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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
SANE 2017-10-04
Tokyo Maison franco - japonaise (Tokyo) GPR survey for paleotsunami research
Kazuhisa Goto, Hiraku Takeda (Tohoku Univ.), James Goff (UNSW), Hideaki Matsumoto (Tohoku Gakuin Univ.), Daisuke Sugawara (Museum of Natural and Environmental History, Shizuoka) SANE2017-47
We introduce the utilization possibility of the Ground Penetrating Radar for palaeotsunami research. [more] SANE2017-47
AP 2017-02-17
Tochigi Tochigiken-sougou-bunnka Center [Invited Lecture] Design of Real-time Channel Sounding System for Characterization of Millimeter-wave Propagation Channel
Junichi Tanaka, Kiyoshi Yanagisawa (RSJ), Taro Eichler (RS), Wilhelm Keusgen (HHI), Tran Ngochao, Koshiro Kitao, Tetsuro Imai (NTT Docomo) AP2016-170
To clarify the propagation characteristics in mm-wave is one of most important issues in 5G mobile communication system.... [more] AP2016-170
SDM 2017-02-06
Tokyo Tokyo Univ. [Invited Talk] NiGe/Ge contact formation by microwave annealing method for low-thermal budget processing
Osamu Nakatsuka (Grad. Sch. of Eng., Nagoya University), Yoshimasa Watanabe (TEL), Akihiro Suzuki (Grad. Sch. of Eng., Nagoya University), Yoshio Nishi (Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University), Shigeaki Zaima (IMaSS, Nagoya University) SDM2016-141
 [more] SDM2016-141
ET 2016-01-30
Osaka Kansai Univ. Development of Real-time Analysis Tool based on Acoustic Features related to the Singing Skill
Yasuki Yamashita (PIT-Nagano), Mizue Kayama, Kyoko Ikeda, Miharu Noda, Kazunori Itoh (Shinshu Univ.), Kazushi Asanuma (NIT,Nagano College) ET2015-87
We have developed real-time analysis tool for acoustic features of singing voice that is thought to be related to singin... [more] ET2015-87
WIT, ASJ-H 2015-02-13
Ehime Ehime University, Johoku Campus Difference of formant frequency and brain activity under control of articulation to the auditory feedback in stuttering vs. non-stuttering adults
Akikazu Nishikido (ATR), Takanori Kochiyama (ATR-P), Sachiko Yamazaki (Raku Counseling Room), Michiyo Hiraoka (Language Education Laboratory for Special Children), Nobuko Tanimura (Mutsumi Hospital), Naomi Sakai (NRCD)
 [more] WIT2014-77
EMM 2013-01-30
Miyagi Tohoku Univ. Text Steganography using SD-Froms based on Elaboration Relations
Masahiro Wakiyama (Kitakyushu National College of Tech.), Koichi Nozaki (Nagasaki Univ.), Shota Yoshihara (Nagasaki Junshin Catholic Univ.) EMM2012-106
 [more] EMM2012-106
MI 2012-10-29
Yamaguchi Yamaguchi Univ. Measurements of depth recognition on stereoscopic scintigrams based on two-altanative forced choice task
Takeshi Hara, Katsuaki Yamazaki (Gifu Univ.), Tetsuro Katafuchi (Gifu Med. Univ.), Tatsunori Kobayashi (Junshin Univ.), Masaki Matsusako (St. Luke Hosp.), Chisako Muramatsu, Xiangrong Zhou, Hiroshi Fujita (Gifu Univ.) MI2012-58
It is difficult for readers to recognize object depth and overlap in a single scintigraphy. The purpose of this work was... [more] MI2012-58
MBE 2012-01-28
Fukuoka Kyushu University Frequency-Dependent Effects on ERP P300 by Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Aya Sato, Tetsuya Torii, Masakuni Iwahashi (Junshin Gakuen Univ.), Keiji Iramina (Kyushu Univ.) MBE2011-94
The present study analyzed the effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) on brain activity. P300 la... [more] MBE2011-94
