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アンテナ・伝播研究会(A・P) [schedule] [select]
専門委員長 新井 宏之 (横浜国大)
副委員長 長 敬三 (千葉工大)
幹事 高橋 徹 (三菱電機), 榊原 久二男 (名工大)
幹事補佐 道下 尚文 (防衛大)

日時 2014年 1月 8日(水) 09:00 - 18:20
2014年 1月 9日(木) 09:00 - 17:50
2014年 1月10日(金) 09:00 - 18:00
議題 Vietnam-Japan International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation 
会場名 Le Quy Don Technical University, Hanoi, Vietnam 
住所 236 Hoang Quoc Viet, Nghia Do, Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam
交通案内 https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msa=0&msid=203183827889959892044.0004d8d42c781f067d9de&ie=UTF8&t=m&source=embed&ll=21.046545,105.786484&spn=0,0
Prof. Quoc Dinh Nguyen, Le Quy Don Technical University, Vietnam
他の共催 ◆IEICE/RCS, IEEE AP-S Japan Chapter, REV, IEICE Vietnam Section, and IEEE Vietnam Section.
お知らせ ◎A banquet is planned after the session of the second day (January 9).

1月8日(水) 午前  Tutorial Workshop I
座長: Hisashi Morishita (NDA)
09:00 - 10:40
(1) 09:00-09:10 Opening Remark
(2) 09:10-10:40 [チュートリアル講演]Advanced design of electrically small antennas Hiroyuki AraiYokohama National Univ.
  10:40-10:50 Break ( 10分 )
1月8日(水) 午前  Tutorial Workshop II
座長: Toru Uno (TUAT)
10:50 - 12:20
(3) 10:50-12:20 [チュートリアル講演]Basic Techniques for the Antenna Measurements - Input Impedance and Pattern Measurements Nozomu IshiiNiigata Univ.
  12:20-13:30 Lunch Break ( 70分 )
1月8日(水) 午後  Session I : Small Antennas
座長: Tran Thi Huong (DUT)
13:30 - 14:50
(4) 13:30-13:50 A Study on Requisite Design Volume of Small Antennas Designed for Dual-band of Mobile Terminals Tuan Hung NguyenNDA)・Hiroshi SatoYoshio KoyanagiPanasonic)・Hisashi MorishitaNDA
(5) 13:50-14:10 The Optimum Design of PIFA for the 3G mobile device Ha Quoc AnhNguyen Quoc DinhLe Quy Don Technical Univ.
(6) 14:10-14:30 Design of Triplate-Line-Feeding Broadband Slot Aperture Antenna on Double-Layer Substrate in the Millimeter-Wave Band Hiroki HoriKunio SakakibaraNobuyoshi KikumaHiroshi HirayamaNIT
(7) 14:30-14:50 Single-Feed Dual Band Circularly Polarized Antenna for ISM Band Applications Pham Huu ToBinh-Duong NguyenVan-Su TranVNU-HCM
  14:50-15:00 Break ( 10分 )
1月8日(水) 午後  Session II : Measurement
座長: Takuji Arima (TUAT)
15:00 - 15:40
(8) 15:00-15:20 A Simple Technique to Measure Specific Absorption Rate of Multiple Antenna Transmitting Systems Using Scalar E-field Probes
-- Case Study for Two-Element Array Antenna --
Dinh Thanh LeLira HamadaSoichi WatanabeNICT)・Teruo OnishiNTT DOCOMO
(9) 15:20-15:40 Performance evaluation of biological tissue coagulation device by microwave energy Kazuyuki SaitoYoshito TezukaYuta EndoMasaharu TakahashiKoichi ItoChiba Univ.
  15:40-15:50 Break ( 10分 )
1月8日(水) 午後  Session III : Wireless Power Transmission
座長: Naobumi Michishita (NDA)
15:50 - 17:10
(10) 15:50-16:10 A Brief Introduction to Flexible Magnetically-Coupled Resonant Wireless Power Transmission Systems Huy Hoang・○Tran Thi HuongDUT)・Jingook KimFranklin BienUNIST
(11) 16:10-16:30 Dielectric Loading Effect of Open-end Spiral Antenna for Wireless Power Transfer Kanako KomatsuHiroyuki YamadaHiroshi HirayamaNobuyoshi KikumaKunio SakakibaraNIT
(12) 16:30-16:50 Development of antenna for wireless power transmission to capsular endoscope Syougo TsuzakiKazuyuki SaitoMasaharu TakahashiKoichi ItoChiba univ
(13) 16:50-17:10 A 355W class S band compact Wilkinson combiner unit with LDMOS FET power amplifiers for wireless power transmission Chuc Doan HuuHPU)・Duong Bach GiaVNU
  17:10-17:20 Break ( 10分 )
1月8日(水) 午後  Session IV : Microwave Amplifier & Electromagnetics
座長: Kazuyuki Saito (Chiba Univ.)
17:20 - 18:20
(14) 17:20-17:40 A Single-Stage 2.4 Ghz Low Noise Amplifier Simulation And Implementation On FR-4 Substrate Dong-Anh DoanLinh MaiDinh-Uyen NguyenBinh-Duong NguyenVan-Su TranVNU-HCM
