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Technical Meeting on Intelligent Transport Systems (IEE-ITS)  (Searched in: 2019)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2019-09-06 to:2019-09-06'

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Search Results: Conference Papers
 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 1 - 7 of 7  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
ITS, IEE-ITS, IPSJ-ITS 2019-09-06
Tokyo SUNNY Rental Conf. Room A Study on Non-Line-of-Sight Obstacle Position Estimation Using Reflected Image on Side Panel of Leading Vehicle
Hiroki Fujii, Yusuke Takatori (Kanagawa univ of Technology) ITS2019-6
 [more] ITS2019-6
ITS, IEE-ITS, IPSJ-ITS 2019-09-06
Tokyo SUNNY Rental Conf. Room A Study on the Realization of obstacle position estimation using the images reflected on the side panel of the vehicle
Yusuke Takatori, Shuichirou Koyama, Masaki Shiriishi (KAIT) ITS2019-7
 [more] ITS2019-7
ITS, IEE-ITS, IPSJ-ITS 2019-09-06
Tokyo SUNNY Rental Conf. Room Regarding exclusive pedestrian phase -- Proposal of the DC-CSO scheme and ADS scheme --
Riku Sasaki, Takaaki Hasegawa, Humihiro Shmizu (Saitama Univ.) ITS2019-8
This paper describes exclusive pedestrian phase traffic signals schemes' framework including both cycle/split/offset sch... [more] ITS2019-8
ITS, IEE-ITS, IPSJ-ITS 2019-09-06
Tokyo SUNNY Rental Conf. Room A Study on time efficiency of CSMA/CA for IVC
Masashi Kato, Masahiro Fujii (Utsunomiya Univ.) ITS2019-9
CSMA/CA has been widely accepted as a Media Access Control scheme for Inter-Vehicle Communication systems.
In CSMA/CA, ... [more]
ITS, IEE-ITS, IPSJ-ITS 2019-09-06
Tokyo SUNNY Rental Conf. Room Construction of basis for performance evaluation of safety driving support system
Ikkei Hasebe, Takaaki Hasegawa (Saitama Univ) ITS2019-10
In this paper, we construct a microscopic traffic flow simulator for normal roads including traffic lights that using th... [more] ITS2019-10
ITS, IEE-ITS, IPSJ-ITS 2019-09-06
Tokyo SUNNY Rental Conf. Room A Just-in-time Modeling Approach to Automatic Path Tracking Control for Cars
Mayu Nobumiya, Tatsuya Kai (Tokyo Univ. of Science) ITS2019-11
This study proposes a new automatic path tracking control method for cars based on just-im-time modeling. The purpose is... [more] ITS2019-11
ITS, IEE-ITS, IPSJ-ITS 2019-09-06
Tokyo SUNNY Rental Conf. Room Application of Evasive Action Model in Encounters with Emergency Vehicles to Pre-Deceleration Running
Hideaki Nanba (Aichi Prefectural Univ.), Manabu Sawada (DENSO), Koji Oguri (Aichi Prefectural Univ.) ITS2019-12
It is reported that the vehicle-to-vehicle communication can make the surrounding cars recognize the approach of emergen... [more] ITS2019-12
 Results 1 - 7 of 7  /   
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