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Technical Committee on Nonlinear Problems (NLP)  (Searched in: 2012)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2012-12-17 to:2012-12-17'

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Search Results: Conference Papers
 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 1 - 16 of 16  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
NLP 2012-12-17
Fukui Fukui City Communication Plaza Transition from desynchronous to synchronous neural dynamics in cortical network model of spontaneous firing activity
Hisashi Kada (Rits), Takahiro Iwamoto (JAIST), Jun-nosuke Teramae (RIKEN), Isao Tokuda (Rits) NLP2012-88
Spontaneous brain activity represents internal dynamics of a cortical neural network. Without sensory stimulation, corti... [more] NLP2012-88
NLP 2012-12-17
Fukui Fukui City Communication Plaza Fundamental performance of searching ability of an asynchronous sequential PSO
Takatsugu Sekiguchi, Takuya Shindo, Kenya Jin'no (Nippon Inst. Tech.) NLP2012-89
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is recently attracted great attention. It is classified into one of heuristics solving... [more] NLP2012-89
NLP 2012-12-17
Fukui Fukui City Communication Plaza Design of coupling for amplitude death in network systems with dynamic connections -- Parametric approach in robust control --
Keiji Konishi, Naoyuki Hara (Osaka Pref. Univ.) NLP2012-90
This report proposes a systematic procedure for estimating connection parameters which induces amplitude death in networ... [more] NLP2012-90
NLP 2012-12-17
Fukui Fukui City Communication Plaza A study of a two-stages incremental conductance method for the maximum power point tracking algorithm
Yusuke Ohtsuka, Takayuki Kimura (NIT) NLP2012-91
 [more] NLP2012-91
NLP 2012-12-17
Fukui Fukui City Communication Plaza A Calculation Method of the Bifurcation Point for the Composite Dynamical System -- The Case of Using the Threshold as the Bifurcation Parameter --
Goki Ikeda, Hiroyuki Asahara (Oita Univ.), Kazuyuki Aihara (The Univ. of Tokyo), Takuji Kousaka (Oita Univ.) NLP2012-92
 [more] NLP2012-92
NLP 2012-12-17
Fukui Fukui City Communication Plaza A feedback control for suppressing traveling waves in a one-dimensional excitable medium with parameter uncertainty
Yusuke Mori, Sho Maruhashi, Keiji Konishi, Naoyuki Hara (Osaka Pref. Univ.) NLP2012-93
This report deals with a suppression of traveling wave in a one-dimensional excitable medium with parameter uncertainty.... [more] NLP2012-93
NLP 2012-12-17
Fukui Fukui City Communication Plaza Discussion about oscillatory phenomena and center nodes in complex networks with delay coupling
Takeru Morishita, Seiichiro Moro (Univ. Fukui) NLP2012-94
 [more] NLP2012-94
NLP 2012-12-17
Fukui Fukui City Communication Plaza MMOs-itinerancy and chaos in the extended Bonhoeffer-van der Pol oscillator
Kuniyasu Shimizu, Yuto Saito (Chiba Inst. of Tech.), Kaoru Itoh, Naohiko Inaba, Tetsuro Endo (Meiji Univ.) NLP2012-95
This paper reports certain experimental observations of an interesting phenomenon related to mixed-mode oscillations (MM... [more] NLP2012-95
NLP 2012-12-17
Fukui Fukui City Communication Plaza On numerical computation of canard solution in a singularly perturbed system
Takahiro Kodama, Shinji Doi (Kyoto Univ.) NLP2012-96
In singularly perturbed systems such as the Bonhoeffer-van der Pol (BVP) neuronal model, there are characteristic phenom... [more] NLP2012-96
NLP 2012-12-18
Fukui Fukui City Communication Plaza Derivation and analysis of a mathematical model for a passive walking robot with back and forth motion
Masaya Takemoto, Keiji Konishi, Naoyuki Hara (Osaka Pref. Univ.) NLP2012-97
Various passive walking robots which walk down a hill with gravity have been studied for over twenty years. They have a ... [more] NLP2012-97
NLP 2012-12-18
Fukui Fukui City Communication Plaza Inverse Function Delayless (IDL) Model
Yuto Watanabe (Tohoku Univ.), Yoshihiro Hayakawa (SNCT), Shigeo Sato, Koji Nakajima (Tohoku Univ.) NLP2012-98
The Inverse function Delayed (ID) model has been proposed as one of novel neural models. The ID model has the negative r... [more] NLP2012-98
NLP 2012-12-18
Fukui Fukui City Communication Plaza Hardware implementation of the discrete Inverse-function Delayed network with Higher order synaptic Connections
Kosuke Matsui (Tohoku Univ.), Yoshihiro Hayakawa (Sendai N.C.T.), Shigeo Sato, Koji Nakajima (Tohoku Univ.) NLP2012-99
The HC-ID network has been proposed as a network model that avoids local minima when it is applied to combinatorial opti... [more] NLP2012-99
NLP 2012-12-18
Fukui Fukui City Communication Plaza Optimization of Scheduling in Disruption-Tolerant Networks by Neural Network
Daisuke Sasaki (Tohoku Univ), Yoshihiro Hayakawa (SNCT), Shigeo Sato, Koji Nakajima (Tohoku Univ) NLP2012-100
A Disruption tolerant Network (DTN) is studied as a communicating technique when a network infrastructure was destroyed ... [more] NLP2012-100
NLP 2012-12-18
Fukui Fukui City Communication Plaza Analysis method for power electronics circuits with nonlinear elements using Haar wavelet transform and its evaluation
Masataka Mochidsuki, Seiichiro Moro (Univ. Fukui) NLP2012-101
 [more] NLP2012-101
NLP 2012-12-18
Fukui Fukui City Communication Plaza An Approach to Logical Behavior of Memory Devices in Coupled MEMS Resonators
Atsushi Yao, Takashi Hikihara (Kyoto Univ.) NLP2012-102
We focus on logical behavior of electrostatically excited MEMS (Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems) resonators with nonlin... [more] NLP2012-102
NLP 2012-12-18
Fukui Fukui City Communication Plaza Optimization of switching phase of a single phase PWM DC-AC inverter
Kazuya Morita, Takuya Kurihara, Kenya Jin'no (Nippon Inst. Tech) NLP2012-103
With the aim to improve the efficiency of PWM DC-AC single-phase nverter, in this article, the switching phase of the PW... [more] NLP2012-103
 Results 1 - 16 of 16  /   
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