(15) 17:40-18:00 Design And Fabricate A S-band Power Amplifier Tran Nam HungLinh MaiVan-Su TranDinh-Uyen NguyenBinh-Duong NguyenVNU-HCM
1月9日(木) 午前  Tutorial Workshop III
座長: Shigeru Makino (KIT)
09:00 - 10:30
(17) 09:00-10:30 [チュートリアル講演]Base station and terminal antenna technologies for wireless communication systems Keizo ChoChiba Inst. of Tech.
  10:30-10:40 Break ( 10分 )
1月9日(木) 午前  Tutorial Workshop IV
座長: Nobuyoshi Kikuma (NIT)
10:40 - 12:10
(18) 10:40-12:10 [チュートリアル講演]Recent Development of the Mobile Network in Japan and its Evolution in the Future Yoshihiro IshikawaNTT DOCOMO
  12:10-13:20 Lunch Break ( 70分 )
1月9日(木) 午後  Invited Talk I
座長: Hiroyoshi Yamada (Niigata Univ.)
13:20 - 14:20
(19) 13:20-13:50 [招待講演]Increasing spectral efficiency via high-rate spatial modulation Xuan Nam TranThu Phuong NguyenLe Quy Don Technical Univ.)・Minh Tuan LeHanoi Department of Science and Technology
(20) 13:50-14:20 [招待講演]QZSS Location and Short Message Communication System against Big Disasters Akinori TairaYuji MiyakeSuguru KamedaNoriharu SuematsuTadashi TakagiKazuo TsubouchiTohoku Univ.
  14:20-14:30 Break ( 10分 )
1月9日(木) 午後  Invited Talk II
座長: Xuan Nam Tran (Le Quy Don Technical Univ.)
14:30 - 15:30
(21) 14:30-15:00 [招待講演]Wireless Communications Using Learning Algorithm Tomoaki OhtsukiKeio Univ.
(22) 15:00-15:30 [招待講演]Non-orthogonal Access Using Intra-beam Superposition Coding and Successive Interference Cancellation for Cellular MIMO Downlink Kenichi HiguchiTokyo Univ. of Science
  15:30-15:40 Break ( 10分 )
1月9日(木) 午後  Session V : Wideband, Multi-band
座長: Kunio Sakakibara (NIT)
15:40 - 16:40
(23) 15:40-16:00 A New Design of Compact Ultra-Wide Band MIMO Antennas Le Trong TrungNguyen Quoc DinhLe Quy Don Technical Univ.
(24) 16:00-16:20 A Study of a Multi-band Antenna with Intra Coupling Effect Hiroki NishiwakiHiroki NaoeKenji SaegusaTadashi TakanoNihon Univ
(25) 16:20-16:40 A Method To Design Tri-band Bandpass Filter For WLAN And WiMAX Applications MinhTanDoanLe Qui Don Technical Univ
  16:40-16:50 Break ( 10分 )
1月9日(木) 午後  Session VI : Space Diversity & MIMO
座長: Tetsuro Imai (NTT DOCOMO)
16:50 - 17:50
(26) 16:50-17:10 Performance Evaluation of 2x2 MIMO System with Single Leaky Coaxial Cable Satoshi TsukamotoTakahiro MaedaSusumu AnoYafei HouHiroshi BanMasayuki AriyoshiKiyoshi KobayashiATR
(27) 17:10-17:30 Transmission Rate by Block Diagonalization for MU-MIMO Systems Considering User Scheduling Kentaro NishimoriNiigata Univ.)・Takefumi HiraguriNIT)・Hideo MakinoNiigata Univ.
(28) 17:30-17:50 Study, design and fabrication of PIN-diode-based diversity switch to be used for beam-forming techniques and I/Q modulation Giang Bach HoangLinh Ta PhuongLong Hoang DucDuong Bach GiaCOLTECH
1月10日(金) 午前  Session VII : Array Signal Processing
座長: Ta Chi Hieu (Le Quy Don Technical Univ.)
09:00 - 10:20
(29) 09:00-09:20 Wideband DOA estimation algorithm for linear arrays using KR matrix product Hiroyoshi YamadaSatoshi ShiraiYoshio YamaguchiNiigata Univ.
(30) 09:20-09:40 A Consideration of FastICA Algorithm Using Spatial Smoothing Preprocessing for Separation of Coherent Signals Tomomi ImaiNobuyoshi KikumaHiroshi HirayamaKunio SakakibaraNIT
(31) 09:40-10:00 Reduction of Sidelobe Level in Planar Antenna Arrays Tong Van LuyenPham Dinh ToaiTa Dinh DucTruong Vu Bang GiangVietnam National Univ.
(32) 10:00-10:20 Nulling and Steering of Beams in Planar Antenna Arrays Tong Van LuyenPham Dinh ToaiTa Dinh DucTruong Vu Bang GiangVietnam National Univ.
  10:20-10:30 Break ( 10分 )
1月10日(金) 午前  Session VIII : Aperture Antennas
座長: Jiro Hirokawa (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)
10:30 - 11:50
