Print edition: ISSN 0913-5685 Online edition: ISSN 2432-6380
[TOP] | [2009] | [2010] | [2011] | [2012] | [2013] | [2014] | [2015] | [Japanese] / [English]
Multi-Linear Subspace Learning Methods for Statistical Texture Atlases of the Liver
Yen-Wei Chen, Xu Qiao (Ritsumeikan Univ.)
pp. 1 - 4
Effects of visio-spatial perturbation on hand movements.
Tatsuya Watanabe, Takuya Tsukisawa, Masashi Sata, Makoto Takahashi (Hokkaido Univ.)
pp. 5 - 8
Accuracy evaluation of a system for measurement and analysis of tremor using a three-axis accelerometer.
Noritaka Mamorita (HIT), Takahiro Iizuka (Kitasato Univ), Masaji Yamashita, Masataka Kitama, Hisae Shimizu, Junji Arisawa (HIT), Harukazu Tsuruta, Akihiro Takeuchi, Noriaki Ikeda (Kitasato Univ)
pp. 9 - 12
Studys for distance of conducting waves by using m-ch surface-EMG
Takahiro Akahori, Naoaki Itakura, Kazuyuki Mito (UEC)
pp. 13 - 16
A study for the time and load change of conducting waves by using the multi-channel surface EMG
Tomohiro Kosuge, Naoaki Itakura, Kazuyuki Mito (UEC)
pp. 17 - 22
Measurement of Pulse Transit Time using ECG Sensor and PPG(Photoplethysmography) Sensor mounted Neckband Device.
Shiho Ikeda, Hitoshi Ishimura, Masafumi Matsumura (OECU)
pp. 23 - 26
Non-restrictive Monitoring of Elderly Individual Coughing Using a Throat Microphone
-- Data Collection System of Card Size Equipped with MSP430 --
Narihisa Doko (OECU), Hajime Tsujimura (OECU/Care Center Gamouno), Masafumi Matsumura (OECU)
pp. 27 - 30
Detection of eye movement and Wink using nano-Tesla sensor
Yuya Kazama, Naoaki Itakura, Kazuyuki Mito, Tota Mizuno (Electro-Communications Univ.)
pp. 31 - 36
Biological responses evoked by anger stimulation and their correlation with subjective evaluation scores
Masaji Yamashita, Noritaka Mamorita, Masataka Kitama, Junji Arisawa, Hisae Shimizu (HIT)
pp. 37 - 42
Involvement of deep brain regions for locomotion control: an MRI study
Akira Toyomura, Shinya Kuriki (Tokyo Denki Univ.)
pp. 43 - 46
Spectral analysis of electroencephalogram in focal hand dystonia
Yasunari Hashimoto (Kitami Inst. of Tech.), Tetsuo Ota (Asahikawa Med. Univ.)
pp. 47 - 50
Note: Each article is a technical report without peer review, and its polished version will be published elsewhere.