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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
EMCJ 2008-03-07
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg A Phantom-coated Cavity-backed Bow-tie Antenna for Ground Penetrating Radar.
Satoshi Tanaka, Kiyoto Matsushima, Tadahiko Maeda (Ritsumeikan Univ.) EMCJ2007-130
The frequency spectrum of a conventional ground penetrating radar is ranging from several MHz through
1GHz since the e... [more]
AP 2008-01-24
Okinawa Tyeruru.(Naha) A Study of Feeding Cable Leakage Current in terms of the Size and Feature of a Grounding Plate for a UWB Radiating Element
Masayuki Shiromoto, Takeshi Okumoto, Katsuhiro Fujimoto, Kiyoto Matsushima, Tadahiko Maeda (Rits. Univ.) AP2007-149
Microstrip line (MSL)-fed and coplanar waveguide (CPW)-fed antennas have some inherent problems caused by the leakage cu... [more] AP2007-149
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