(33) 10:30-10:50 Performance Analyses of X-band Deploying Elliptic Cassegrain Antenna for a small SAR satellite Shinji KurodaTamotsu NishinoTakahiro InoueMichio TakikawaYuki TakataniYoshinori KuniiMitsubishi Electric Corp.
(34) 10:50-11:10 Reflectarray Antenna for Receiving of Satellite Broadcasting Katsutoshi IkarashiYukihiro KoshimaShigeru MakinoShin-ichi BetsudanTetsuo HirotaKeisuke NoguchiKenji ItohKIT
(35) 11:10-11:30 A Quad-ridged Horn Antenna for Estimating Distribution of Brightness Temperature Kota YamadaKunio SakakibaraNobuyoshi KikumaNIT)・Takashi ArakawaTohru SakamotoMasamune TakedaMaspro Denkoh Corp.
(36) 11:30-11:50 Comparisons of Calculation Methods for RCS Values of a Scale Model Airplane Tadashi ChisakaNaobumi MichishitaYoshihide YamadaNational Defense Academy
  11:50-13:00 Lunch Break ( 70分 )
1月10日(金) 午後  Session IX : Propagation
座長: Hisato Iwai (Doshisha Univ.)
13:00 - 14:20
(37) 13:00-13:20 Advanced MIMO Channel Modelling for Fading Emulator with Simplified Configuration Guijiang SunYoshio KarasawaUEC
(38) 13:20-13:40 Study on Directional Channel Properties in Outdoor-to-Indoor Radio Propagation Environment Tetsuro ImaiKentaro SaitoKoshiro KitaoYukihiko OkumuraNTT DOCOMO
(39) 13:40-14:00 Channel estimation method using narrowband signals for MIMO sensor Tsubasa TashiroKentaro NishimoriNiigata Univ)・Tsutomu MitsuiNobuyasu TakemuraSammsung R&D Institune Japan
(40) 14:00-14:20 A Study on the Implementation of AES-based Authenticated Encryption for Wireless Networking Quang Kien TrinhXuan Tien Do・○Hong Phong NguyenThi Hong Tham TranHoang Gia VuVan Phuc HoangLe Quy Don Tech. Uni.
  14:20-14:30 Break ( 10分 )
1月10日(金) 午後  Session X : Receiving Technologies
座長: Kentaro Nishimori(Niigata Univ.)
14:30 - 15:30
(42) 14:50-15:10 Study on successive wave separation Adaptive Array OFDM receiver for DTV mobile reception. Yui ShimuraTomohisa WadaRyukyu Univ.
(43) 15:10-15:30 ICI cancellation using 2D channel estimation for OFDM mobile receivers Tran Minh HaiPhD)・Tomohisa WadaUniv. of the Ryukyus
  15:30-15:40 Break ( 10分 )
1月10日(金) 午後  Session XI : Metamaterial, EBG
座長: Toru Takahashi (Mitsubishi Electric.)
15:40 - 16:40
(44) 15:40-16:00 Effective Permittivity Design of Metamaterial Structure for Small Dipole Antennas Covered with Epsilon Negative Shell Katsuya MouriNaobumi MichishitaYoshihide YamadaNational Defense Academy
(45) 16:00-16:20 Design and Implementation of Low-cost Microstrip Patch Antenna Based on EBG for GNSS Application Vu Van YemNguyen Anh QuangHanoi University of Science and Technology
(46) 16:20-16:40 An efficient edge structure of finite size EBG structure Takuji ArimaYugo TannoToru UnoTUAT
  16:40-16:50 Break ( 10分 )
1月10日(金) 午後  Session XII : Array Antennas
座長: Truong Vu Bang Giang (Vietnam National Univ.)
16:50 - 18:00
(47) 16:50-17:10 Fabrication of a double-layer corporate-feed waveguide slot array antenna by powder metal laser process Jiro HirokawaSatoshi ItoSatoshi SuetsuguMiao ZhangMakoto AndoTokyo Inst. of Tech.
(48) 17:10-17:30 Design, optimization and implementation of microstrip patch antenna array for Microwave X-Band Applications Phong Le Dai・○Bao Nguyen PhungHuy Nguyen QuangNguyen Nguyen HoangDai Pham CaoLinh Trinh DinhLe Quy Don Tech. Univ.
(49) 17:30-17:50 Choke-length Dependency in Performance of Via-less Planar Microstrip-to-waveguide Transition with Choke Structure in Millimeter-wave Band Keisuke MuraseKunio SakakibaraNobuyoshi KikumaHiroshi HirayamaNIT
(50) 17:50-18:00 Closing Address

一般講演発表 15 分 + 質疑応答 5 分
チュートリアル講演発表 80 分 + 質疑応答 10 分
招待講演発表 25 分 + 質疑応答 5 分

AP アンテナ・伝播研究会(A・P)   [今後の予定はこちら]
問合先 榊原 久二男 (名工大)
E--mail: _-cry 

Last modified: 2013-12-14 10:17:20

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