Kanagawa YRP A New Coexistence Scenario for UWB Technologies
Abolfazl Mehbodniya (Tohoku Univ. Former INRS-EMT Univ. Quebec), Sonia Aissa (INRS-EMT Univ. Quebec), Fumiyuki Adachi (Tohoku Univ.) RCS2010-287
 [more] RCS2010-287
LQE 2009-05-22
Toyama Kanazawa Univ. Progress in Distributed-Reflector(DR) Lasers with Wirelke Active Regions -- Low threshold, High efficiency, and strong durability against reflected waves --
Takahiko Shindo, SeungHun Lee, Noriaki Tajima, Daisuke Takahashi (Tokyo Inst. of Tech./RIKEN), Nobuhiko Nishiyama (RIKEN), Shigehisa Arai (Tokyo Inst. of Tech./RIKEN) LQE2009-3
 [more] LQE2009-3
AP 2009-04-09
Osaka Osaka Prefecture Univ. Spatial Correlation Characteristics in Three-Dimentional Multipath Channels
Hung Le Dang, Yoshio Karasawa (UEC Tokyo) AP2009-6
In propagation environments such as indoor, built-up area, and mobile-satellite systems, it is thought that direction of... [more] AP2009-6
SS, KBSE 2007-04-19
Fukushima Univ. of Aizu Spectrum Analysis of an Application Domain by using Software Quality Characteristics
Tomonori Sato, Akira Osada, Naoyuki Kitazawa, Haruhiko Kaiya, Kenji Kaijiri (ShinShu u) SS2007-3 KBSE2007-3
To make a good requirement specifications, it is important to understand domain characteristics and elicit the tacit req... [more] SS2007-3 KBSE2007-3
ISEC, SITE, IPSJ-CSEC 2006-07-21
Okayama Okayama Univ. Visualization Technologies of nicter Incident Analysis System
Koji Nakao, Fumiko Matsumoto, Daisuke Inoue (NICT), Shunsuke Baba, Kazuya Suzuki (YOKOGAWA), Masashi Eto, Katsunari Yoshioka, Kenji Rikitake (NICT), Yoshiaki Hori (ISEE)
The authors have been working on the R&D activities of nicter, an Internet security incident analysis center investigati... [more] ISEC2006-51
CAS, SIP, CS 2006-03-07
Okinawa Univ of Ryukyu On the Multifractal Processes of Stock Prices in Artificial Markets consisting of Multi-agents with GP-Learning
Yoshikazu Ikeda (Shin-dai), Shozo Tokinaga (Kyu-dai), Noboru Takagi (Nagasaki-soukadai)
 [more] CAS2005-118 SIP2005-164 CS2005-111
MBE 2006-01-28
Kumamoto   Classification of ataxia using a self-organizing neural network model
Tsuyoshi Yamaguchi, Tomohiko Igasaki, Yuki Hayashida, Nobuki Murayama (Kumamoto Univ.), Kikuo Yamaguchi (Saishunsou Hospital)
 [more] MBE2005-120
MBE 2005-01-29
Fukuoka Kyushu Inst. of Tech. Upper limb movement function evaluation system for classification of ataxia -- Neural network model for classification of ataxia --
Tsuyoshi Yamaguchi, Nobuki Murayama, Yuki Hayashida, Tomohiko Igasaki (Kumamoto Univ.), Kikuo Yamaguchi (Saisyunso Hospital)
(To be available after the conference date) [more] MBE2004-92
MBE 2005-01-29
Fukuoka Kyushu Inst. of Tech. Quantitive evaluation of the upper-limbs movement functional disorder using the straight-line motion
Hideki Mine, Nobuki Murayama, Yuki Hayashida, Tomohiko Igasaki (Kumamoto Univ.), Kikuo Yamaguchi (Saishunso Hospital)
 [more] MBE2004-93
MBE 2005-01-29
Fukuoka Kyushu Inst. of Tech. Quantification of upper-limbs movement functional disorder in the Parkinson's disease patient using the reaction task
Hirofumi Ikawa, Nobuki Murayama, Yuki Hayashida, Tomohiko Igasaki (Kumamoto Univ.), Kikuo Yamaguchi (Saishunsou Hospital), Yoshifumi Hirata (Kumamoto Takumadai Hospital)
 [more] MBE2004-94
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