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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 10 of 10  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
IA, ICSS 2024-06-17
Okayama Okayama University
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Construction of a simulation environment for HEMS and experiments using MAPPO
Ryuto Shimizu, Xun Shao (TUT) IA2024-1 ICSS2024-1
 [more] IA2024-1 ICSS2024-1
IA, ICSS 2024-06-17
Okayama Okayama University
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Optimal partitioning method among heterogeneous edge nodes in CNN models
Ryoya Okamoto, Xun Shao (TUT) IA2024-2 ICSS2024-2
In recent years, building lightweight models has become important to solve edge computing challenges in running complex ... [more] IA2024-2 ICSS2024-2
ICM 2019-07-11
Hokkaido   [Invited Talk] Joint Optimization of Computing Resources and Data Allocation for MEC: An Online Approach
Xun Shao (Kitami Tech) ICM2019-10
In this work, we carry out an in-depth study on the interaction of computing resource allocation and data placement in m... [more] ICM2019-10
IA 2016-01-29
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. B3 Kenshu-2 room An effective and cost efficient load balancing method for range queriable cloud storage
Xun Shao, Masahiro Jibiki, Yuuichi Teranishi, Nozomu Nishinaga (NICT) IA2015-85
The rising popularity of big data processing for semantically rich applications such as social networks and IoT (Interne... [more] IA2015-85
IA 2015-01-30
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. Relieving Flash Crowds for Skip Graph with a Virtual Replica Nodes
Xun Shao, Masahiro Jibiki, Yuuichi Teranishi, Nozomu Nishinaga (NICT) IA2014-85
 [more] IA2014-85
IA 2014-01-30
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. A Proximity Aware Extension of Skip Graph for World Wide Range Queries
Xun Shao, Masahiro Jibiki, Yuuichi Teranishi, Nozomu Nishinaga (NICT) IA2013-74
The rapid development of crowd sensing and cloud computing makes it possible to build world wide Cyber Physical Systems ... [more] IA2013-74
EMD 2013-11-16
Overseas Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, P.R.China Multi-physics Coupling Simulation in the Design of Thermal Overload Relay
Xun Shao, Weihua Wang, Xianping Yuan (Schneider Electric) EMD2013-86
Abstract: Thermal Overload Relay is a typical product under multi-physics coupling condition. The principle is that bime... [more] EMD2013-86
ICM 2013-03-14
Kagoshima Yakushima Environmental Culture Village Center An Interdomain Overlay Network Based on ISP Alliance
Xun Shao, Go Hasegawa, Yoshiaki Taniguchi, Hirotaka Nakano (Osaka Univ.) ICM2012-61
Recent research found that the standard interdomain routing protocol in today's Internet, BGP, is not optimal in end-to-... [more] ICM2012-61
Akita Akita University Modeling the Interaction of Overlay Routing and Multihoming ISP with Game Theory
Xun Shao, Go Hasegawa, Yoshiaki Taniguchi, Hirotaka Nakano (Osaka Univ.) ICM2012-11
Multihoming is widely used by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to obtain improved performance and availability when con... [more] ICM2012-11
NS 2011-05-19
Tokyo Sophia University The implication of overlay routing on ISPs' connecting strategies
Xun Shao, Go Hasegawa, Yoshiaki Taniguchi, Hirotaka Nakano (Osaka Univ.) NS2011-18
The Internet is composed of many distinct networks, operated by independent Internet Service Providers (ISPs). ISPs' tra... [more] NS2011-18
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