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講演名 2015-03-27 13:05
Web Service Discovery with Domain Specific Context Awareness
Banage Thenne Gedara Samantha KumaraIncheon PaikKoswatte Ralalage Chathurika KoswatteAkila SiriweeraUniversity of AizuSC2014-14
抄録 (和) Service discovery is the process of finding the appropriate services for user request from set of services. Service matchmaking is the very important operation of the discovery process. There are several methods are used in current approaches for calculating the Web service similarity in matchmaking process such as Keyword match, ontology based and information retrieval. These approaches have problems that include discovering semantic characteristics, loss of semantic information and a shortage of high-quality ontologies. Further, the approaches do not consider the domain specific context in measuring the similarity. Thus, they have been failed to capture the semantic similarity of Web services under a certain domain and this is affected to the performance of the service discovery. In this paper, we propose domain specific context aware discovery approach that uses support vector machine and domain data set from search engine in similarity calculation process. Experimental results show that our approach works efficiently. 
(英) Service discovery is the process of finding the appropriate services for user request from set of services. Service matchmaking is the very important operation of the discovery process. There are several methods are used in current approaches for calculating the Web service similarity in matchmaking process such as Keyword match, ontology based and information retrieval. These approaches have problems that include discovering semantic characteristics, loss of semantic information and a shortage of high-quality ontologies. Further, the approaches do not consider the domain specific context in measuring the similarity. Thus, they have been failed to capture the semantic similarity of Web services under a certain domain and this is affected to the performance of the service discovery. In this paper, we propose domain specific context aware discovery approach that uses support vector machine and domain data set from search engine in similarity calculation process. Experimental results show that our approach works efficiently.
キーワード (和) Service Discovery / Context Awareness / Service Similarity / / / / /  
(英) Service Discovery / Context Awareness / Service Similarity / / / / /  
文献情報 信学技報, vol. 114, no. 525, SC2014-14, pp. 1-6, 2015年3月.
資料番号 SC2014-14 
発行日 2015-03-20 (SC) 
ISSN Print edition: ISSN 0913-5685    Online edition: ISSN 2432-6380
PDFダウンロード SC2014-14

研究会 SC  
開催期間 2015-03-27 - 2015-03-28 
開催地(和) 会津大学UBIC 
開催地(英) Aizu Univ. 
テーマ(和) サービス・クラウドのQoS・SLA・ポリシー及び一般 
テーマ(英) QoS, SLA, Policy of Service and Cloud and Other Issues 
申込み研究会 SC 
会議コード 2015-03-SC 
本文の言語 英語 
タイトル(英) Web Service Discovery with Domain Specific Context Awareness 
キーワード(1)(和/英) Service Discovery / Service Discovery  
キーワード(2)(和/英) Context Awareness / Context Awareness  
キーワード(3)(和/英) Service Similarity / Service Similarity  
キーワード(4)(和/英) /  
キーワード(5)(和/英) /  
キーワード(6)(和/英) /  
キーワード(7)(和/英) /  
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第1著者 氏名(和/英/ヨミ) Banage Thenne Gedara Samantha Kumara / Banage Thenne Gedara Samantha Kumara /
第1著者 所属(和/英) University of Aizu (略称: 会津大)
University of Aizu (略称: University of Aizu)
第2著者 氏名(和/英/ヨミ) Incheon Paik / Incheon Paik /
第2著者 所属(和/英) University of Aizu (略称: 会津大)
University of Aizu (略称: University of Aizu)
第3著者 氏名(和/英/ヨミ) Koswatte Ralalage Chathurika Koswatte / Koswatte Ralalage Chathurika Koswatte /
第3著者 所属(和/英) University of Aizu (略称: 会津大)
University of Aizu (略称: University of Aizu)
第4著者 氏名(和/英/ヨミ) Akila Siriweera / Akila Siriweera /
第4著者 所属(和/英) University of Aizu (略称: 会津大)
University of Aizu (略称: University of Aizu)
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講演者 第1著者 
発表日時 2015-03-27 13:05:00 
発表時間 25分 
申込先研究会 SC 
資料番号 SC2014-14 
巻番号(vol) vol.114 
号番号(no) no.525 
ページ範囲 pp.1-6 
発行日 2015-03-20 (SC) 



IEICE / 電子情報通信学会