Print edition: ISSN 0913-5685 Online edition: ISSN 2432-6380
[TOP] | [2006] | [2007] | [2008] | [2009] | [2010] | [2011] | [2012] | [Japanese] / [English]
Development of a ground-based Synthetic Aperture Radar System for highly repeatable measurements
○Hoonyol Lee(Kangwon Nat'l Univ.)・Seong-Jun Cho・Nak-Hoon Sung・Jung-Ho Kim(KIGAM)
pp. 1 - 5
A Spatial-Frequency Filter Design to Suppress Direct Wave for Bistatic Radar
○Naoki Hayashi・Motoyuki Sato(Tohoku Univ.)
pp. 7 - 12
GPR for humanitarian demining
○Motoyuki Sato(Tohoku Univ.)
pp. 13 - 17
Generalized optimum running estimation of multi-dimensional signals and some applications
Yuichi Kida(Ohu Univ.)・○Takuro Kida(Nihon Univ.)
pp. 19 - 24
A field measurement with an array-type directional borehole radar system
○Takuya Takayama・Motoyuki Sato(Tohoku Univ)
pp. 25 - 29
Modeling study on crosshole radar measurement
-- The format of technical report --
○Takao Kobayashi・Jung-Ho Kim(KIGAM)
pp. 31 - 35
[ポスター講演]Crosshole GPR monitoring of infiltration process in a vadose zone
○Hannuree Jang(Pukyong Nat. Univ.)・Seiichiro Kuroda(NIRE)・Hee Joon Kim(Pukyong Nat. Univ.)
pp. 37 - 42
Cross borehole radar monitoring for the vadose zone dynamics beneath an artificial pond
○Seiichiro Kuroda(NIRE)・Tatsuya Shibuya(Toyama pref.)・Takehiko Okuyama・Mutsuo Takeuchi(NIRE)
pp. 43 - 46
Joint Inversion of DC Resistivity and Travel Time Tomography Data Based on Multiple Constraints
○Jung-Ho Kim・Myeong-Jong Yi・Chang Soo Cho(KIGAM)
pp. 47 - 52
[招待講演]Electromagnetic fields and geophysical properties of earth materials
○Ki Ha Lee(LBNL)
pp. 53 - 57
Measurements of micro-electric potential and acoustic emission accompanied with specimen failure in uniaxial compressive test
○Seong-Jun Cho(KIGAM)・Jong-Wook Kim(KIGAM/Chonbuk Nat'l Univ.)・Sam-Gyu Park(KIGAM)・Young-Soo Song(Chonbuk Nat'l Univ.)・Nak-Hun Sung・Jung-Ho Kim(KIGAM)
pp. 59 - 60
[ポスター講演]A 3D analysis of MT data collected in Pohang, Korea
○Nuree Han(Seoul Natl. Univ.)・Myung Jin Nam(Univ. of Texas at Austin)・Hee Joon Kim(Pukyong Natl. Univ.)・Tae Jong Lee・Yoonho Song(KIGAM)・Jung Hee Suh(Seoul Natl. Univ.)
pp. 61 - 66
Magnetotelluric surveys at Century Mine, Northern Australia
○Seong Kon Lee・Tae Jong Lee・Yoonho Song(KIGAM)・James Cull(Monash Univ.)・Barry Murphy(Univ. of Melbourne)
pp. 67 - 70
[ポスター講演]Interpretation of static-shifted 2D MT data observed in Jeju Island using 3D inversion
○Jihyang Choi(Seoul Natl. Univ.)・Hee Joon Kim(Pukyong Natl. Univ.)・Myung Jin Nam(Univ.of at Austin)・Tae Jong Lee(KIGAM)・Nuree Han(Pukyong Natl. Univ.)・Yoonho Song(KIGAM)・Jung Hee Suh(Seoul Natl. Univ.)
pp. 71 - 76
Three-dimensional SIP Imaging of the drill-hole core sample
-- preliminary study : numerical simulation --
○JeongSul Son・JungHo Kim・SeungJun Cho・MyeongJong Yi(KIGAM)
pp. 77 - 80
3-D modeling of surface-to-borehole electromagnetic survey
○Yonghyun Chung(Seoul Nat'l. Univ.)・Seong Kon Lee・Yoonho Song・Tae Jong Lee(KIGAM)・Changsoo Shin(Seoul Nat'l. Univ.)
pp. 81 - 82
Visualization of subsurface inhomogenieties by 3-D ERT
○Myeong-Jong Yi・Jung-Ho Kim・Jeong-Sul Son(KIGAM)
pp. 83 - 88
Signal-to-Clutter Ratio Enhancement of GPR image using Eigenimage Filtering
○Seung-Yeup Hyun(KIST)・Sang-Wook Kim(Isung Eng.)・Se-Yun Kim(KIST)
pp. 89 - 92
The Development of a Pulse Borehole Radar System for Underground Cavity Detection
○Sang-Wook Kim(Isung Eng.)・Seung-Yeup Hyun(KIST)・Jeong-Hak Lee・Sung-Yong Lee(Isung Eng.)・Jae-Hyoung Cho(KIST)・Kuk-Taek Oh(Isung Eng.)・Se-Yun Kim(KIST)
pp. 93 - 97
Measured dielectric properties of borehole cores using an open-ended coaxial probe
○Ji-hyun Jung・Se-Yun Kim(KIST)
pp. 99 - 102
注: 本技術報告は査読を経ていない技術報告であり,推敲を加えられていずれかの場に発表されることがあります.