Technical Committee on Natural Language Understanding and Models of Communication (NLC) |
[schedule] [select]
Chair |
Koichi Takeuchi (Okayama Univ.) |
Vice Chair |
Hiroshi Kanayama (IBM), Makoto Ichise (NTT DoCoMo) |
Secretary |
Takeshi Sakaki (Univ. of Tokyo/Hottolink), Yasuhiko Watanabe (Ryukoku Univ.) |
Assistant |
Kazutaka Shimada (Kyushu Inst. of Tech.), Ryuichiro Higashinaka (NTT) |
Chair |
Takeshi Kawabata (Kwansei Gakuin Univ.) |
Vice Chair |
Norihide Kitaoka (Tokushima Univ.) |
Secretary |
Tomoki Toda (NAIST), Koji Iwano (Tokyo City Univ.) |
Assistant |
Takanobu Oba (NTT), Takashi Nose (Tohoku Univ.) |
Special Interest Group on Spoken Language Understanding and Dialogue Processing (JSAI-SLUD) |
[schedule] [select]
Conference Date |
Mon, Dec 15, 2014 09:30 - 19:45
Tue, Dec 16, 2014 09:15 - 17:55
Wed, Dec 17, 2014 09:00 - 18:20 |
Topics |
The 6th Symposium on Collective Knowlege |
Conference Place |
Suzukakedai Campus, Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Address |
4259, Nagatsuda-cho, Midoriku, Yokohama-shi, 226-8503 Japan. |
Transportation Guide |
15 minutes walk from Suzukakedai Station in Tokyu Denentoshi Line |
Copyright and reproduction |
All rights are reserved and no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Notwithstanding, instructors are permitted to photocopy isolated articles for noncommercial classroom use without fee. (License No.: 10GA0019/12GB0052/13GB0056/17GB0034/18GB0034) |
Mon, Dec 15 AM 09:30 - 11:10 |
(1) SP |
09:30-09:55 |
Recognition and Analysis of Emotion in Indonesian Conversational Speech SP2014-106 |
Nurul Lubis, Sakriani Sakti, Graham Neubig, Tomoki Toda (NAIST), Dessi Lestari, Ayu Purwarianti (ITB), Satoshi Nakamura (NAIST) |
(2) |
09:55-10:20 |
(3) |
10:20-10:45 |
(4) SP |
10:45-11:10 |
Investigation of Deep Neural Network and Cross-adaptation for Voice Activity Detection in Meeting Speech SP2014-107 |
Akihiro Nakadani (Shizuoka Univ.), Longbiao Wang (Nagaoka Univ. of Tech.), Atsuhiko Kai (Shizuoka Univ.) |
11:10-11:20 |
Break ( 10 min. ) |
Mon, Dec 15 AM 11:20 - 12:20 |
(5) |
11:20-11:50 |
(6) |
11:50-12:20 |
12:20-13:10 |
Break ( 50 min. ) |
Mon, Dec 15 PM 13:10 - 14:50 |
(7) SP |
13:10-14:00 |
[Invited Talk]
Dialogue state tracking in statistical dialogue management SP2014-108 |
Kai Yu, Lu Chen (SJTU) |
(8) SP |
14:00-14:50 |
[Invited Talk]
Statistical approach to flexible speech synthesis
-- towards human-like talking machines -- SP2014-109 |
Keiichi Tokuda (NITech/Google) |
14:50-15:00 |
Break ( 10 min. ) |
Mon, Dec 15 PM 15:00 - 15:50 |
(9) |
15:00-15:50 |
Optimization of Large Scale Neural Networks for Speech Recognition
Michiel Bacchiani(Google) |
15:50-15:55 |
Break ( 5 min. ) |
Mon, Dec 15 PM 15:55 - 18:25 |
(10) |
15:55-16:25 |
(11) |
16:25-16:55 |
(12) |
16:55-17:25 |
(13) |
17:25-17:55 |
(14) |
17:55-18:25 |
18:25-18:30 |
Break ( 5 min. ) |
Mon, Dec 15 PM 18:30 - 19:45 |
(15) |
18:30-18:55 |
(16) |
18:55-19:20 |
(17) SP |
19:20-19:45 |
An experimental study of definitions of reference pronunciation distances and acoustic features used for distance prediction with the aim of pronunciation clustering SP2014-110 |
Shun Kasahara (Univ. of Tokyo), Tianze Shi (Tsinghua Univ.), Nobuaki Minematsu, Daisuke Saito, Keikichi Hirose (Univ. of Tokyo) |
Tue, Dec 16 AM 09:15 - 10:45 |
(18) |
09:15-09:45 |
(19) |
09:45-10:15 |
(20) |
10:15-10:45 |
10:45-11:00 |
Break ( 15 min. ) |
Tue, Dec 16 AM 11:00 - 12:30 |
(21) |
11:00-12:30 |
(22) SP |
11:00-12:30 |
Articulatory Controllable Speech Modification using Sequential Inversion and Production Mapping with Gaussian Mixture Models SP2014-111 |
Patrick Lumban Tobing, Tomoki Toda, Graham Neubig, Sakriani Sakti, Satoshi Nakamura (NAIST), Ayu Purwarianti (ITB) |
(23) SP |
11:00-12:30 |
