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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 7 of 7  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
IBISML 2022-03-09
Online Online (Online) Learning coefficients of deep linear neural networks
Ryuji Ito, Miki Aoyagi, Seikai Ashizawa, Yuki Tsukamoto (Nihon Univ.), Daisuke Kaji (Denso) IBISML2021-45
Recently, the learning theory has been analyzed based on resolution of learning machine singularities in algebraic geome... [more] IBISML2021-45
IBISML 2021-03-03
Online Online (Online) Learning coefficients of normal mixture models in one dimension.
Genki Watanabe, Ryuji Ito, Miki Aoyagi (Nihon Univ.) IBISML2020-48
Hierarchical learning models are widely used for data analysis in image or speech recognition, economics and so on. How... [more] IBISML2020-48
WPT 2017-03-06
Kyoto Kyoto Univ. Uji Campus (Kyoto) A WPT System for Seabed Drilling Based on Periodic Structures Theory
Ryuji Ito, Toshio Ishizaki (Ryukoku Univ), Tomoya Inoue, Junya Ishiwata (JAMSTEC), Ikuo Awai (Ryutech corp) WPT2016-71
We want to send power to the several 100 tips of a 10-meter metal pipe connected each other when carrying out the ultra-... [more] WPT2016-71
AI 2017-02-18
Okayama (Okayama) Reference model in business for data marketplace
Jun Nakamura (SIT), Ryuji Ito (SEC) AI2016-29
Data transaction might have most likely been relative one, i.e., corporate A versus corporate B, or one to multiple stak... [more] AI2016-29
MW, WPT 2016-04-21
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) Creation of Localized E/M Field and High-performance 2-dimensional Wireless Power Transfer by Use of Pair Resonators
Ikuo Awai (Ryutech), Ryuji Ito, Tatsuya Hiraiwa, Toshio Ishizaki (Ryukoku Univ.) WPT2016-4 MW2016-4
We have tried to control E/M field distribution by coupling multiple coils electromagnetically and make them work as one... [more] WPT2016-4 MW2016-4
Overseas TamKang University, Tamsui Campus (Overseas) Application of Pair Resonators to the WPT System
Ryuji Ito, Toshio Ishizaki (Ryukoku Univ), Ikuo Awai (Ryutech corp)
(Joint) [detail]
Kyoto   (Kyoto) Study of Operating Frequency in a WPT System for Robot Fish in Aquarium
Ryuji Ito, Tatsuya Hiraiwa, Toshio Ishizaki (Ryukioku Univ), Ikuo Awai (Ryutech Corp) WPT2015-38
We have been studying wireless power transfer for robot fish in an aquarium. Though we have chosen 1MHz for the operatin... [more] WPT2015-38
 Results 1 - 7 of 7  /   
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