Print edition: ISSN 0913-5685 Online edition: ISSN 2432-6380
[TOP] | [2013] | [2014] | [2015] | [2016] | [2017] | [2018] | [2019] | [Japanese] / [English]
A fundamental study on terahertz wave imaging using amplitude correlating synthesis method
Ryo Toh, Koji Suizu (Chiba Inst. Tech.)
pp. 1 - 5
Removal of Liquid in a Wavy Elongated Pore by High-Intensity Aerial Ultrasonic Waves and High Pressure aerial flow
Kohei Ishii, Ayumu Osumi, Youichi Ito (Nihon Univ.)
pp. 7 - 12
Effect on giant cluster-like vesicles by an ultrasonically activated device
Ryosuke Yahagi, Kenji Yoshida, Yiting Zhang, Masahiko Ebata, Tadashi Yamaguchi, Hideki Hayashi (Chiba Univ.)
pp. 13 - 18
Basic examination for analyzing acoustic characteristics of cell organelle
Deng ZhiHao, Kazuyo Ito, Kenji Yoshida, Hitoshi Maruyama, Tadashi Yamaguchi (Chiba Univ.)
pp. 19 - 24
High accuracy and high speed imaging and displacement measurement using high speed beamforming and high speed signal processing (2nd report)
Chikayoshi Sumi (Sophia Univ)
pp. 25 - 30
New superresolution for high spatial resolution imaging (2nd report)
-- Imaging via linear and nonlinear processings and imaging of instantaneous phase on plane wave transmissions --
Chikayoshi Sumi (Sophia Univ.)
pp. 31 - 35
Effect of trabecular bone density on two wave phenonmenon
Shoko Nakanishi, Takuma Hachiken, Yuki Imoto, Mami Matsukawa (Doshisha Univ.)
pp. 37 - 40
Note: Each article is a technical report without peer review, and its polished version will be published elsewhere.