Prosody Correction Preserving Speaker Individuality in English-Read-By-Japanese Speech Synthesis Based on HMM SP2014-112 |
Yuji Oshima, Shinnosuke Takamichi, Tomoki Toda, Graham Neubig, Sakriani Sakti, Satoshi Nakamura (NAIST) |
(24) SP |
11:00-12:30 |
Noise robust speech recognition by non-negative matrix factorization using GMM clustering in MFCC domain SP2014-113 |
Kentaro Fujigaki, Yosuke Kashiwagi, Daisuke Saito, Nobuaki Minematsu, Keikichi Hirose (Univ. of Tokyo) |
(25) SP |
11:00-12:30 |
Many-to-one Voice Conversion using Multiple Non-negative Matrix Factorization SP2014-114 |
Ryo Aihara, Tetsuya Takiguchi, Yasuo Ariki (Kobe Univ.) |
(26) SP |
11:00-12:30 |
HMM-Based Speech Synthesis System with Prosody Modification Based on Speech Input SP2014-115 |
Yuri Nishigaki, Shinnosuke Takamichi, Tomoki Toda, Graham Neubig, Sakriani Sakti, Satoshi Nakamura (NAIST) |
(27) SP |
11:00-12:30 |
Multimodal Voice Conversion using Weighted Features in Noisy Environments SP2014-116 |
Kenta Masaka, Ryo Aihara, Tetsuya Takiguchi, Yasuo Ariki (Kobe Univ.) |
(28) |
11:00-12:30 |
(29) SP |
11:00-12:30 |
Voice conversion based on deep neural network with multiple output sub-networks SP2014-117 |
Tetsuya Hashimoto, Yosuke Kashiwagi, Daisuke Saito, Keikichi Hirose, Nobuaki Minematsu (Univ. of Tokyo) |
(30) SP |
11:00-12:30 |
Speaker adaptation using speaker-normalized DNN based on speaker codes SP2014-118 |
Yosuke Kashiwagi, Daisuke Saito, Nobuaki Minematsu, Keikichi Hirose (Univ. of Tokyo) |
(31) |
11:00-12:30 |
(32) |
11:00-12:30 |
(33) |
11:00-12:30 |
(34) |
11:00-12:30 |
12:30-13:30 |
Break ( 60 min. ) |
Tue, Dec 16 PM 13:30 - 15:15 |
(35) SP |
13:30-15:00 |
[Poster Presentation]
Deep neural network-based feature transformation for reverberant speaker identification SP2014-119 |
Zhaofeng Zhang, Longbiao Wang (NUT), Atsuhiko Kai (Shizuoka Univ.), Weifeng Li (Tsinghua Univ.), Masahiro Iwahashi (NUT) |
(36) |
13:30-15:00 |
(37) SP |
13:30-15:00 |
[Poster Presentation]
Accent identification by conbining GMM and DNN under reverberant environment SP2014-120 |
Ryota Sakagami, Longbiao Wang, Zhang Zhaofeng, Khomdet Phapatanaburi, Masahiro Iwahashi (NUT) |
(38) SP |
13:30-15:00 |
[Poster Presentation]
speech selection and environmental adaptation for asynchronous speech recording based on deep neural network SP2014-121 |
Bo Ren, Longbiao Wang (Nagaoka Univ. of Tech.), Atsuhiko Kai (Shizuoka Univ.) |
(39) SP |
13:30-15:00 |
STD for SQ using MSRR SP2014-122 |
Satoshi Oshima, Yoshiaki Itoh (Iwate Prefectural Univ.) |
(40) SP |
13:30-15:00 |
A Study on Speaker Recognition Method in Consideration of Speaking Style Differences in Lecture Speech SP2014-123 |
Kota Nakatsuji (Doshisha Univ.), Masafumi Nishida (Nagoya Univ.), Seiichi Yamamoto (Doshisha Univ.) |
(41) SP |
13:30-15:00 |
[Poster Presentation]
relationship between speakers' characteristics and the information transmission quality in Dialog SP2014-124 |
Bohan Chen (Nagoya Univ.), Norihide Kitaoka (Tokushima Univ.), Kazuya Takeda (Nagoya Univ.) |
(42) SP |
13:30-15:00 |
[Poster Presentation]
Automatic Language Identification Based on Posterior Probability on Articulatory Classes SP2014-125 |
Takumi Hirata, Kazuyuki Takagi (UEC) |
(43) |
13:30-15:00 |
(44) SP |
13:30-15:00 |
[Poster Presentation]
Voice Conversion Using Speaker Adapted Restricted Boltzmann Machine SP2014-126 |
Toru Nakashika, Tetsuya Takiguchi, Yasuo Ariki (Kobe Univ.) |
(45) |
13:30-15:00 |
(46) |
13:30-15:00 |
(47) |
13:30-15:00 |
(48) |
13:30-15:00 |
(49) |
13:30-15:00 |
(50) NLC |
13:30-15:00 |
Twitter users' characteristics and their emotional expressions in the tweets NLC2014-34 |
Atsumi Taketomi, Masaki Hisano (UEC) |
15:00-15:10 |
Break ( 10 min. ) |
- |
Opening (5 minutes) |
