Print edition: ISSN 0913-5685 Online edition: ISSN 2432-6380
[TOP] | [2006] | [2007] | [2008] | [2009] | [2010] | [2011] | [2012] | [Japanese] / [English]
Experimental Test of Frequency Reuse Interference Canceller in the Path Containing Nonlinear TWTA
Kenta Kubo, Hiroki Matsuda, Kayoko Osawa (NAIST), Taro Shimada, Shigeo Naoi, Yozo Takeda (SKY perfectJSAT), Ryusuke Miyamoto, Takao Hara, Minoru Okada (NAIST)
pp. 23 - 28
Nonlinear Compensations for Interference Canceller of Super-Positioning Satellite System
Kenta Kubo, Ryusuke Miyamoto, Takao Hara, Minoru Okada (NAIST)
pp. 35 - 40
System Verification Results of Hyper-Multipoint Data Gathering SATCOM System
Kiyoshi Kobayashi, Yoshinori Suzuki, Yutaka Imaizumi, Katsuya Nakahira (NTT Corp.)
pp. 47 - 52
SAT2009-28 SAT2009-36
Proposed Evaluation Scheme of Interference from ESVs operating within Minimum Distance to Stations in Fixed Service
Takaaki Matsushima, Naoki Fuke, Nobuyuki Kawai (KDDI Corp.)
pp. 59 - 64
Frequency Sharing Consideration in Satellite/Terrestrial Integrated Mobile Communications Systems
-- Extended system model and evaluation results --
Masahiro Umehira, Youhei Ohtomo (Ibaraki Univ.)
pp. 69 - 75
Networking of optical ground stations to avoid influence of clouds
Yoshihisa Takayama, Morio Toyoshima, Yozo Shoji (NICT), Shinichi Kimura (Tokyo Univ. of Science)
pp. 93 - 97
Efficient Usage of Bandwidth on the Satellite and Ad Hoc Network
Manabu Honda, Hiroki Nishiyama, Nei Kato (Tohoku Univ.)
pp. 131 - 134
A Study on Characteristics of Rain Attenuation Variation for Each Rain Type in Ka-band Satellite Communication
Koichi Sawai, Yasuyuki Maekawa (Osaka Electro-Commun. Univ.)
pp. 149 - 154
A Study on the Satellite Diversity and Time Delayed Diversity Techniques in Ku-band Satellite Communication Links
Yasuyuki Maekawa (Osaka Electro-Commun. Univ.), Takeshi Hatsuda (Hatsuda Professional Office)
pp. 169 - 174
Note: Each article is a technical report without peer review, and its polished version will be published elsewhere.