IEICE Technical Report

Print edition: ISSN 0913-5685      Online edition: ISSN 2432-6380

Volume 115, Number 133

Image Media Quality

Workshop Date : 2015-07-10 / Issue Date : 2015-07-03


[TOP] | [2012] | [2013] | [2014] | [2015] | [2016] | [2017] | [2018] | [Japanese] / [English]


Table of contents

Projector-based Augmented Reality for Portable Medical Assistance System
Daiki Kusakabe, Tomomi Fukumoto, Toshiya Nakaguchi (Chiba Univ.), Masaya Kawada (Tonan Hosp.), Hideki Hayashi (Chiba Univ.)
pp. 1 - 4

Gazing point analysis by 4K Driving Simulator
Yuta Saito, Gaku Iizuka, Mitsuho Yamada (Tokai University)
pp. 5 - 8

Measurement of a driver's mental state using a 4K driving simulator
Gaku Iizuka, Yuta Saito, Mitsuho Yamada (Tokai Univ)
pp. 9 - 14

Analysis of Head movement when viewing the display with wide viewing angle
Shinya Mochiduki, Hideaki Takahira, Mitsuho Yamada (Tokai Univ.)
pp. 15 - 20

Estimation of the gazing area for the subjective image quality evaluation using saliency maps
Shinichi Hashimoto, Takaya Shizume, Gosuke Ohashi, Yoshifumi Shimodaira (Shizuoka Univ.)
pp. 21 - 24

Note: Each article is a technical report without peer review, and its polished version will be published elsewhere.

The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), Japan