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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
EE 2024-03-11
Tokyo (Tokyo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Simplification and Experimental Verification of Coupled Inductor ZVS Assisted PFC
Tomokazu Ikarashi, Eiji Takegami, Takahiro Harada (TDK-Lambda), Kimihiro Nishijima (Sojo Univ.) EE2023-59
In kW-class Power-Factor-Correction(PFC) converters, Zero-Voltage-Switching(ZVS) is one of solutions for compatibility o... [more] EE2023-59
Online Online (Online) Effects of 1-bit Comparator for Power over CAN Signal Transmission
Takahiro Hara, Daisuke Umehara (KIT) CS2020-76
Controller area network (CAN) is widely used for in-vehicle networks. In recent years, much more reducing for CAN wiring... [more] CS2020-76
CS 2019-07-04
Kagoshima Amami City Social Welfare Center (Kagoshima) Effects of Comparator on CAN Transmission Characteristics
Takahiro Hara, Daisuke Umehara (KIT) CS2019-30
Controller area network (CAN) is widely used for in-vehicle networks.
In recent years, CAN with flexible data-rate (CAN... [more]
DE, IPSJ-DBS, IPSJ-IFAT 2017-09-18
Tokyo Ochanomizu University (Tokyo) Continuous Top-k Result Diversification for Mobile Sensor Data Stream Environment
Masahiro Yokoyama, Takahiro Hara (Osaka Univ.), Sanjay Kumar Madria (Missouri S&T) DE2017-14
(To be available after the conference date) [more] DE2017-14
DE, IPSJ-DBS, IPSJ-IFAT 2017-09-18
Tokyo Ochanomizu University (Tokyo) A Visualization System for Social Sensor Sharing System for a Platform to Generate and Share Social Sensor Data
Keisuke nakashima, Masahiro Yokoyama, Tomoki Yoshihisa, Takahiro Hara (Osaka Univ.) DE2017-15
Our research team has been developing S3system to generate and share social sensors and their data. It is difficult in c... [more] DE2017-15
DE 2017-06-23
Tokyo (Tokyo) Construction of Life Event Prediction Model using Tendency of Word Occurrence in User's Tweet History
Shun Abe (Osaka Univ.), Masumi Shirakawa (hapicom), Takahiro Hara (Osaka Univ.), Kazushi Ikeda, Keiichiro Hoashi (KDDI Research) DE2017-1
In this paper, we propose a method for constructing life event prediction models using the tendency of word occurrences ... [more] DE2017-1
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