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Technical Committee on Network Systems (NS)  (Searched in: 2008)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2008-05-15 to:2008-05-15'

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Search Results: Conference Papers
 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 1 - 17 of 17  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
NS 2008-05-15
Hokkaido Future University-Hakodate Evaluation for Detectability of Identifying the Anomalous Traffic Using Delta Traffic
Shigeaki Harada, Ryoichi Kawahara, Noriaki Kamiyama, Tsuyoshi Kondoh, Keisuke Ishibashi (NTT), Shoichiro Asano (NII) NS2008-1
To mitigate the anomalous traffic such as DDoS attacks,
it is necessary to accurately identify the anomalous traffic so... [more]
NS 2008-05-15
Hokkaido Future University-Hakodate Entropy-based Input-Output Traffic Mode Detection Scheme for DoS/DDoS Attacks
Zhang Fengxiang (SOKENDAI), Shunji Abe (NII) NS2008-2
Nowadays Distributed Denial of Service(DDoS) attacks are threatening the widely used Internet. How to detect DDoS attack... [more] NS2008-2
NS 2008-05-15
Hokkaido Future University-Hakodate Novel Packet Scheduling Considering Diverse Flow Sizes
Kenji Yokota, Takuya Asaka, Tatsuro Takahashi (Kyoto Univ.) NS2008-3
In recent years elephant flow is increasing by appearance of P2P (Peer-to-Peer) applications in the Internet. Therefore ... [more] NS2008-3
NS 2008-05-15
Hokkaido Future University-Hakodate Analysis of Efficient Network Structure for Parallel Download
Noriaki Kamiyama, Ryoichi Kawahara, Haruhisa Hasegawa (NTT) NS2008-4
In the Internet, video streaming service in which users can enjoy videos at home is becoming popular. Video streaming wi... [more] NS2008-4
NS 2008-05-15
Hokkaido Future University-Hakodate [Tutorial Invited Lecture] Performance analysis of IP network and protocols using OPNET
Hiroshi Yamada (NTT) NS2008-5
In this lecture, I will talk about the overview of modeling and evaluation of performance of IP network and protocols us... [more] NS2008-5
NS 2008-05-15
Hokkaido Future University-Hakodate Implementation of an integration of rerouting-based micro-mobility and traffic engineering in wireless access networks
Yaping Gong, Wladimir Bocquet, Patrice Coupe, Romain Lenglet (France Telecom) NS2008-6
In this paper, we propose a functional integration of rerouting-based micro-mobility and traffic engineering in wireless... [more] NS2008-6
NS 2008-05-15
Hokkaido Future University-Hakodate A Handoff Mechanism to support Multi-Source Streaming in Mobile Communication Systems
Tomoyuki Nakamura, Tarik Taleb, Kazuo Hashimoto (Tohoku Univ.) NS2008-7
Along with on-going advances in mobile technologies, transmission speeds of laptops, cellular phones or other mobile ter... [more] NS2008-7
NS 2008-05-16
Hokkaido Future University-Hakodate Construction Method for Semantic P2P Networks considering Clipping
Takahito Nakagawa, Tomonori Mori, Takuya Asaka, Tatsuro Takahashi (Kyoto Univ) NS2008-8
Many studies of semantic P2P networks has been conducted. In semantic P2P networks, each peer who has similar interest i... [more] NS2008-8
NS 2008-05-16
Hokkaido Future University-Hakodate A proposal of poisoning method for file ID search in a P2P file sharing network
Masahiro Yoshida, Satoshi Ohzahata, Konosuke Kawashima (TUAT) NS2008-9
Some P2P file sharing networks do not control distribution files in their protocol. In these cases, the poisoning method... [more] NS2008-9
NS 2008-05-16
Hokkaido Future University-Hakodate Transport Protocol with Adaptive Congestion Control on Ad Hoc Networks
Ryo Yamamoto, Takumi Miyoshi (Shibaura Inst. of Tech.) NS2008-10
In ad hoc networks, since each terminal transmits data using radio devices, link failure or segment loss frequently occu... [more] NS2008-10
NS 2008-05-16
Hokkaido Future University-Hakodate Directional Antenna Preferable Routing Protocol in Multi-hop Wireless Networks
Hiroki Yahata, Takayuki Konishi, Kagenari Yamamoto, Miki Yamamoto (kansai Univ.) NS2008-11
Multi-hop wireless network which requires no infrastructure equipment such as access points is paid great attention in r... [more] NS2008-11
NS 2008-05-16
Hokkaido Future University-Hakodate Information Delivery Methods Using User Attributes and Location Information
Shigeru Kaneda, Daizou Ikeda, Hiroshi Kawakami, Noriteru Shinagawa (NTT DoCoMo) NS2008-12
Personal communications devices such as cellular phones are widely used. That could make it possible to delivery specifi... [more] NS2008-12
NS 2008-05-16
Hokkaido Future University-Hakodate A Study on Resource Allocation to Virtual Networks for Online Games
Motonari Kobayashi, Toshihiro Suzuki, Tomohiro Nagata, Ashiq Khan, Jo Manhee (NTT DoCoMo, Inc.) NS2008-13
When online games are played with mobile terminals such as cellular phones, it is efficient to process games at network ... [more] NS2008-13
NS 2008-05-16
Hokkaido Future University-Hakodate Network Virutalization Technology with Virtual Machine Environment on a Single Node
Tomohiro Nagata, Toshihiro Suzuki, Motonari Kobayashi, Ashiq Khan, Jo Manhee (NTT DoCoMo) NS2008-14
Network Virtualization is a promising approach to realize post IP networks. In Network Virtualization, resources in nod... [more] NS2008-14
NS 2008-05-16
Hokkaido Future University-Hakodate Development of Video Transmission System pursuing Available Network Bandwidth
Shuhei Oda, Kazuhiro Kamimura, Haruo Hoshino (NHK) NS2008-15
In a best effort network where available bandwidth always changes, it is impossible to keep constant and wide bandwidth ... [more] NS2008-15
NS 2008-05-16
Hokkaido Future University-Hakodate Study of Packet Network Design to Guarantee Bandwidth
Hideki Endo, Masayuki Takase, Kenichi Sakamoto (Hitachi, Ltd.), Nobuyuki Yamamoto, Akihiko Tanaka, Takayuki Kanno, Yoshihiro Ashi (Hitachi Communication Technologies, Ltd.) NS2008-16
Leased line services, which have been composed of ATM networks, are so highly reliable that the services can guarantee a... [more] NS2008-16
NS 2008-05-16
Hokkaido Future University-Hakodate A Study of a Distributed Directory Scheme for a Real-time Information Delivery System
Takayuki Shizuno, Tsutomu Kitamura, Toshiya Okabe, Hideaki Tani (NEC) NS2008-17
In the near future, the number of content generation devices will increase explosively thanks to the evolution in the fi... [more] NS2008-17
 Results 1 - 17 of 17  /   
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