Print edition: ISSN 0913-5685 Online edition: ISSN 2432-6380
[TOP] | [2008] | [2009] | [2010] | [2011] | [2012] | [2013] | [2014] | [Japanese] / [English]
Small Broadband Antenna Using Composite Right/Left-Handed Transmission Line for Mobile Handsets
○Naobumi Michishita・Hirohisa Kitahara・Yoshihide Yamada(National Defense Academy)
pp. 1 - 2
Circular polarization metamaterial superstrates excited by a CRLH antenna
○Sungtek Kahng・Kyung-seok Kahng・Seongryong Yoo(Univ. of Incheon)・Jeongho Ju(ETRI)
p. 3
Radiation Pattern of Array-fed Imaging Reflector Antenna for 21GHz-band Satellite Broadcasting System
Masafumi Nagasaka・Susumu Nakazawa・Shoji Tanaka(NHK)・○Kazuyoshi Shogen(B-SAT)
pp. 5 - 6
Metamaterial Zeroth-Order Resonant Antenna for Vehicles
Gunyoung Kim・○Bomson Lee(Kyung Hee Univ.)
p. 7
Millimeter-wave Planar Broadband Antennas for Array Antenna Elements and RF Packages
○Kunio Sakakibara・Arata Hasegawa・Nobuyoshi Kikuma・Hiroshi Hirayama(Nagoya Inst. of Tech.)
p. 9
Intercomparison of R-band Antennas
○Jin-Seob Kang・Jeong-Hwan Kim・Jeong-Il Park・No-Weon Kang(KRISS)
p. 11
Plate-laminated Waveguide Slot Array Antennas for 120GHz Band and 350GHz Band
○Jiro Hirokawa・Dongjin Kim(Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)
pp. 13 - 14
A consideration of a microstrip antenna array with a stub element fed by a rectangular waveguide
○Yuichi Kimura・Akira Yoshida・Misao Haneishi(Saitama Univ.)
pp. 15 - 16
Methods for Reducing the Back Radiation of a Microstrip Patch antenna with a Finite Size Ground Plane
○Hongmin Lee・Wonsang Choi(Kyonggi Univ.)
pp. 17 - 18
Measurement of Whole Body SAR by using Wheeler Method and its FDTD Simulation
○Takuji Arima・Toru Uno(Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Tech.)
p. 19
PML-FDTD Modeling and Analysis of SPP Structures
○Kyung-Young Jung(Hanyang Univ.)
p. 21
Calibration Using the Characteristics of the Jigs for the S-parameter Method
○Shohei Konya・Takayuki Sasamori・Teruo Tobana・Yoji Isota(Akita Prefectural Univ.)
pp. 23 - 24
Design of a Cavity-backed Passive RFID Tag Antenna for Read-range Enhancement
○Junho Yeo(Daegu Univ.)
p. 25
Radiation Efficiency Measurement Based on Wheeler Method Using 90-degree 3dB Hybrid Coupler and Sliding Short
○Nozomu Ishii・Yohei Kobayashi(Niigata Univ.)
pp. 27 - 28
RF-Performance Analysis of Reconfigurable Antennas with RF-Switches in the Far-Field
Insu Yeom・○Chang Won Jung(Seoul National Univ. of Science and Tech.)
p. 29
Experimental Validation of Amplitude-only Measurement Method for Element Fields in Phased Arrays
○Toru Takahashi・Yoshihiko Konishi・Isamu Chiba(Mitsubishi Electric)
pp. 31 - 32
Design of a Resistive Vee Dipole for Ultra-wideband Radar Applications
○Kangwook Kim・Seunghoon Han(GIST)
pp. 33 - 34
Evaluation of Conventional Shadow Fading Model Using Wavelet Analysis
○Tetsuro Imai(NTT DOCOMO)
pp. 35 - 36
Design of a Dual Band and Dual Polarized Array Antenna for Radar Application
Youngki Lee・○Jaehoon Choi(Hanyang Univ.)
pp. 37 - 38
Location Estimation of Multiple Near-field Broadband Sources by Combined Use of DOA-Matrix Method and SAGE Algorithm in Array Antenna Processing
○Nobuyoshi Kikuma・Takahiro Hirano・Hiroshi Hirayama・Kunio Sakakibara(Nagoya Inst. of Tech.)
pp. 39 - 40
注: 本技術報告は査読を経ていない技術報告であり,推敲を加えられていずれかの場に発表されることがあります.