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Technical Committee on Theoretical Foundations of Computing (COMP)  (Searched in: 2010)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2011-03-09 to:2011-03-09'

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Search Results: Conference Papers
 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 1 - 8 of 8  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
COMP 2011-03-09
Tokyo Chuo Univ. The Digital Principle and the Listening Automaton -- The Mechanisms to generate human evolutions --
Kimiaki Tokumaru (System Engineer) COMP2010-47
The mechanism of human automaton has not yet been clarified. Having investigated on the digital nature of human language... [more] COMP2010-47
COMP 2011-03-09
Tokyo Chuo Univ. Communication-Efficient Broadcast on Markovian Evolving Graphs
Kei Matsubara, Taisuke Izumi, Koichi Wada (NIT) COMP2010-48
The design of efficient distributed algorithms working on dynamic networks
recently receives much attention. The Marko... [more]
COMP 2011-03-09
Tokyo Chuo Univ. New k shortest simple path algorithm that reduces the average case time complexity
Hiroshi Matsuura (NTT) COMP2010-49
The author proposed k-SPF-plus algorithm that realizes to shorten the worst case time complexity for creating k shortest... [more] COMP2010-49
COMP 2011-03-09
Tokyo Chuo Univ. Evaluation of metaheuristic algorithms for Spanning Tree Congestion
Daiki Maruta (Gunma Univ.), Yota Otachi (Tohoku Univ.), Koichi Yamazaki (Gunma Univ.) COMP2010-50
Spanning tree congestion (STC) is a graph parameter
which has been well studied recently.
This work is to compare the... [more]
COMP 2011-03-09
Tokyo Chuo Univ. Constant-time approximation algorithms for the knapsack problem
Hiro Ito, Susumu Kiyoshima, Yuichi Yoshida (Kyoto Univ.) COMP2010-51
In this paper, we give constant-time approximation algorithms
for the knapsack problem.
A randomized algorithm is cal... [more]
COMP 2011-03-09
Tokyo Chuo Univ. Recognition of Basic Planar Objects Using Computational Geometry Methods
Yoshihiro Hirashiki, Tetsuo Asano (JAIST) COMP2010-52
Making computers recognize a planar object exactly is useful in developing of factory products. Positioning problem in f... [more] COMP2010-52
COMP 2011-03-09
Tokyo Chuo Univ. Algorithms for Covering Digraphs by Length-Bounded Paths
Kenji Sejima, Takuro Fukunaga, Hiroshi Nagamochi (Kyoto Univ.) COMP2010-53
In the length-bounded path cover problem, a digraph $D=(V,A)$ with a source $s\in V$, a sink $t\in V$, a non-negative ar... [more] COMP2010-53
COMP 2011-03-09
Tokyo Chuo Univ. Reconfiguration of List Edge-Colorings in a Tree
Kazuto Kawamura, Takehiro Ito, Xiao Zhou (Tohoku Univ.) COMP2010-54
 [more] COMP2010-54
 Results 1 - 8 of 8  /   
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