IEICE Technical Report

Online edition: ISSN 2432-6380

Volume 122, Number 123

Social Implications of Technology and Information Ethics

Workshop Date : 2022-07-19 - 2022-07-20 / Issue Date : 2022-07-12


[TOP] | [2018] | [2019] | [2020] | [2021] | [2022] | [2023] | [2024] | [Japanese] / [English]


Table of contents

Side-Channel Attacks on Post-Quantum KEMs Using Multi-class Classification Neural Network
Yutaro Tanaka, Rei Ueno (Tohoku Univ.), Keita Xagawa, Akitra Ito, Junko Takahashi (NTT), Naofumi Homma (Tohoku Univ.)
pp. 1 - 6

Revisit of Non Profiled Side Channel Analysis via Deep Learning
Kentaro Imafuku, Shinichi Kawamura, Hanae Nozaki, Junichi Sakamoto, Saki Osuka (AIST)
pp. 7 - 12

Randomness evaluation of TERO-based TRNG with a side-channel attack countermeasure
Saki Osuka (AIST), Daisuke Fujimoto, Yuichi Hayashi (NAIST), Shinichi Kawamura (AIST)
pp. 13 - 17

A Study for Predicting Correlation Power Analysis Results by Using High-SNR Plaintexts Selected Based on Linear Leakage Model
Masaki Himuro, Kengo Iokibe, Yoshitaka Toyota (Okayama Univ.)
pp. 18 - 22

Issues and Considerations for Improvement of Verification in ECDSA Attestation of Intel SGX
Yagawa Takashi (Tsukuba Univ.), Suzaki Kuniyasu, Teruya Tadanori, Ohara Kazuma (AIST), Abe Hirotake (Tsukuba Univ.)
pp. 23 - 28

Revealing PUF Responses by Differential Power Analysis against Reed-Muller-Code-based Fuzzy Extractor
Soma Watanabe, Yuta Fukuda, Tatsuya Oyama, Kota Yoshida, Takeshi Fujino (Ritsumeikan Univ)
pp. 29 - 34

Security of Systems that Automatically Authenticate a User's Credentials and Location using Wireless Technology
Kazuki Tachibana, Junichi Sakamoto, Tsutomu Matsumoto (YNU)
pp. 35 - 39

Security Assessment and Countermeasures for Magnetic Malfunction of Electromagnetic Relays
Takumi Owada, Kazuki Tachibana, Tsutomu Matsumoto (YNU)
pp. 40 - 45

Distance Spoofing Detection by LiDAR and Stereo Camera
Ataru Kubo, Yuki Fukatsu, Naoki Yoshida, Tsutomu Matsumoto (YNU)
pp. 46 - 51

Security Evaluation of Cryptographic Circuits with Laser Sensors by Double-Spot Laser Irradiation
Masaki Chikano, Naoki Yoshida, Junichi Sakamoto, Syungo Hayashi, Tsutomu Matsumoto (YNU)
pp. 52 - 57

[Invited Talk] Audio forensics and recording property estimation
Akira Nishimura (TUIS)
p. 58

Person Verification Using Evoked EEG by Ultrasound -- Examination of Correlation in Fusing Features --
Yuta Ishikawa, Kotaro Mukai, Isao Nakanishi (Tottori Univ.)
pp. 59 - 63

Person Verification Using EEG Evoked by Ultrasound -- Introduction of mutual features between electrodes --
Kotaro Mukai, Isao Nakanishi (Tottori Univ.)
pp. 64 - 69

A Study on Biometric Modality for Continuous Authentication of Smart Devices
Yuka Watanabe, Yasushi Yamazaki (Kitakyushu Univ.)
pp. 70 - 75

Person verification using evoked EEG from imperceptible vibratory stimulation -- Introduction of normalization into EEG spectral content ratio --
Hiroki Kobayashi, Hirotomo Nakashima, Isao Nakanishi (Tottori Univ.)
pp. 76 - 80

Investigation of credit card fraud model and deterrence method on SNS
Zhixian Zhao, Shigeyuki Osada (JRI)
pp. 81 - 87

An overview of the secrecy of patent applications in the Japanese Law
Makoto Koike (MK Microwave)
pp. 88 - 97

Cryptocurrency Analysis System for Investigating Cyber Crime Economy
Hiroshi Mori, Hiroshi Kumagai, Yin Minn Pa Pa, Yuta Takata, Ryoya Furukawa, Yuji Sakurai, Masaki Kamizono (DTCY)
pp. 98 - 103

Distributed Random Number Generation Method on Smart Contracts
Kentaro Sako (Waseda Univ), Shin'ichiro Matsuo (Georgetown Univ), Tatsuya Mori (Waseda Univ)
pp. 104 - 109

An Efficient Sparse Multiplication Algorithm For Pairing-Friendly Elliptic Curves With Cubic Twist
Daiki Hayashida, Kenichiro Hayasaka (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.), Tadanori Teruya (AIST)
pp. 110 - 117

Revocable Identity-Based Encryption With Multiple Private-Key Generators secure against Chosen Ciphertext Attacks and Decryption Key Exposure
Yudai Suzuki, Atsushi Fujioka, Taroh Sasaki (Kanagawa Univ.), Akira Nagai (NTT)
pp. 118 - 123

Identification and tracking of website users in consideration of privacy in browser fingerprinting
Takashi Tsukazaki, Yuichi Futa (TUT), Tomomichi Suzuki (PitApp), Hiroyuki Okazaki (Shinshu Univ.)
pp. 124 - 130

Efficient Constructions of Adaptively and CCA-secure Identity-based Encryption with Equality Test from LWE Assumption in the Standard Model
Kyoichi Asano (UEC/NICT), Keita Emura (NICT), Atsushi Takayasu (Univ. Tokyo)
pp. 131 - 138

Note: Each article is a technical report without peer review, and its polished version will be published elsewhere.

The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), Japan