Tue, Dec 16 PM 15:15 - 16:30 |
(51) |
15:15-15:40 |
(52) |
15:40-16:05 |
(53) |
16:05-16:30 |
16:30-16:40 |
Break ( 10 min. ) |
Tue, Dec 16 PM 16:40 - 17:55 |
(54) NLC |
16:40-17:05 |
Words have no meanings. (Digital Linguistics)
-- The Meaning Mechanism of Complex Concept 'Self-Reproducing Automata' -- NLC2014-35 |
Kimiaki Tokumaru (Natural Philosopher) |
(55) NLC |
17:05-17:30 |
The Trial Analysis of the Response Words to the Stimulus Word "Radiation"
-- Based on the Result of the Association Test Given to the 6th Graders of Elementary School Children Before and After the Radiation Class -- NLC2014-36 |
Hiroko Miyuki (Kyoto Univ.) |
(56) |
17:30-17:55 |
Wed, Dec 17 AM 09:00 - 10:45 |
- |
Greetings (5 minutes) |
(57) NLC |
09:05-09:30 |
Qualitative Evaluation of Available Japanese Resources for Lexical Paraphrasing NLC2014-37 |
Tomoyuki Kajiwara, Kazuhide Yamamoto (NUT) |
(58) NLC |
09:30-09:55 |
Selecting Noun Concepts Based on Accounting Data
-- As a Mechanism in the Integrated Narrative Generation System -- NLC2014-38 |
Jumpei Ono, Takashi Ogata (Iwate Prefectural Univ.) |
(59) NLC |
09:55-10:20 |
Constructing an Automatic Anotator of Semantic Role Label and Frame of Predicate Thesaurus NLC2014-39 |
Yoshimasa Ikeda, Koichi Takeuchi (Okayama Univ.) |
(60) |
10:20-10:45 |
10:45-10:55 |
Break ( 10 min. ) |
Wed, Dec 17 AM 10:55 - 11:45 |
(61) |
10:55-11:20 |
(62) |
11:20-11:45 |
11:45-13:00 |
Lunch Break ( 75 min. ) |
Wed, Dec 17 PM 13:00 - 14:15 |
(63) NLC |
13:00-13:25 |
Narrative Focalization Mechanisms and the Implementation in the Integrated Narrative Generation System NLC2014-40 |
Taisuke Akimoto (UEC), Takashi Ogata (IPU) |
(64) |
13:25-13:50 |
(65) NLC |
13:50-14:15 |
Construction of Hotel Review Analyzing System for Helping Hotel Refurbishment NLC2014-41 |
Takuma Monden, Koichi Takeuchi (Okayama Univ.) |
14:15-14:25 |
Break ( 10 min. ) |
Wed, Dec 17 PM 14:25 - 15:25 |
(66) |
14:25-15:25 |
EMNLP 2014 report (60 minutes)
Yo Ehara (NICT), Nobuhiro Kaji (University of Tokyo), Hiroshi Kanayama (IBM) |
15:25-15:35 |
Break ( 10 min. ) |
Wed, Dec 17 PM 15:35 - 16:50 |
(67) NLC |
15:35-16:00 |
Link Generation for TV Programs based on Semantic Relations between Words NLC2014-42 |
Kikuka Miura, Ichiro Yamada, Taro Miyazaki, Masaru Miyazaki, Atsushi Matsui, Naoto Kato, Hideki Sumiyoshi, Hideki Tanaka (NHK) |
(68) |
16:00-16:25 |
(69) |
16:25-16:50 |
16:50-17:00 |
Break ( 10 min. ) |
Wed, Dec 17 PM NL/NLC Challengeing Topics 17:00 - 18:20 |
(70) |
17:00-17:25 |
(71) NLC |
17:25-17:50 |
Detecting Novel Allergy Risks by Using Crowdsourcing
-- the semi-automatic research from hypothesis making to experimentation -- NLC2014-43 |
Eiji Aramaki, Shuko Shikata (Kyoto University), Eriko Watabe (IRALT), Mai Miyabe, Yasuyuki Usuda (Kyoto University), Satsuki Ayaya, Shinichiro Kumagaya (Univ. of Tokyo) |
(72) |
17:50-18:15 |
- |
Closing (5 minutes) |
Announcement for Speakers |
General Talk | Each speech will have 20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion. |
Contact Address and Latest Schedule Information |
Technical Committee on Natural Language Understanding and Models of Communication (NLC) [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address |
SP |
Technical Committee on Speech (SP) [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address |
Special Interest Group on Natural Language (IPSJ-NL) [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address |
Special Interest Group on Spoken Language Processing (IPSJ-SLP) [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address |
Special Interest Group on Spoken Language Understanding and Dialogue Processing (JSAI-SLUD) [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address |
Last modified: 2014-12-16 11:21:34