IEICE Technical Report

Print edition: ISSN 0913-5685      Online edition: ISSN 2432-6380

Volume 117, Number 330

Image Engineering

Workshop Date : 2017-11-30 - 2017-12-01 / Issue Date : 2017-11-23


[TOP] | [2014] | [2015] | [2016] | [2017] | [2018] | [2019] | [2020] | [Japanese] / [English]


Table of contents

Requirements on the IoT communication platform and standardization trends -- Interim report --
Tetsuya Yokotani (KIT)
pp. 1 - 6

Analysis of traffic on surveillance camera system and hardware emulation
Yoshki Kuwabara, Kosuke Tsuchiya, Koji Omote, Tetsuya Yokotani, Hiroaki Mukai (KIT)
pp. 7 - 12

Camera Calibration for 3D Modeling with Multiple RGB-D Sensors
Yoshiki Kusatsugu, Norishige Fukushima (NIT)
pp. 13 - 18

Development of a Synchronized Video Streaming System Using MMT
Yasuhiro Mochida, Takahiro Yamaguchi, Tatsuya Fujii (NTT)
pp. 19 - 24

[Invited Talk] Real-Time HDTV-to-8K Converter with Super Resolution
Seiichi Gohshi (Kogakuin Univ.)
pp. 25 - 30

[Special Invited Talk] Ray-Space Processing for Omnidirectional FTV
Masayuki Tanimoto (NISRI), Hirokuni Kurokawa (Univ. of Aizu)
pp. 31 - 36

Face detection and recognition for TV programs
Yoshihiko Kawai, Takahiro Mochizuki, Masanori Sano (NHK)
pp. 55 - 58


Yusuke Uemoto, Keita Takahashi, Toshiaki Fujii (Nagoya Univ.)
pp. 59 - 62

Discovering Optimal Matching among Projected Image Sets with View Constraints for 3D Object Detection in Point Clouds
Tomoaki Yamazaki, Daisuke Sugimura, Takayuki Hamamoto (Tokyo Univ. of Science)
pp. 63 - 66

Fast PU inter mode selection method utilizing variance of motion vectors of the neighboring CUs
Takuma Iida, Toshio Kondo, Takahiro Sasaki, Yuki Fukazawa (Mie Univ.)
pp. 67 - 72

[Invited Talk] High-Performance Computing Programming for Image Processing Based on Computer Architecture
Norishige Fukushima (NIT)
pp. 73 - 78

High-quality Network-friendly Energy-efficient Field Monitoring System
Keigo Ogawa, Airi Sakaushi, Kenji Kanai, Jiro Katto, Toshitaka Tsuda (Waseda Univ.)
pp. 79 - 84

Simulation Evaluations of Cellular Communication Quality for 4K Video Monitoring System
Mayuko Okano, Airi Sakaushi, Kenji Kanai, Jiro Katto (Waseda Univ.)
pp. 85 - 89

Performance Evaluation of Centralized Massive MIMO Heterogeneous Network using Dynamic Small-cell Base Station Clustering
Wanming Hao, Osamu Muta (Kyushu Univ.)
pp. 91 - 95

A Study on PAPR Reduction based on Partial Scrambling SLM of OQAM-OFDM Signals
Tomoya Kageyama, Toshiki Okabe, Osamu Muta (Kyushu Univ.)
pp. 97 - 100

[Special Invited Talk] Next Generation of Information Retrieval for Value Creation from Big Data -- Introduction of AI and IoT Technologies into Associative Search --
Miki Haseyama (Hokkaido Univ.)
pp. 101 - 106

Note: Each article is a technical report without peer review, and its polished version will be published elsewhere.

The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), Japan