objects in the Kubernetes Control Plane Using Distributed Tracing
Tomoyuki Ehira, Daisuke Kotani, Yasuo Okabe (Kyoto Univ.) IA2023-39
Kubernetes, a container operations management system, has a mechanism for automatically recovering from failures by main... [more] IA2023-39
ICSS, IPSJ-SPT 2023-03-13
Okinawa Okinawaken Seinenkaikan (Okinawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Generating Attack Trace Dataset Focusing on Attack Techniques and the Damage Caused by Each.
Masahito Kumazaki, Daisuke Kotani, Yasuo Okabe (Kyoto Univ.) ICSS2022-56
 [more] ICSS2022-56
IA 2023-01-25
Osaka Osaka Umeda Campus, Kwansei Gakuin University (Osaka) (Osaka, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Fast Container Image Updating with Binary Delta Encoding
Naoki Matsumoto, Daisuke Kotani, Yasuo Okabe (Kyoto Univ.) IA2022-70
Container is an execution environment isolation technology for Linux. By distributing container images that consolidate ... [more] IA2022-70
IA 2022-11-21
Niigata Bandai Civic Hall (Niigata) (Niigata, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
The visibility of port scan traffic analysis in many small-scale darknets
Kodai Mizutani, Daisuke Kotani, Yasuo Okabe (Kyoto Univ.) IA2022-43
Darknets are one of information sources to grasp a trend of cyber-attcks. While the demand for IPv4 addresses is high, t... [more] IA2022-43
IA 2022-11-21
Niigata Bandai Civic Hall (Niigata) (Niigata, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Outsourcing Malware Dynamic Analysis without Disclosing File Contents
Keisuke Hamajima, Daisuke Kotani, Yasuo Okabe (Kyoto Univ.) IA2022-44
Malware dynamic analysis requires specialized skills. If there are no security experts in the organization and it is dif... [more] IA2022-44
SITE, IA, IPSJ-IOT [detail] 2021-03-02
Online Online (Online) User-Centric Capability Based Authorization and Access Control in Home Network
Naoki Matsumoto, Daisuke Kotani, Yasuo Okabe (Kyoto Univ.) SITE2020-52 IA2020-48
Multifunctional devices such as smart speakers are now connected to our home network. However, there is no way for users... [more] SITE2020-52 IA2020-48
SITE, IA, IPSJ-IOT [detail] 2021-03-02
Online Online (Online) Mutual Secrecy of Attributes and Authorization Policies in Identity Federation
Satsuki Nishioka, Yasuo Okabe (Kyoto Univ.) SITE2020-53 IA2020-49
In modern Web services, authentication federation that separates the Identity Provider (IdP), which centrally manages au... [more] SITE2020-53 IA2020-49
Online Online (Online) Network Control in a Cloud Platform Using Identities of Workloads and It's Application to Packet Filtering
Kentaro Ohnishi, Daisuke Kotani (Kyoto Univ.), Hirofumi Ichihara, Yohei Kanemaru (LINE), Yasuo Okabe (Kyoto Univ.) IA2020-30
Conventional network controls use IP addresses and port numbers (Locators) as identifiers of Workloads like processes an... [more] IA2020-30
IA 2017-11-15
Overseas KMITL, Bangkok, Thailand (Overseas) [No Manuscript] Design and Implementation of Routers for Packets with Information and Energy
Hiroki Nakano, Yasuo Okabe (Kyoto Univ.)
IA 2017-11-16
Overseas KMITL, Bangkok, Thailand (Overseas) Xilara: XSS audItor using htmL templAte restoRAtion
Keitaro Yamazaki, Daisuke Kotani, Yasuo Okabe (Kyoto Univ.) IA2017-49
Mitigating Cross Site Scripting (XSS) is important to protect user's sensitive data in the web applications.
XSS mitiga... [more]
IA 2017-11-10
Kumamoto Hotel Greenpia Minamiaso (Kumamoto) Investigation of A Method for Detecting New Scanning Activities by Correlating Low-Interaction Honeypots with Darknet
Ryoh Akiyoshi, Daisuke Kotani, Yasuo Okabe (Kyoto Univ.) IA2017-25
In this paper, we discuss a method for detecting new scanning activities by using low-interaction honeypots and darknet.... [more] IA2017-25
IA 2017-11-10
Kumamoto Hotel Greenpia Minamiaso (Kumamoto) A Low-Interaction Honeypot Observing Potential Vulnerabilities against HTTP/2
Katsuki Koiwa, Daisuke Kotani, Yasuo Okabe (Kyoto Univ.) IA2017-26
A honeypots are used as a mechanism to detect cyber attacks against unknown vulnerabilities. Honeypot is a decoy system... [more] IA2017-26
IA 2017-11-10
Kumamoto Hotel Greenpia Minamiaso (Kumamoto) A Mixed Integer Programming Formulation for Network Optimization under Tunneling-based Traffic Engineering Schemes.
Tsubasa Munemitsu, Daisuke Kotani, Yasuo Okabe (Kyoto Univ.) IA2017-27
To utilize the resource of a network efficiently, not a few methods are proposed to decentralize the load of a network b... [more] IA2017-27
IA 2016-11-09
Hokkaido Onuma International Seminar Hous (Hokkaido) Design of a Threshold-based Authentication System Which Provides Attributes Using Secret Sharing
Tomohiro Ito, Daisuke Kotani, Yasuo Okabe (Kyoto Univ.) IA2016-57
In identity federation, each service provider verifies the identity of a user based on authentication performed by an au... [more] IA2016-57
IA 2016-11-09
Hokkaido Onuma International Seminar Hous (Hokkaido) Fine-grained traffic control on software router
Takaaki Kuwabara, Daisuke Kotani, Yasuo Okabe (Kyoto Univ.) IA2016-60
We consider fine-grained traffic control on the ingress router in a tree-structured stub network site based on the sourc... [more] IA2016-60
IA 2016-11-04
Overseas Taipei (Taiwan) (Overseas) An anonymous distributed electronic voting system using Zerocoin
Yu Takabatake, Daisuke Kotani, Yasuo Okabe (Kyoto Univ.) IA2016-54
Existing e-voting systems rely on a database managed by an administrator, and hence the administrator may possibly count... [more] IA2016-54
IA 2016-10-14
Tokyo Univ. of Tokyo, Koshiba Hall (Tokyo) Reactive Configuration Updating for Intent-Based Networking
Yoshiharu Tsuzaki, Yasuo Okabe (Kyoto Univ) IA2016-22
Since network configurations in the Internet are getting complicated, managing networks has become a heavy task. As an a... [more] IA2016-22
IA, IPSJ-IOT, SITE [detail] 2015-03-06
Fukushima (Fukushima) Evaluation of Greedy Algorithms for Embedding Multiple VLANs
Andrew Lee, Shuichi Miyazaki, Yasuo Okabe (Kyoto Univ.) SITE2014-73 IA2014-105
Given the same amount of hardware resource and bandwidth limitation, networks with optimal configurations enable Interne... [more] SITE2014-73 IA2014-105
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