Technical Committee on Information and Communication System Security (ICSS) |
[schedule] [select]
Chair |
Yoshiaki Shiraishi (Kobe Univ.) |
Vice Chair |
Hiroki Takakura (NII), Katsunari Yoshioka (Yokohama National Univ.) |
Secretary |
Kazunori Kamiya (NTT), Takahiro Kasama (NICT) |
Assistant |
Akira Yamada (KDDI labs.), Keisuke Kito (Mitsubishi Electric) |
Conference Date |
Thu, Mar 7, 2019 13:30 - 17:05
Fri, Mar 8, 2019 10:00 - 15:40 |
Topics |
Security, etc. |
Conference Place |
Copyright and reproduction |
All rights are reserved and no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Notwithstanding, instructors are permitted to photocopy isolated articles for noncommercial classroom use without fee. (License No.: 10GA0019/12GB0052/13GB0056/17GB0034/18GB0034) |
Registration Fee |
This workshop will be held as the IEICE workshop in fully electronic publishing. Registration fee will be necessary except the speakers and participants other than the participants to workshop(s) in non-electronic publishing. See the registration fee page. We request the registration fee or presentation fee to participants who will attend the workshop(s) on ICSS. |
Thu, Mar 7 PM ICSS(1-1) 13:30 - 15:10 |
(1) |
13:30-13:55 |
(2) ICSS |
13:55-14:20 |
Period Analysis for Visualization of Industrial Network ICSS2018-88 |
Hiroki Nagayama, Hu Bo, Kazunori Kamiya, Shingo Kashima, Masaki Tanikawa (NTT) |
(3) ICSS |
14:20-14:45 |
How to build malware sandbox using real IoT devices ICSS2018-69 |
Jia Xiong, Tatsuya Tamai, Kazuki Tamiya (Yokohama National Univ.), Satoshi Hara (Yokohama National Univ./Fujisoft), Rui Tanabe, Akira Fujita, Katsunari Yoshioka, Tsutomu Matsumoto (Yokohama National Univ.) |
(4) ICSS |
14:45-15:10 |
Discrimination of IoT devices by clustering their responses to network scan |
Takuya Hoizumi, Shin Nishida, Keisuke Uchida, Akira Fujita, Katsunari Yoshioka, Tsutomu Matsumoto (Yokohama National Univ.) |
15:10-15:25 |
Break ( 15 min. ) |
Thu, Mar 7 PM ICSS(1-2) 13:30 - 15:10 |
(5) ICSS |
13:30-13:55 |
A Method for Realizing Traceability of Security Requirements for Information Systems deployed in Public Cloud using GSN ICSS2018-70 |
Ryo Hase, Yohei Matsuura (Mitsubishi Electric) |
(6) ICSS |
13:55-14:20 |
Regulatory Compliance Monitoring on the Web Using Paragraph Vector ICSS2018-71 |
Mitsuharu Sasaki (NTT EAST), Taishi Nishiyama, Atsutoshi Kumagai, Kazunori Kamiya (NTT) |
(7) ICSS |
14:20-14:45 |
On Improvement of a White-box Cryptographic Scheme ICSS2018-72 |
Masakazu Soshi (Hiroshima City Univ.) |
(8) ICSS |
14:45-15:10 |
Implementation and evaluation of aggregate message authentication method ICSS2018-73 |
Atsuhiro Yamagishi (JDC), Tatsuya Takehisa, Eiichi Nishiura (NISSIN), Shouichi Hirose, Yu Imamura (JDC), Kazuhiko Minematsu (nec), Junji Shikata, Koji Nakao (YNU) |
15:10-15:25 |
Break ( 15 min. ) |
Thu, Mar 7 PM ICSS(2) 15:25 - 17:05 |
(9) ICSS |
15:25-15:50 |
A User Participation Type Web Security Platform and Its Real World Evaluation ICSS2018-74 |
Akira Yamada, Yukiko Sawaya, Takashi Matsunaka, Shoma Tanaka, Ayumu Kubota (KDDI Research) |
(10) ICSS |
15:50-16:15 |
An experiment design of security notification to users of IoT devices through dedicated client software ICSS2018-75 |
Shin Nishida, Takuya Hoizumi, Keisuke Uchida, Akira Fujita, Katsunari Yoshioka, Tsutomu Matsumoto (Yokohama National Univ.) |
(11) ICSS |
16:15-16:40 |
Analyzing Deceptive Internationalized Domain Names ICSS2018-76 |
