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 Results 1 - 11 of 11  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
OPE 2015-12-11
Ishikawa Shiinoki Cultural Complex 25-Gbps Error-Free Transmission over 2-km SMF and 100-m OM3 MMF Using Silicon Photonics Transmitter and CMOS Receiver
Yuki Wakayama, Tadashi Okumura, Misuzu Sagawa, Yasunobu Matsuoka, Hideo Arimoto (Hitachi), Yoshinori Sunaga (Hitachi Metals) OPE2015-146
We demonstrated 1310-nm 25-Gbps error-free transmission over both 2-km single-mode fiber and 100-m OM3 multi-mode fiber ... [more] OPE2015-146
CPM, OPE, LQE, R, EMD 2015-08-28
Aomori Aomori-Bussankan-Asupamu A 50-Gb/s Optical Transmitter Using a Lens-integrated DFB-LD and a Laser Diode Driver based on 0.18-um SiGe Process
Takashi Takemoto, Yasunobu Matsuoka, Hidenori Yonezawa, Hiroki Yamashita, Koichiro Adachi, Takahiro Nakamura, Hideo Arimoto (Hitachi) R2015-39 EMD2015-47 CPM2015-63 OPE2015-78 LQE2015-47
The current explosive increase in the data traffic causes a rapid expansion in the total throughput for intra-rack and r... [more] R2015-39 EMD2015-47 CPM2015-63 OPE2015-78 LQE2015-47
OCS, OPE, LQE 2014-10-30
Nagasaki Nagasaki Museum of History and Culture A vertically illuminated Germanium Photodiode for 25Gbps multi-mode-fiber optical interconnect
Tadashi Okumura, Yuki Wakayama, Yasunobu Matsuoka, Katsuya Oda, Misuzu Sagawa, Takashi Takemoto, Etsuko Nomoto, Hideo Arimoto, Shigehisa Tanaka (Hitachi) OCS2014-65 OPE2014-109 LQE2014-83
For a multi mode fiber optical link, a high speed silicon photonics receiver based on a highly alignment tolerant vertic... [more] OCS2014-65 OPE2014-109 LQE2014-83
OPE, LQE, CPM, EMD, R 2013-08-30
Hokkaido sun-refre Hakodate Full C-band and Uncooled Operation of an InP Mach-Zehnder Modulator Monolithically Integrated with SOA for 10.7Gbps-80km Transmission
Noriko Sasada, Akira Nakanishi, Yasushi Sakuma, Ryu Washino, Kaoru Okamoto, Kazuhiko Naoe (Oclaro), Hideo Arimoto, Shigehisa Tanaka (Hitachi) R2013-51 EMD2013-57 CPM2013-76 OPE2013-80 LQE2013-50
We have developed an InP-based Mach-Zehnder (MZ) modulator monolithically integrated with semiconductor optical amplifie... [more] R2013-51 EMD2013-57 CPM2013-76 OPE2013-80 LQE2013-50
LQE 2012-12-13
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. 10.7Gbps-80km Fiber Transmission of Full C-band Tunable TOSA with LGLC Tunable Laser
Kazuhiko Naoe, Atsushi Nakamura, Noriko Sasada, Akira Nakanishi, Yasushi Sakuma, Katsuya Motoda, Takeshi Yamashita, Tomohiko Yahagi (Oclaro), Takanori Suzuki, Hideo Arimoto, Shigehisa Tanaka (Hitachi CRL) LQE2012-134
LGLC tunable laser which was integrated with lateral grating assisted lateral co-directional coupler (LGLC) as the tunab... [more] LQE2012-134
LQE, OPE 2011-06-30
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. Wavelength Tunable Laser Integrated With a Lateral-Grating-Assisted Lateral Co-directional Coupler
Takanori Suzuki, Hideo Arimoto, Takeshi Kitatani, Aki Takei, Takafumi Taniguchi, Kazunori Shinoda, Shigehisa Tanaka, Shinji Tsuji (Hitachi), Jun Igarashi, Atsushi Nakamura, Kazuhiko Naoe, Masanobu Okayasu (Opnext) OPE2011-16 LQE2011-16
 [more] OPE2011-16 LQE2011-16
OCS, LQE, OPE 2008-10-24
Fukuoka Kyushu Univ. Experimental study of fast wavelength switching in a short-cavity DBR Lasers
Hideo Arimoto, Takeshi Kitatani, Tomonobu Tsuchiya, Kazunori Shinoda, Masahiro Aoki, Shinji Tsuji (Hitachi CRL) OCS2008-77 OPE2008-120 LQE2008-89
 [more] OCS2008-77 OPE2008-120 LQE2008-89
LQE, OPE, OCS 2007-11-01
Fukuoka   32-nm Continuous Wavelength Tuning in Short-Cavity DBR laser array with n-doped active DBR structure
Hideo Arimoto, Takeshi Kitatani, Tomonobu Tsuchiya, Kazunori Shinoda, Aki Takei, Tsukuru Ohtoshi, Masahiro Aoki, Shinji Tsuji (Hitachi) OCS2007-54 OPE2007-109 LQE2007-95
We study a short-cavity DBR laser to realize a fast wavelength tunable laser which is a key componet for the next genera... [more] OCS2007-54 OPE2007-109 LQE2007-95
LQE 2006-12-08
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. High speed wavelength control of a short-cavity DBR laser module using a built-in wavelength locker
Taishi Kagimoto, Tatsuya Kimoto, Kengo Muranushi, Tatsuro Kurobe, Akihiko Kasukawa (Furukawa Electric/OITDA), Eisuke Otani, Wu Jie (Furukawa Electric), Nobuyuki Kagi (Furukawa Electric/OITDA), Hideo Arimoto, Shinji Tsuji (Hitachi CRL/OITDA)
 [more] LQE2006-111
LQE, OPE 2005-06-24
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. Wavelength tunable short cavity DBR laser using active DBR structure
Hideo Arimoto, Takeshi Kitatani, Tomonobu Tsuchiya, Kazunori Shinoda, Aki Takei, Hiroyuki Uchiyama, Masahiro Aoki, Shinji Tsuji (Hitachi CRL)
We study a short-cavity DBR laser to realize a fast wavelength tunable source as a key componet for the next generation ... [more] OPE2005-19 LQE2005-18
LQE, OCS, OPE 2004-11-04
Fukuoka Kyushu Institute of Technology Uncooled operation of a 1.55-um, 40-Gbit/s InGaAlAs EA modulator
Hideo Arimoto, Junichiro Shimizu, Masataka Shirai, Masahiro Aoki (CRL, Hitachi)
We demonstrated 40-Gbit/s operations of 1.55-m InGaAlAs multiple-quantum-well (MQW) electro-absorption (EA) modu... [more] OCS2004-90 OPE2004-155 LQE2004-99
 Results 1 - 11 of 11  /   
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