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Technical Group on Multi-media Storage (ITE-MMS) [schedule] [select]
Chair Kenji Machida (NHK)
Secretary Satoru Yoshimura (Akita Univ.)

Technical Committee on Magnetic Recording & Information Storage (MRIS) [schedule] [select]
Chair Ikuya Tagawa (Tohoku Inst. of Tech.)
Secretary Yasuaki Nakamura (Ehime Univ.), Yoshiyuki Hirayama (Samsung)
Assistant Nobuaki Kikuchi (Tohoku Univ.), Toshiki Yamaji (AIST)

Conference Date Thu, Jun 6, 2024 13:30 - 17:05
Fri, Jun 7, 2024 09:30 - 11:35
Topics recording system/head/media, etc. 
Conference Place  
Sponsors This conference is co-sponsored by ITE-MMS and IEICE Technical Committees : Magnetic Recording & Information Storage,IEEE CE Soc. Japan Chapter.
All rights are reserved and no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Notwithstanding, instructors are permitted to photocopy isolated articles for noncommercial classroom use without fee. (License No.: 10GA0019/12GB0052/13GB0056/17GB0034/18GB0034)
Registration Fee This workshop will be held as the IEICE workshop in fully electronic publishing. Registration fee will be necessary except the speakers and participants other than the participants to workshop(s) in non-electronic publishing. See the registration fee page. We request the registration fee or presentation fee to participants who will attend the workshop(s) on MRIS.

Thu, Jun 6 PM 
Chair: Simon Greaves (Tohoku Univ.)
13:30 - 14:45
13:30-13:55 Fabrication of high-quality α"-Fe16N2 thin film with high saturation magnetization using pulsed DC reactive sputtering method Ikuko Katsuyama, Genta Egawa, Satoru Yoshimura (Akita Univ.)
13:55-14:20 Comparison of Recording Characteristics of Sputtered Media for Magnetic Tape using Tape Heads and HDD Heads MRIS2024-1 Aiki Okubo (Tohtech), Junichi Tachibana, Takashi Aizawa, Minoru Yamaga (SSMS), Ikuya Tagawa (Tohtech)
14:20-14:45 Fundamental Study on Stress Distribution and Magnetization Properties of Fe-Co-V Alloy Wire MRIS2024-2 Atsuhiro Nishikura, Norimichi Watanabe (Kanagawa Univ.), Shin Saito (Tohoku Univ.), Akiyoshi Nakayama (Kanagawa Univ.)
  14:45-15:00 Break ( 15 min. )
Thu, Jun 6 PM 
Chair: Nobuaki KIKUCHI (Akita Univ.)
15:00 - 17:05
15:00-15:25 High rate RF sputtering of MgO underlayer by hot cathode method with porous target for heat assisted magnetic recording media MRIS2024-3 Kota Yamada, Daiki Miyazaki, Yuki Hirokawa, Seong-Jae Jeon, Akihiro Shimizu (Tohoku Univ.), Kosaku Iwatani (TOSHIMA Manufacturing Co., Ltd.), Shintaro Hinata, Tomoyuki Ogawa, Shin Saito (Tohoku Univ.)
15:25-15:50 Effect of Curie Temperature Distributions on the User Areal Density of Heat-Assisted Magnetic Recording MRIS2024-4 Simon Greaves (Tohoku Univ), Hirofumi Suto (NIMS), Yasuaki Nakamura (Ehime Univ), Yasushi Kanai (NIIT)
15:50-16:15 A study on recording condition evaluation for multilayer magnetic recording using HAMR MRIS2024-5 Tomoya Watanabe, Yasuaki Nakamura, Madoka Nishikawa (Ehime Univ), Simon Greaves (Touhoku Univ), Yoshihiro Okamoto (Ehime Univ)
16:15-17:05 [Invited Talk]
Potential for new generation read heads using anomalous Hall effect
Tomoya Nakatani (NIMS)
Fri, Jun 7 AM 
Chair: Satoru Yoshimura (Akita Univ.)
09:30 - 10:10
09:30-10:10 [Invited Talk]
Development of magneto-optical spatial light modulator driven by current-induced domain wall motion and reconstruction of hologram.
Mayumi Kawana, Ryo Higashida, Ken-ichi Aoshima, Yuta Yamaguchi, Kenji Machida, Nobuhiko Funabashi (NHK)
  10:10-10:20 Break ( 10 min. )
Fri, Jun 7 AM 
Chair: Yasuaki Nakamura(Ehime Univ.)
10:20 - 11:35
10:20-10:45 Micromagnetic modeling of stochastic magnetic tunnel junctions MRIS2024-6 So Endo, Simon Greaves (Tohoku Univ.)
10:45-11:10 STO Oscillation vs. rise time of in-gap field in MAMR Keita Tatsuno, Yasushi Kanai (NIIT), Simon Greaves (Tohoku Univ.)
11:10-11:35 Magnetic interaction in microwave assisted switching MRIS2024-7 Nobuaki Kikuchi (Akita Univ.), Masatoshi Hatayama, Takehito Shimatsu, Satohi Okamoto (Tohoku Univ.)

Announcement for Speakers
General TalkEach speech will have 20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.

Contact Address and Latest Schedule Information
ITE-MMS Technical Group on Multi-media Storage (ITE-MMS)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address  
MRIS Technical Committee on Magnetic Recording & Information Storage (MRIS)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address Toshiki Yamaji (AIST)
TEL +81-29-861-4178
E--mail: -aist 

Last modified: 2024-05-10 11:54:43

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