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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
- 2010-12-17
Miyazaki Miyazaki Seagai resort Annotation Software which cross-refer between Video and Bio-signals
Yumitaro Goda, Hisaya Tanaka, Yuji Nagashima (Kogkuin Univ)
Annotation software is a research tool to analyze a time structure of a human interaction. The analytical unit of tradit... [more]
- 2009-12-12
Hokkaido Sappolo Convention Center Research and Development of the Annotation Software for Dialogue Analysis
Yumitaro Goda, Hisaya Tanaka, Yuji Nagashima (Kogakuin Univ.)
Movie Analysis Tool (MAT) has been researched and developed for the interaction analysis of Japanese sign language. This... [more]
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