Print edition: ISSN 0913-5685 Online edition: ISSN 2432-6380
[TOP] | [2010] | [2011] | [2012] | [2013] | [2014] | [2015] | [2016] | [Japanese] / [English]
Models of Speech Production for Educational Puorpoe
Jouji Suzuki (LAcsh)
pp. 1 - 6
Relationships between word utterance phoneme lengths and child word-learning periods
Yasuhiro Minami, Tessei Kobayashi (NTT)
pp. 7 - 12
[Invited Talk]
Challenges and Opportunities of conversational system
Akiko Maeta (iNAGO)
p. 13
An analysis of the relationship between prosodic information, head motion, and estimated emotional state in explanatory dialogue
Miyuki Yagi, Reiko Morita, Masato Nakai, Ryuichi Nisimura, Hideki Kawahara, Toshio Irino (Wakayama Univ.)
pp. 15 - 20
Desire of Continuing Interaction with Spoken Dialogue System
Hideaki Kikuchi (Waseda Univ.), Kouki Miyazawa (RIKEN), Yoshito Ogawa, Shohei Fujikura (Waseda Univ.)
pp. 21 - 26
A study of the user's state's estimation by using multi-modal information of the local segment
Yuya Chiba (Tohoku Univ.), Masashi Ito (Tohoku Inst. of Tech.), Akinori Ito (Tohoku Univ.)
pp. 27 - 32
Improvements to Translation Dictionary in a Method for Transforming Individuality of Spoken Language
Masahiro Mizukami, Graham Neubig, Sakriani Sakti, Tomoki Toda, Satoshi Nakamura (NAIST)
pp. 33 - 38
Note: Each article is a technical report without peer review, and its polished version will be published elsewhere.