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Technical Committee on Superconductive Electronics (SCE) [schedule] [select]
Chair Keiji Unpuku (Kyushu Univ.)
Secretary Yoshimi Hatsukade (Kinki Univ.), Yuki Yamanashi (Yokohama National Univ.)
Assistant Hiroyuki Akaike (Nagoya Univ.)

Conference Date Wed, Oct 15, 2014 13:00 - 17:55
Thu, Oct 16, 2014 09:00 - 15:20
Topics Superconducting sensing technologies and their applications, etc. 
Conference Place Tohoku University, RIEC 
Address 2-1-1, Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi, 980-8577, Japan.
Transportation Guide 20 minutes walk from Sendai station. Bus or subway are also available.
Prof. Shigeru Sato, Prof. Takeshi Onomi
Sponsors This conference is co-sponsored by The Research Institute of Electrical Communication (RIEC), Tohoku University
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Wed, Oct 15 PM 
Chair: Satoru Mima (RIKEN)
13:00 - 14:55
  13:00-13:15 Opening address and outline ( 15 min. )
(1) 13:15-13:40 Evaluation of tunnel barrier defects in Nb/AlOx/Nb Josephson junctions using large area junctions SCE2014-34 Mutsuo Hidaka, Shuichi Nagasawa, Tetsuro Satoh, Kenji, Hinode (AIST)
(2) 13:40-14:05 Fabrication of three-dimensional superconducting tunnel junctions SCE2014-35 Go Fujii, Masahiro Ukibe, Shigetomo Shiki, Masataka Ohkubo (AIST)
(3) 14:05-14:30 Fabrication of MgB2 nanowire superconducting single-photon detector using Br2-N2 dry etching SCE2014-36 Hiroyuki Shibata (NTT)
(4) 14:30-14:55 Fabrication and characterization of waveguide-coupled superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors SCE2014-37 Kentaro Waki (Osaka Univ./NICT), Taro Yamashita (NICT), Shin-ichiro Inoue (NICT/JST-PRESTO), Shigehito Miki, Hirotaka Terai (NICT), Rikizo Ikuta, Takashi Yamamoto, Nobuyuki Imoto (Osaka Univ.)
  14:55-15:10 Break ( 15 min. )
Wed, Oct 15 PM 
Chair: Taro Yamashita (NICT)
15:10 - 16:25
(5) 15:10-15:35 Optical Response of Serially-Connected 500 Superconducting Strip-Line Detectors SCE2014-38 Misaki Kozaka, Yuma Kita, Kyohei Kamiya (Nagoya Univ.), Ali Bozbey (TOBB ETU), Akira Fujimaki (Nagoya Univ.)
(6) 15:35-16:00 Recent research progress in superconducting time-of-flight mass-spectroscopy systems SCE2014-39 Kyosuke Sano, Yuki Yamanashi, Nobuyuki Yoshikawa (Yokohama Nat. Univ.), Nobuyuki Zen, Masataka Ohkubo (AIST)
(7) 16:00-16:25 [Lecture]
Wed, Oct 15 PM 
Chair: Shigeo Sato
16:25 - 17:55
(8) 16:25-17:25 [Special lecture by Koji Nakajima]
  17:25-17:55 Lab tour ( 30 min. )
Thu, Oct 16 AM 
Chair: Kenihci Karatsu (ATC)
09:00 - 10:40
(9) 09:00-09:25 Developments of Superconducting Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors (MKID) for Measurements of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) Polarization. SCE2014-40 Satoru Mima, Chiko Otani, Kensuke Koga, Kenta Takahashi, Thushara Damayanthi, Noboru Furukawa (RIKEN)
(10) 09:25-09:50 Superconducting Microresonators for Gamma-ray Detection SCE2014-41 Masato Naruse, Noriaki Miyamoto, Tohru Taino, Hiroaki Myoren (Saitama Univ.)
(11) 09:50-10:15 Kinetic Inductance Detectors for the detections of phonons and photons SCE2014-42 Hirokazu Ishino, Atsuko Kibayashi, Yousuke Yamada, Akinori Okamoto, Yousuke Kida (Okayama Univ.), Masashi Hazumi, Nobuaki Sato (KEK), Satoshi Kohjiro, Hirotake Yamamori (AIST)
(12) 10:15-10:40 Development of Dielectric X-ray Microcalorimeter SCE2014-43 Masatoshi Hoshino, Takahiro Kikuchi, Norio Sekiya, Kazuhiro Sakai, Noriko Y. Yamasaki, Kazuhisa Mitsuda (JAXA), Kosuke Sato (TUS), Kyosuke Maehata (Kyushu Univ.), Takafumi Kojima (NAOJ)
  10:40-10:55 Break ( 15 min. )
Thu, Oct 16 AM 
Chair: Akira Kohjiro (AIST)
10:55 - 12:10
(13) 10:55-11:20 Development of Frequency-Division Multiplexing Readout System for TES X-Ray Microcalorimeter SCE2014-44 Kazuhiro Sakai, Ryo Yamamoto, Akira Chiba, Yuki Tsurugasaki, Yoh Takei, Noriko Y. Yamasaki, Kazuhisa Mitsuda (JAXA), Mutsuo Hidaka, Shuichi Nagasawa, Satoshi Kohjiro (AIST), Toshiyuki Miyazaki (Kanazawa U.)
(14) 11:20-11:45 Development of TES X-ray Microcalorimeter Array for a STEM-EDS System SCE2014-45 Haruka Muramatsu, Kenichiro Nagayoshi, Tasuku Hayashi, Kazuhiro Sakai, Kazuhisa Mitsuda, Noriko Y. Yamasaki (JAXA)
(15) 11:45-12:10 Development of TES microcalorimeter with Superconducting bulk Ta absorber for gamma-ray measurement SCE2014-46 Tomoya Irimatsukawa, Shuichi Hatakeyama, Masashi Ohno, Hiroyuki Takahashi (Univ. of Tokyo)
  12:10-13:30 Break ( 80 min. )
Thu, Oct 16 PM 
Chair: Akira Kohjiro (AIST)
13:30 - 15:20
(16) 13:30-14:10 [Invited Talk]
Two-level fluctuations in superconducting resonators
-- Generalized tunneling model for two-level fluctuations --
Yuichi Harada (NTT), Tobias Lindstrom, Alexander Tzalenchuk (NPL)
(17) 14:10-14:50 [Invited Talk]
Influence of quasiparticles in the energy gap on the characteristics of superconducting devices SCE2014-48
Takashi Noguchi (NAOJ)
  14:50-15:20 Discussion and closing address ( 30 min. )

Announcement for Speakers
General TalkEach speech will have 20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.
Invited TalkEach speech will have 35 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.
Special TalkEach speech will have 55 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.

Contact Address and Latest Schedule Information
SCE Technical Committee on Superconductive Electronics (SCE)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address Yoshimi Hatsukade (Kinki Univ.)
TEL:+81-82-434-7000(Ext. 600), FAX:+81-82-434-7011
email: deni 

Last modified: 2014-08-23 11:23:18

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