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Technical Committee on Space, Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics (SANE) [schedule] [select]
Chair Yoshio Kosuge (Nagasaki Univ.)
Vice Chair Toneo Kawanishi (JAXA)
Secretary Atsushi Okamura (Mitsubishi Electric), Seisuke Fukuda (JAXA)
Assistant Hiroshi Takase (Nippon Inst. of Tech.)

Conference Date Thu, Jan 24, 2008 11:10 - 16:45
Fri, Jan 25, 2008 10:25 - 16:30
Topics Positioning, navigation and general 
Conference Place Nagasaki Prefectural Art Museum 
Address 2-1, Dejima-cho, Nagasaki-shi, Nagasaki-ken, 850-0862 Japan.
Transportation Guide
Sponsors This conference is co-sponsored by the IEEE AES Society Japan Chapter and the Kyusyu branch of IEICE.
Announcement Please join us for an reception, which will be held in the evening on Thursday Jan 24.
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Thu, Jan 24 AM 
11:10 - 16:45
(1) 11:10-11:35 A Tracking Method Derived by Filter Equations Using a Random Velocity Model Defined by Polar Coordinates SANE2007-102 Tetsuya Soda, Yoshio Kosuge (Nagasaki Univ.)
(2) 11:35-12:00 A WMCM(Weighted Measurement Covariance Matrix) Tracking Method Using a Constant Acceleration Model SANE2007-103 Daisuke Hashimoto, Yoshio Kosuge (Nagasaki Univ.)
  12:00-12:50 Lunch Break ( 50 min. )
(3) 12:50-13:15 Dim Target Track Initiation using Two-Stage Signal Detection Method SANE2007-104 Yasushi Obata, Ryoji Maekawa, Hiroshi Kameda, Masayoshi Ito (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.), Yoshio Kosuge (Nagasaki Univ.)
(4) 13:15-13:40 Improvement of Initial Target Tracking Performance Using a Constant Velocity Model SANE2007-105 Kouhei Misumi, Yoshio Kosuge (Nagasaki Univ.)
(5) 13:40-14:05 Tracking Performance of an Adaptive α-β Filter Using a Target Maneuvering Signal SANE2007-106 Tetsuya Nakamura, Yoshio Kosuge (Nagasaki Univ.), Tadashi Koga (ENRI)
(6) 14:05-14:30 Three-Dimensional Space Tracking Performance of α-βFilters Derived from Non-process-noise Tracking Method SANE2007-107 Ming Jun Zhang, Yoshio Kosuge (Nagasaki Univ.)
  14:30-14:40 Break ( 10 min. )
(7) 14:40-15:05 Performance Estimation of Super-Resolution Estimation Method of Arrival Time of Multiple Coherent Signals with sliding gate by using Cramer-Rao Bound SANE2007-108 Fuyuki Fukushima, Takayuki Inaba (Mitsubishi electric cooporation)
(8) 15:05-15:30 Delay time / Doppler frequency joint estimation using super resolution algorithm SANE2007-109 Tadashi Oshima, Atsushi Okamura, Hisakazu Maniwa (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.)
(9) 15:30-15:55 Positioning Using Asynchronous TDOA/FDOA Measurements in the Distributed Sensor Network SANE2007-110 Yuki Takabayashi, Takashi Matsuzaki, Hiroshi Kameda, Masayoshi Ito (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.)
(10) 15:55-16:20 Results of Applying Range Difference Estimation as Signal Quality Monitoring Method to Deformation Pseudo GPS Signal SANE2007-111 Shinji Saitoh, Takayuki Yoshihara, Sonosuke Fukushima, Naoki Fujii (ENRI)
(11) 16:20-16:45 [Invited Talk]
Advanced High Accuracy Positioning System for Deep Space Mission SANE2007-112
Kikuko Miyata, Takahiro Kato, Yuya Ariyoshi, Shunsuke Onishi, Ryo Kondo, Sachi Morinaga, Yuya Mimasu (Kyushu Univ.)
Fri, Jan 25 AM 
10:25 - 16:30
(12) 10:25-10:50 A Performance Evaluation for Filter Order Selection Methods of Clutter Suppression Filters Using Estimation Process of the Number of Clutter and its Center Frequencies SANE2007-113 Yasuhiro Harasawa, Takashi Sekiguchi (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.)
(13) 10:50-11:15 Space-Time Adaptive Filters by Linearly Constrained Minimization of Power for the Known Space-Time Distribution of the Clutter Spectrum SANE2007-114 Takashi Sekiguchi (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.)
(14) 11:15-11:40 An Estimation Method of the Number of Incident Signals by means of Least-Squared Errors between Signal Eigen-Spaces SANE2007-115 Rokuzo Hara, Atsushi Okamura, Shinichi Morita (Mitsubishi Electric)
(15) 11:40-12:05 Evaluation of Learning Capabilities of BP Networks to Number of Input Signals SANE2007-116 Shunsuke Kobayakawa, Hirokazu Yokoi (KITGS)
  12:05-13:00 Lunch Break ( 55 min. )
(16) 13:00-13:25 Polarimetric calibraiton of PALSAR and estimation of Faraday rotation SANE2007-117 Toshifumi Moriyama (Nagasaki Univ.), Masanobu Shimada, Takeo Tadono (JAXA), Manabu Watanabe (Tohoku Univ.)
(17) 13:25-13:50 Fundamental Study on CCD by Ku-band FM-CW POLSAR system SANE2007-118 Jun Nakamura, Kazuyasu Aoyama, Yoshio Yamaguchi, Hiroyoshi Yamada (Niigata Univ.), Masatada Furuhata, Nobuo Kumagae (JAROS)
(18) 13:50-14:15 New Binary Codes Compressed to Several Chips SANE2007-119 Hiroshi Takase, Shin'ichi Yamashita, Masanori Shinriki (Nippon Inst. of Tech.)
(19) 14:15-14:40 Pulse Compression for a Simple Pulse Using Mismatched Filters SANE2007-120 Masanori Shinriki, Hiroshi Takase (Nippon Inst. of Tech.)
  14:40-14:50 Break ( 10 min. )
(20) 14:50-15:15 The improvement of the radar for the exploration of buried objects in the concrete SANE2007-121 Kengo Udo, Toshiyuki Tanaka, Takashi Takenaka, Toshifumi Moriyama (Nagasaki Univ.)
(21) 15:15-15:40 Evaluation of range/Angle estimation using Multiple Stepped frequency Interrupted CW Radar SANE2007-122 Takayuki Inaba, Fuyuki Fukushima (MELCO)
(22) 15:40-16:05 Four-component Decomposition of Moving Object by High Speed Acquisition of Scattering Matrix SANE2007-123 Kazuyasu Aoyama, Jun Nakamura, Yoshio Yamaguchi, Hiroyoshi Yamada (Niigata Univ)
(23) 16:05-16:30 The Distribution of Along-Track Position Predicted Errors of Automatic Dependent Surveillance SANE2007-124 So Udagawa (Nihon Univ.), Osamu Amai, Sakae Nagaoka (ENRI), Sei Takahashi, Hideo Nakamura (Nihon Univ.)

Announcement for Speakers
General TalkEach speech will have 20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.

Contact Address and Latest Schedule Information
SANE Technical Committee on Space, Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics (SANE)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address Atsushi Okamura(Mitsubishi Electric)
TEL:+81-467-41-2062 / FAX:+81-467-41-2419

Seisuke Fukuda(JAXA/ISAS)

Last modified: 2007-11-20 02:08:10

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