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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
SIP 2024-08-27
Fukui University of Fukui (Bunkyo Campus)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Enhancing robustness using multiple random orthogonal matrices for voice privacy-preserving
Kohei Tanaka, Hitoshi Kiya, Sayaka Shiota (TMU)
ITE-IDY, EID, SID-JC [detail] 2022-07-29
Online Online (Zoom) [Invited Talk] Advanced Hybrid Process with Back Contact IGZO-TFT
Masatomo Honjo, Yujiro Takeda, Mehadi Aman, Kazuatsu Ito, Kohei Tanaka, Hiroshi Matsukizono, Wataru Nakamura (SDTC)
We propose the new structure of hybrid backplane technology with IGZO-TFT and LTPS. In this structure, IGZO is directly ... [more]
WIT, HI-SIGACI 2019-12-05
Tokyo AIST Tokyo Waterfront (TBD) Real-time Sign Language to Text Interpretation on Crowdsourcing -- Prototype System Using Live Video Streaming --
Kohei Tanaka, Daisuke Wakatsuki, Hiroki Minagawa (NTUT) WIT2019-39
(To be available after the conference date) [more] WIT2019-39
DE 2016-09-14
Kanagawa Keio Univ. (Hiyoshi Campus) A study of handling Missing Values Collaborative Filtering using Deep Learning
Kohei Tanaka, Aki Kobayashi (Kogakuin Univ.) DE2016-20
Collaborative filtering (CF) processing using Deep Neural Network (dNN) for recommender systems have been developed.
T... [more]
SANE 2015-05-29
Kanagawa JAXA Sagamihara Campus Toward Mounting Safe Lithium-ion Batteries on satellites
Kohei Tanaka (Sokendai), Yoshihiro Tsuruda (Univ. of Tokyo), Masayasu Matsui (NESTRA), Masahi Ishikawa, Masaki Yamagata (Kansai Univ.), Michiyuki Kono (iElectrolyte LCC), Shinichi Kimura (Tokyo University of Science), Seiko Shirasaka (Keio Univ.), Shinichi Nakasuka (Univ. of Tokyo), Yoshitsugu Sone, Seisuke Fukuda (JAXA) SANE2015-9
In the consumer products market, a lot of high energy density lithium-ion batteries were developed, and among them, ther... [more] SANE2015-9
SANE 2014-05-23
Kanagawa JAXA Sagamihara Campus Estimation of Olivine Lithium-Ion Batteries for MicroXSAR Mission by Cycle Life Test
Kohei Tanaka (SOKENDAI), Yoshitsugu Sone, Seisuke Fukuda, Hirobumi Saito (JAXA) SANE2014-14
 [more] SANE2014-14
ITE-MMS, ITE-CE, MRIS [detail] 2013-01-25
Osaka   Display Layout Management Models for Context-Aware Systems
Kohei Tanaka, Akira Toyooka, Nobutoshi Todoroki, Chihiro Morita (Mitsubishi Electric corp.)
R 2011-10-21
Fukuoka   Advance Estimate of Accuracy of Predicting Normal State by using DB model for Fault Detection
Kohei Tanaka, Akemi Fujihara, Naoki Kimura, Yoshifumi Tsuge (Kyushu Univ.) R2011-27
In a plant with load-fluctuations, it is difficult to detect the abnormality because the normal values are not
constan... [more]
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