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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 13 of 13  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
RCC, ISEC, IT, WBS 2023-03-14
Yamaguchi (Yamaguchi, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Diversification of Personal Records using GAN
Chengxi Jiang, Tiancheng Wang, Hikaru Morita (Kanagawa Univ.) IT2022-99 ISEC2022-78 WBS2022-96 RCC2022-96
In this paper, we deal with data anonymization as a privacy protection technology.Even in an anonymized database, it is ... [more] IT2022-99 ISEC2022-78 WBS2022-96 RCC2022-96
RCC, ISEC, IT, WBS 2023-03-15
Yamaguchi (Yamaguchi, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Garbled Circuit Construction Method Using Linked List of Hash Functions
Guangjian Liu, Tiancheng Wang, Hikaru Morita (Kanagawa Univ.) IT2022-114 ISEC2022-93 WBS2022-111 RCC2022-111
 [more] IT2022-114 ISEC2022-93 WBS2022-111 RCC2022-111
MI 2023-03-06
Okinawa OKINAWA SEINENKAIKAN (Okinawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Report on MICCAI 2022
Hayato Itoh, Masahiro Oda, Chen Shen, Cheng Wang (Nagoya Univ.), Kanta Miura (Tohoku Univ.), Junya Sato (Osaka Univ.), Yoshito Otake (NAIST), Ryoma Bise (Kyushu Univ.), Ryo Furukawa (Kindai Univ.), Hidekata Hontani (NITech), Yoshitaka Masutani (Tohoku Univ.), Kensaku Mori (Nagoya Univ.) MI2022-79
In this paper, we overview the outlines of MICCAI 2022’s main conference sessions and satellite workshops. Several inter... [more] MI2022-79
PRMU, IBISML, IPSJ-CVIM [detail] 2023-03-02
Hokkaido Future University Hakodate (Hokkaido, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
PRMU2022-96 IBISML2022-103 (To be available after the conference date) [more] PRMU2022-96 IBISML2022-103
CAS, ICTSSL 2021-01-28
Online Online (Online) On differential equations of nonlinear NPN bipolar transistor for LSTM neural networks
Cheng Wang, Hong Mo Yong, Zhi Hui He, Kazuya Ozawa, Kaito Isogai, Hideaki Okazaki (Shonan Inst.Tech) CAS2020-37 ICTSSL2020-22
In this report,we discuss how to build differential equations of
a nonlinear NPN bipolar transistor for Long
Short Te... [more]
CAS2020-37 ICTSSL2020-22
CAS, ICTSSL 2021-01-28
Online Online (Online) On differential equations and numerical approximations of a nonlinear field effect transistor for LSTM neural networks
Zhihui He, Cheng Wang, Moyong Hong, Kazuya Ozawa, Kaito Isogai, Hideaki Okazaki (Shonan Inst. Tech) CAS2020-39 ICTSSL2020-24
In this report,we discuss how to build differential equations and numerical approximations of a nonlinear field effect t... [more] CAS2020-39 ICTSSL2020-24
CAS, ICTSSL 2021-01-29
Online Online (Online) On numerical approximated solutions of state equations for a multirotor using a LSTM NN
MoYong Hong, ZhiHui He, Cheng Wang, Kazuya Ozawa, Kaito Isogai, Hideaki Okazaki (Shonan Inst. Tech) CAS2020-58 ICTSSL2020-43
In this presentation, LSTM is applied to estimate dynamic behavior of a multirotor. The numerical approximated solutions... [more] CAS2020-58 ICTSSL2020-43
IT 2020-12-02
Online Online (Online) Multi-level ghost imaging with non-orthogonal quantum states
Yasuyuki Okada, Jun Yamauchi (Aichi Univ), Yuto Takahashi (Meijo Univ), Tiancheng Wang, Tsuyoshi Sasaki Usuda (Aichi Univ) IT2020-41
Entanglement is an important resource in quantum protocols.
As one of important applications to quantum information t... [more]
IT 2020-12-02
Online Online (Online) Geometric Representation of Belavkin Weighted Square-Root Measurement for Pure State Signals
Shogo Isokawa, Ryota Nakagawa, Tiancheng Wang, Tsuyoshi Sasaki Usuda (Aichi Pref. Univ.) IT2020-42
Determining the states of signals accurately is a challenge for quantum information science. In order to deal with the i... [more] IT2020-42
IT 2020-12-02
Online Online (Online) Kraus Representation of Probabilistic Attenuated Channel
Ryota Nakagawa, Tiancheng Wang, Tsuyoshi Sasaki Usuda (Aichi Pref. Univ.) IT2020-43
The beam wandering is an inherent effect in wireless quantum communication and is considered to be a kind of fading effe... [more] IT2020-43
MICT, MI 2018-11-06
Hyogo University of Hyogo (Hyogo) Investigation on the condition of using adjacent reconstruction in visual bronchoscope tracking
Cheng Wang, Masahiro Oda, Yuichiro Hayashi (Nagoya Univ.), Takayuki Kitasaka (Aichi Inst. Univ.), Hirotoshi Honma (Sapporo Kosei General Hosp.), Hirotsugu Takabatake (Sapporo Minami Sanjo Hosp.), Masaki Mori (Sapporo Kosei General Hosp.), Hiroshi Natori (Keiwakai Nishioka Hosp.), Kensaku Mori (Nagoya Univ.) MICT2018-43 MI2018-43
This paper reports the condition of using adjacent reconstruction during SLAM-based visual bronchoscope tracking. Visual... [more] MICT2018-43 MI2018-43
MI, MICT 2017-11-06
Kagawa Sunport Hall Takamatsu (Kagawa) Study on Robustness of ORB-SLAM Based Outlier Elimination in Bronchoscope Tracking -- RANSAC + EPnP for Outlier Detection --
Cheng Wang, Masahiro Oda, Yuichiro Hayashi (Nagoya Univ.), Hirotoshi Honma (Sapporo-Kosei General Hospital), Hirotsugu Takabatake (Sapporo-Minami-Sanjo Hospital), Masaki Mori (Sapporo-Kosei General Hospital), Hiroshi Natori (Keiwakai Nishioka Hospital), Kensaku Mori (Nagoya Univ.) MICT2017-36 MI2017-58
In this paper, we investigate the robustness of outlier removal in posture tracking of bronchoscope based on ORB-SLAM. O... [more] MICT2017-36 MI2017-58
ISEC 2017-09-04
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) Stabilizer Based Quantum Secret Sharing Constructed from Algebraic Curves
Cheng Wang (Saitama Univ.), Takeshi Koshiba (Waseda Univ.) ISEC2017-44
In this paper we proposed a quantum secret sharing scheme constructed from algebraic curves and the stabilizer quantum e... [more] ISEC2017-44
 Results 1 - 13 of 13  /   
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