Daiki Chiba, Ayako Akiyama Hasegawa, Takashi Koide (NTT), Yuta Sawabe, Shigeki Goto (Waseda Univ.), Mitsuaki Akiyama (NTT) |
(12) ICSS |
16:40-17:05 |
Web Application Identification Method Applicable to Large-scale Flow Data Using a Small-scale Labeled Data ICSS2018-77 |
Shun Tobiyama, Shohei Araki, Bo Hu, Kazunori Kamiya, Masaki Tanikawa (NTT), Kenji Takahashi (NTT Security) |
Thu, Mar 7 PM SPT(1) 15:25 - 17:05 |
(13) |
15:25-15:50 |
(14) |
15:50-16:15 |
(15) |
16:15-16:40 |
(16) |
16:40-17:05 |
Fri, Mar 8 AM ICSS(3) 10:00 - 11:40 |
(17) ICSS |
10:00-10:25 |
ICSS2018-78 |
(18) ICSS |
10:25-10:50 |
ICSS2018-79 |
(19) ICSS |
10:50-11:15 |
ICSS2018-80 |
(20) ICSS |
11:15-11:40 |
Threat Information Analysis Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Network ICSS2018-81 |
Keisuke Furumoto, Hideaki Kanehara, Takeshi Takahashi (NICT), Yoshiaki Shiraishi (Kobe Univ.), Daisuke Inoue (NICT) |
11:40-13:00 |
Break ( 80 min. ) |
Fri, Mar 8 AM SPT(2) 10:00 - 11:40 |
(21) |
10:00-10:25 |
(22) |
10:25-10:50 |
(23) |
10:50-11:15 |
(24) |
11:15-11:40 |
11:40-13:00 |
Break ( 80 min. ) |
Fri, Mar 8 PM ICSS(4-1) 13:00 - 14:15 |
(25) ICSS |
13:00-13:25 |
A proposal of detection method of singed malicious program ICSS2018-82 |
Hiroyuki Sakakibara, Kiyoto Kawauchi (Mitsubishi Electric) |
(26) ICSS |
13:25-13:50 |
Proposal of a Non-Technical Skills Map for Computer Security Incident Responses ICSS2018-90 |
Takahiro Kasama, Shingo Yasuda, Hironobu Satoh (NICT), Masaki Kamizono, Emi Kojima (PwC), Takao Yamaguchi, Kazuharu Nara (JAMSS) |
(27) ICSS |
13:50-14:15 |
Report on 35th Chaos Computer Congress(35C3) ICSS2018-83 |
Keisuke Kito (Mitsubishi Electric) |
14:15-14:25 |
Break ( 10 min. ) |
Fri, Mar 8 PM ICSS(4-2) 13:00 - 14:15 |
(28) ICSS |
13:00-13:25 |
Authentication with hash chain computation model ICSS2018-84 |
Shinta Hirai, Masakazu Soshi (Hiroshima City Univ.) |
(29) ICSS |
13:25-13:50 |
ICSS2018-85 |
(30) ICSS |
13:50-14:15 |
ICSS2018-86 |
14:15-14:25 |
Break ( 10 min. ) |
Fri, Mar 8 PM ICSS(5-1) 14:25 - 15:40 |
(31) ICSS |
14:25-14:50 |
Traffic analysis to detect abnormal smartphone application behavior ICSS2018-87 |
Iifan Tyou, Takahiro Nukushina, Yukio Nagafuchi, Masaki Tanikawa (NTT) |
(32) ICSS |
14:50-15:15 |
Performance survey for IoT security function on smartphone ICSS2018-68 |
Yukio Nagafuchi, Takahiro Nukushina, Iifan Tyou, Masaki Tanikawa (NTT) |
(33) ICSS |
15:15-15:40 |
Understanding DNS over TLS: Performance Evaluation and Large-scale Measurement Study ICSS2018-89 |
Masahiro Maki, Tatsuya Mori (Waseda Univ.) |
Fri, Mar 8 PM ICSS(5-2) 14:25 - 15:15 |
(34) ICSS |
14:25-14:50 |
ICSS2018-91 |
(35) ICSS |
14:50-15:15 |
A Trouble Ticket System Specialized for Incident Response ICSS2018-92 |
Yu Tsuda, Takashi Tomine (NICT), Masato Jingu (NICT/HISYS), Keisuke Iwasaki (NTT-AT), Kenjiro Terada, Daisuke Inoue (NICT) |
Announcement for Speakers |
General Talk | Each speech will have 20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion. |
Contact Address and Latest Schedule Information |
Technical Committee on Information and Communication System Security (ICSS) [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address |
Yoshiaki Shiraishi (Kobe University)
E- : i s-adm- q![](/ken/images/new/ta.gif) ![](/ken/images/new/liam.gif) |
Announcement |
Latest information will be presented on the homepage: |
Special Interest Group on Security Psychology and Trust (IPSJ-SPT) [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address |
Last modified: 2019-02-19 15:39:15